Friday, July 31, 2009

After a female dog has puppies,,,how long do you have to wait to have her spade?

As long as you keep her away from any males, I would wait until she weans the pups.
You can use a spade at anytime on her. I suggest you wait until the puppies are eating solid food though. Then do it.
My Vet recommends getting the female spayed when the puppies are 3 months old. This will be in the middle of her cycle. Apparently it gives the hormones time to settle after the birth and should not be done before this.
You will have to wait until all the pups are completely weaned and her milk dry up a bit. One the pups are 8 weeks old I'd wait at least 2 to 3 weeks after that. Remember your dog will go back into another heat 6 months after her last heat. It doesn't matter if she had pup or not.
after the pups are weaned. you don't want her going in for surgery and away from the pups for long.
ask your vet to sched an appt for you the next time you bring in the puppies for a check up or shots... or just call now/or monday to set up your appt. they will know the best date to make the appt for

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