Thursday, July 30, 2009

A dog that has a lot of manners?

iam looking for a dog that has a lot of manners around the house meaning i dont want it to pee everywhere and i dont want it to bark when everyone is trying to sleep. i also want it to be very friendly and not ferocious at all. i want it to sit by me when iam watching tv, on the computer, studying and etc. ill be working and going to school but i can guarantee him/her a walk or a jog an hour a day, playing with it for a couple of hours or longer and when iam not playing with it ill have it by me when iam in the house. ive done some research and whippets seem to be a good choice. what do u guys think about whippets? do u guys have any other suggestions?
i understand the fact that they have to be trained out of those habits but iam looking for a dog that is really good at that.
You will need to train a dog.
Saint Bernards are awesome. =]
uh a Labrador
they are loyal and just great dogs all around
they LOVE the water
i have had one for about 2 years and she hardly ever does anything wrong and if she does she gets so upset it is kinda funny
but in my opinion labs are a no brainer
You're going to have to train any dog you get. But if you are consistent and use positive reinforcement training, you shouldn't have any problems. You might want to consider any breed that was bred as a companion. I am not sure about whether this is true of whippets, but some other examples are shih tzus or papillions.
Adopt don't buy. Lots of dogs are dying daily because the shelters are overcrowded. Lots of dogs in shelters or from rescue groups are trained and you have to work very little with them, only until they get use to you and trust you. They do need a lot of love and reassurance form you that you will protect them and give them attention.
Any breed/type of dog is capable of all that you have mentioned if you are willing to put in the time to train the dog. All dogs are "good at that". You just have to be willing to put in the time.
How about a cat?? Lol, just kidding.. You mentioned Whippets, they are pretty easygoing. Have you thought about even getting a Greyhound? They come a little bit older than a pup, around 3-4 yrs old, but you would be able to give it a great home. I've read that after they are "done" racing, they aren't treated well at all and are even killed in inhumane ways. We have 3 dogs right now ourselves, but I would love to get a Greyhound when ours leave us eventually. Good luck!
Most digs are smart if you teach them the right way,
BEAGLES! I have 2 and they are the loves of my life. Sometimes they win over my fiance. LOL I am a very crafty person and while I am crocheting, scrapbooking or whatever the activity may be, they are laying at my feet. Love to have me talk to them while I am working. Follow me around house when I do laundry. Lay at my feet while I do dishes. They are easy to train to behave in such manners. Plus the are very lovable. Doobie demands every ounce of love I have to give. Especially when it comes to belly rubbin time. Beagles love ppl and children. Did you everhear of a beagle attacking someone?
Every dog has it's pluses and minuses.
I've got about six Italian Greyhounds in my obedience classes right now. They are the next size down from Whippets. I like Whippets quite a bit.
All of the other things you are talking about are really obedience issues. The better trained, the better the dog.
Although much of what you want depends on how well you train and handle your dog, a whippet is a very good natured dog and I would highly recommend one for you. The only downside to a whippet is that it is risky to keep them off leash in unfenced areas as they are fast, have a strong prey drive, and can/will chase something and run off.
more info on whippets:
I recommend adopting an adult dog from a shelter. Yes, you can train a puppy to be housebroken and to obey you, but you can't create a people-centered, lounge-around-at-his-owner%26#039;s-f... personality. If that kind of relationship is important to you, get an adult dog whose personality is already developed and apparent. Focus more on the dog's behavior than its breed.

That's supposed to be owner's-feet. I don't know why it's not showing the whole word.
I have a 6 year old male pit bull. He would never dream of going to the restroom in the house. He is loving, loyal, protective..but pit bulls aren't for everyone. I have raised him since he was 2 weeks old.
Don't know anything about whippets.
Whippets sound like a good choice for you. They are not real easy to train as far as obedience wise(sit, stay, come), but they are naturally "well behaved" inside, as they are low energy indoors. They also house train easier than most "little" dogs. Also, do to thin coats, they crave a warm lap to sit in, at all times. If you want your whippet to play with toys, then you will need to introduce them to him at a very young age, most whippets ignore toys, but I have seen a few who love them.
Other breeds that may appeal to you: Italian Greyhounds are very similar to whippets, but smaller. Chinese Crested's have similar traits, but are higher energy and like to play more. They also bark more, but not as much as most little dogs. They also tend to be more difficult to house train. Also puffs have a lot more hair and the hairless need skin care! Pugs have a really different look than the other breeds, but are quiet and have good house manners. They do shed more(lots more) and are hard to house train, though!
Be sure to really research any breed you are interested in because all dogs have genetic health issues and breed specific problems. Calling a good breeder or contacting the breed club is a good idea, they can give you all sorts of great info. Also, remember to check into breed rescue groups, you may be able to get your dream dog there!!
A Whippet should fit those criteria, with training of course, unless you rescue one that's already been house trained.
If you decide against a Whippet, probably stick to other sight hounds (Greyhounds, Saluki, Irish Wolfhound, Afghan, Borzoi, Saluki) or one from the Sporting Class (A Britanny would be my first suggestion).
Now, all of these are high energy dogs and will need lots of excercise in order to be well behaved in the house.
in my experience shar pei are the best dogs to train, they are very smart and practically train themselves. had other dogs that were terrible pains but now i have 2 shar pei 1 is 2yrs old and 1 is 4 months old and i didnt have to potty train either one, they dont bark or chew anything and they are great companions who follow me around everywhere. search google for shar pei rescue in your state and adoopt!! they are wonderful and everyone else will be jealous of you. my next door neighbor has a whippet and you can hear the dog destroying stuff when she isnt home! and the dang thing barks all day!
umm.. most dogs needs training if not trained they will not know where to pee etc. i heard golden retrievers were pretty good dogs.
whippets are very shy and reserved and are wishy-washy with training. They are very affectionate, your difficulty would be off leash training.
Almost any has good manners, it just depends on how it's brought up. Some need more work than others though. Any trained dog has good manners. Go to for all of the training info you will need. I used this site for my dog and it is amazing.
A whippet is a very good bet: they are playful outside but very relaxed in the house. Like any other dog they need training and caring, but they are very responsive to their owners. I own two whippets, they ten years old and they make the most wonderful pets. As puppies they were more demanding: if you don't want to deal with a young dog, just adopt an adult. Sometimes breeders give for adoption retired champions, have a try!

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