Also, the dog will go to the door to be let out but still keeps peeing in the house. How long does it take for them to be completely potty trained. Does anyone have any tips on potty training and trying to get him to sleep in the crate. I cannot trust him yet to not sleep in one.
This is a great crate training site.
go or call a good pet smart and see what they say or go under and ask the ? there. he seems still young though just takes patience and time
Just make him go in the crate and ignore him if he barks, eventually he will give up on complaining and just deal with it.
Tell him no when he pees in the house (you have to catch him while he's doing it, not after) and when he goes outside tell him he is a good dog while he goes.
Pottytraining is rough. We have a pitbull puppy and from the day we brought him home we have been crating him or keeping him in an enclosed area. He has finally learned to hold it and so immediately when we come home we take him out. You have to be consistent with them. Most dogs don't like the crate at first, especially if they were allowed to roam the house freely beforehand. But just be patient. Take him out AS SOON as he eats and drinks. He will eventually learn that he needs to do his business outside. When he does go outside give him a treat and praise him. What we did for a while is that we put some newspaper down when we let the dog out in the living room so if he did have to pee he would run to the newspaper and do it there instead of on the carpet. However, if we forgot to put newspaper down then he'd go on teh carpet. How old is your dog?
Oh a good tip for sleeping in the crate is to place a blanket or sheet over the crate at night - this will let him know that its time to go to bed and the whimpering and barking should stop. It worked for us. Our pup use to whine at all hours of the night but now when we put the sheet over the crate at night he goes right to sleep.
Good luck!
when your doberman is in the cage and he/she crys then say "no" or "quit" or "quiet." It still has to learn the basics. According to my cousin who is a vet and runs a shelter your dog can hold its bladder for 4 hours. I know its a small time interval but it is true from training my dog. The dog is almost potty trained.
Puppy school, but with a puppy you are the boss, they almost all cry in the crate.just like a baby, sometimes you need a bedtime routine.....
Quick hints:
He is not trained, yet so you have to watch him when he is not in the crate.
When he sniffs around, let him out to potty, immediately. If you can't see him, you won't know.
Don't leave him in the crate more than 4 hours during the day, and take him outside immediately, when you let him out.
Take him outside after feeding and drinking.
He might sleep in the crate, but you need to take him out after about 6 hours at night... Give him about 2 - 3 more months before you let him sleep all night.
3 months old?
That is 12 weeks!
I want to play mom.comes to mind.
At 3 months old there is no way puppy is house trained.
#1} Puppy has no choice but to sleep in crate. At bedtime give him a toy {one special toy that is only ever in the crate and never played with anywhere else} and close the crate door. Do not go back until time to go out. No matter how much going back otherwise puppy will learn how whinning and crying gets attention.
#2} Puppy can not last longer then 4 hours at this age.
#3} Puppy is never ever unattended in the house. You are still watching puppy like a hawk and when puppy shows any signs of potty time...outside you go. If you are unable to watch puppy like a his crate he goes.
Puppy's always want to be with you and will never sleep ina crate unless you train puppy to do so.
Crate training can be hard for a few days...endless crying at night. #1 not go to puppy.
Puppy's are smart and they will learn very fast that if they cry you come. This means next time they cry longer and harder to get you to come.
Bedtime: puppy has been outside to potty.give the special toy and night night see you in the morning.
Leave a radio on if puppy is too loud to help drown out the noise.
Definately make him sleep in the crate. Some dogs will protest by whining or barking, but if you don't give in they will eventually stop. Some people have their dogs sleep in crates forever, others will let them out when they're 100% house trained. I leave mine out now, and don't have any problems.
It can take up to 6 months old for a puppy to be able to hold her bladder long enough to be house trained. Its like trying to potty train an 11 month old human toddler - its just not going to work. A lot of dogs can do it sooner, 3 months is usually the earliest, so its possible she could do it now, but also possible that it may take more time.
I have fostered numerous puppies for my local shelter and house trained all of them, including my own pups (ages 8months and 5 months).
Wait until you have at least 2 days off work (if you work). First thing in the morning take the puppy out of the crate and put a leash on him, carry him outside to the spot you want him to pee on - and take him to this spot every single time. Pick a command, like "pee" or "go potty" or "go to the bathroom". Give the dog that command and wait until he goes (first thing in the morning, he probably will). When he goes praise him and get all excited, make a big deal out of it. When you go back inside, take him to his food to eat and drink. When he's done have him on the leash, following you around. After about 30 to 45 minutes take him back outside and give him the same command. If he doens't go - don't say anything to him, good or bad. Don't make eye contact, either, just take him back inside. If he does go praise him.
Have him follow you around on the leash for several days. Its not too hard, I did it with numerous dogs. Since he's with you, on a leash, he won't have a chance to go in the house and he'll learn to go outside. Take him out every hour or so and 30 to 45 mins after he eats or drinks. If you leave your house put him outiside or in his crate.
After a couple of days when he goes outside you can start letting him off the leash in the house for an hour or so. Then take him back outside. If he doesn't go, put him back on the leash and keep taking him out until he goes. Keep a close eye on him and if he seems to be pacing around, smelling the ground take him outside right away. After a day or 2 you can start leaving him off the leash for longer periods only if he doens't go in the house. If at any time he goes in the house don't punish him - unless you actually catch him going, he won't get it. Clean up the pee and if its on carpet spray a pet stain cleaner on it. If you actually catch him going, you can run over and sternly say "no, bad dog" then pick him up and take him outside. If he goes outside praise him a lot, if he doesn't go just ignore him and take him back in. But he has to go right back on the leash if he goes inside.
It only took about 1 week for most of my dogs to be house trained doing this (one really stupid 5 month old pit bull took 2 months) But I'm a stay at home mom, so I had more time than someone who works. But it works well.
3 months is still very young ! Don't give up. just be consistent. the crate is a great training tool. My 5 year old doberman wasn't completely potty trained until about 5 months !! With sleeping, I would tell him " go to bed" and he would get in, then I would give him a treat. At first he might cry or complain or throw a puppy tantrum..but I ignored it ! Do not reinforce negative behavior. Dobermans are very smart and learn quickly what is acceptable. After a few nights- he was fine. But during the day, make sure he is out of the crate and can run around, learn and exercise.
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