Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Pool For Dogs?

I love swimming with my dogs in my backyard pool and was wondering if any public pools had sorta like a Dog Day where owners could swim with their dogs in the pool?
Sorta like this:
you may want to check into pet resorts in your area. yes, there are pet resorts-i work in one in texas! it sounds funny but one of the services we actually offer is a large inground pool with one very shallow end and one deeper end. owner can drop their dogs off to swim with us for the day or they may choose to add it on to their boarding activities.
not that i know of but that sounds like quite a fun idea!!
And not only is it a lot of fun but it is also very good exercise for the dog to build up its muscles and the owner as well of course.
my spaniel is recovering from breaking her leg and she needs to regain her strength so i have a friend that has a pool in his back and i put my dog in there and she paddles which builds up her muscles.
I've never heard of bringing the dog to pool day but they do have a dog beach here in Florida where the dogs can go swimming all the time. It is fun, my 2 dachshunds love it.
there are pools which are made for dogs which owners can get it but these are usually just used for dogs with joint problems.
i doubt theirs any normal human ppols that do that though, due to health and safety.
id just look around you may find something
i think they should let dogs get into public pools
You can get dog fish and keep them in your house.
WOW! That would be great! Besides the fact that my dog hates water, she would LOVE it. She would be tempted to be in there to play with them. I have never seen or heard of a place for this, but it would be very cool.
I know the community pool where I live (Michigan) has Dog Days of Summer.the day before they drain the pool for the Summer they let all the dogs come in and play. It is a kids pool with fun things too, like sprayers and waterfalls. It's GREAT.
Yes they do! Usually after the local pools are closing at the end of the summer. Our town is having one next weekend with beach balls, water slides, and experienced dog handlers/swim therapists to assist the dogs and make it fun. Then they drain and clean the pool so it is ready for next year!

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