Yesterday, the neighbor's rottweiler was in our fenced in, locked, back yard. We share a fence with the neighbor. It had somehow jumped over that fence. My wife let our two chihuhuas out into our yard. She heard one of our dogs "screaming" and ran ( she's disabled, so ran as well as she could) to the other side of our above-ground pool.
What she saw was a large rottweiler with our little 6-7 lb. chihuhua in it's mouth, shaking it violently. Our other chihuhua was trying to bite the rottweiler, but for obvious reasons wasn't having much of an effect. The rott dropped our little baby dog and then picked it up again by the neck, shaking it some more.
I was not home at the time and my wife couldn't get the rott to let go of our dog. It took animal control a stun gun, a tranquilizer dart, and the owner coming back home to get the rott subdued.
Q - Why do people keep dogs that would do something like this??!
I have 4 big dogs, 2 of which are Dobermans. Not one of them would do something like that, they all love playing with little dogs. Just because that Rottweiler did that does not mean that all big dogs would. This is a case of an owner not properly training, socializing, and controlling their dog. Little dogs are capable of being vicious as well, but they just aren't as strong. The worst dog bite I have ever had, and I work in rescue so I've had quite a few, came from a miniature Pinscher.
I am truly sorry for what happened, but please do not blame all Rottweilers or big dogs. Most big dogs are gentle and well trained and would never hurt another dog. My big male Doberman allows little dogs to crawl all over him and he just sits there.
Obviously this owner is completely responsible for not properly handling his dog. Again, I am so sorry. What a tragedy.
because they don't know any better.
Any breed of dog could do something like that.. Especially to such a small breed of dog.. It's the fact that the owners aren't training their dog and keeping him under their care and control.
It is really a bad situation and I am sorry for your loss but not everyone who owns large dogs are this irresponsible.
Big Dogs are awesome dont get me wrong but small dogs are nice too. I have a 8 month 2 feet tall without standing on his hind-legs bullmastiff but hes awesome and he loves smaller dogs so now I want a smaller dog YEAH ME
How horrible! This is a prime example of irresponsible pet owners. If you choose to have an aggressive dog, then you need to MAKE SURE you have complete and total control AT ALL TIMES!
You can sue the Rott owner for killing you Chi's. It's an open and shut case.
I'm sorry for the loss of your dogs and that your wife had to witness such a gruesome sight.
i would sue,good luck
Too bad! You should sue your neighbour for not keeping his terrible and unmanageable dog under proper control and causing trauma and grief. Why do people keep such big dogs? Irrespective of size, dogs make good pets and do guard the house. Maybe in this case the dog was turning mad - like the elephants going into "must" and becoming uncontrollable - running amok.
I am very sorry that you and your wife had to experience this.
The owner of the Rotti is totally to blame here. A untrained dog will find a way to get anything if it wants to. Any breed for that matter could have done this too.
Again I'm sorry but blaming all large breed dogs is not right and most Rotti's I've come in contact with have been very well behaved and sweet dogs. This one isn't.
im sorry to hear that. but i dont think its really about the breed i think its more about the owner. dogs are animals, they dont know better but humans, know better.
Many people keep animals that are not under control. Either by training or by effective pens. The answer lies in the negligence of your neighbor not with the animal. It is especially not a characteristic of the size of the animal. I am very sorry for your lose but I feel you are stereotyping large animals.
I'm so very sorry.
I really believe that large dogs like this, especially the dominant guarding breeds should not be allowed to be owned by the general public. Did you call animal control and the police? This dog needs to end up in court to be destroyed if at all possible. And these people need to be prosecuted for not controlling their dog.
There have been so many attacks on people in my state from pits/rots/boxers/staffies and even a few GSDs. Some humans have been killed and many pets. Just last week the police shot two dogs, one pit and one rottie, who were threatening people and lunging. They need to be regulated. I have no problem with the military having them or even search and rescue or possibly the police. But the general public should not have access to them. You wouldn't give any citizen an assault rifle and you shouldn't give them a pit bull. It's just wrong.
I am so very sorry.
It's just irresponsable owners. Any dog could of done that. They probably are not giving it proper training. My friends dads friend (lol) has a rottie and we went over to her house to swim and he was the sweetest dog. He thought he was a lap dog and just wanted you to hug him.
And that's it?? you are not going to do anything about it? you need to contact a lawyer and sue this can!
big times trouble to need to ask for a concrete higher fence at their expense ans compensation for your loss, bring justice!! imagine you in their shoes? they would take your house!! believe me. don't let them go this easy. That little one is gone.
What happened is 100% their fault.
most people have these kind of dogs because of somekind of illegal activity like drug dealings
First of all I am sooo sorry for your loss. ALL big dogs are not like that!1 I have Dobermans %26 brought in a small rescued mutt a few years ago %26 the Dobies love her. Why is it when one dog does something they shouldn't many others are judged by another dog's actions?
I am so sorry for your loss. This is terrible.
Obviously, the neighbors were negligent in training and controlling their dog. The dog should not have been out unattended. It is not really a dog issue, but a training issue.
I am willing to bet there were fence aggression issues.
Some people are telling you to sue, but try to work it out with the neighbor first. Most likely, their dog will be put down for doing this. Ask them to replace the Chihuahua, or for replacement cost.
I am sure they feel terrible, and they should.
Oh did your dogs both die?!? If they did I am VERY sorry. Even if one is still alive I am so sorry.
The reality is that rotweilers are often poorly trained. Build a higher fence and if needed invest in a fence like roof.
Please dont sue to have to rottie killed. Just sue to have it taken away from the owners.
Some people keep dogs that would do something like that because they are irresponsible and don't know how to train their dogs. My next door neighbor had a pitbull and a boxer, and they were the two sweetest dogs I've ever met. My neighbors across the street, however, have three pit bulls that bark and bite, and yes, jump the fense and scare everyone who see them.
I have two lab mixes (slightly smaller than normal labs) and they're really sweet dogs. The other day, my sister accidentilly let them outside, and they ran into the yard and looked at a lady who was walking her dog. One actually walked up to her and sniffed her dog, and the other stood in the middle of the yard looking at them. I did appologise sincerely, and told her it would never happen again.
First off, I am sorry for your loss.
I have a neighbor who's dog has come into our yard and fought with our dogs, and killed our neighbor's pom.
he is a menace, and as much as I would like to blame him, I know it is the owner's lack of care that is to blame.
I own a rottie and a little chi-terrier mix. I have owned large, medium and small dogs my whole life. I have also owned cats, birds, fish, mice, chickens, geese, horses, goats, pigs, etc.
I also own a cat, who runs these 2 pooches around. she is the boss.
my point is, my animals all get along . My rottie, under normal everyday circumstances, would not do this.
I hope you will not hate all large dogs, esp. rotties because of one dog, and one owner's ignorant negligence.
we are all dog owners, and most of us are responsible owners.
it's just the few, unfortunately, that make it hell for the rest of us who are trying our best to love our dogs, and show the world how great rotties, pits and other "vicious" dogs are.
Cesar Milan is a grand example of a person who is making a difference with these dogs.
if you ever have a chance, please watch his show on the national geographic channel called the dog whisperer, or visit his website.
Again, I am sorry for your loss.
I sympathize with your loss. We had two Miniature Dachshunds and one was killed by what I believe to be, by the K9 puncture wounds, a Mtn. Lion or a large broad muzzle dog like a Pit. Your Chihuahua's are at a definite disadvantage. As the Dachshund and long haired Chihuahua we have left. To answer you question that's why we got the Bull Mastiff we have now. To try to detour another incident of the same nature. We live in the foothills below Yosemite and have no fenced yard, our property is over two and a half acres and run the risk with stray dogs, Coyotes, Mtn. Lions and even birds of prey with such small dogs. And to be fair if you had a Dachshund, who were bred for flushing vermin like Badgers out of their holes, followed his instincts and killed a gopher in my yard I would praise him. A dog doesn't distinguish when his hunter instincts kick in what is proper prey.
That being said you still have been wronged and I hope measures are being taken by you, your neighbor and authorities that this doesn't happen to your family again.
Best wishes
As with everyone else I am sorry for your loss. But you cannot blame the dog for being a dog. It is the owners fault. I have American Pit Bull Terriers and although mine are very well behaved, Im not an idiot. Pits and Rotts amongst other breeds were bred to kill, not to play nice. It is slowly being bred out of them but it takes alot of generations of selective breeding to do so. Im sure your dogs were of the mindset that they were just as big and tough as the Rott(one of your dogs was attacking the Rott). It is a terrible thing that happened but their dog should have been supervised at all times when outdoors unless chained and in a kennel. Dogs are dogs and all dogs no matter the breed will fight, they dont have words to talk it out. You cannot blame the breed. I do believe the general public should be able to own any kind of dog they want, They are completely liable for the dogs actions. Besides, I thought this was America. Look at how many people are killed each year by knives, should they be taken out of your kitchen because of a few(alot) of irresponsible people. Also there is no illegal or drug activity at my house yet I own PitBulls, for the reason that they are the only dog ever geneticaly bred to never bite a human and the best people dogs in the world if purebred. You see them on the news but those are bad owners and breeders and non-pure bred dogs. Sue your neighbors as I would expect to have done to me if my dog left my yard and killed a neighbors dog. But dont blame the breed for its natural tendencies, blame the owners for not knowing how to handle an animal aggressive dog and for not having proper training. Again I am sorry for your loss
OMG!I am soooo sorry to hear that!!That is soo sad :( You should sue.That is horrible!I can only imagine how you feel :-%26#92;
This is so heartbreaking! I'm so very sorry about your little one! He/She must have been terrified, poor thing! I'm also very sorry ,that your wife had to witness such a heartwrenching, tragic and gruesome scene. That dog had no business on your property, especially if your yard is fenced in and locked. The owner of the Rottweiler that killed your dog, is responsible. He obviously did not have control of his dog, if animal control had to subdue him with a stun gun and a tranquilizer dart. If I was you I would not only report this, but I would press charges against the owner of that Rottweiler. If I was in this situation, I would consult a lawyer and see if he/she thinks you have a case, which I'm sure you do. Don't let him just get away with it! Some kind of justice has to be served here, for the sake of your puppy. Good Luck! You'll be in my prayers!
people like certain breeds it doesnt matter if they are big or small dogs are all different!
Very sorry to hear about this. It is true that other breeds could have easily done this if not properly contained and that is the bottom line. It isn't a question of breed or a person owning a large breed. It's a question of a person not properly securing their yard and too often dogs are left outside for hours on end with nothing to do and then they turn to trying to find a way to escape. Beagles could have done something like this too, or Cocker Spaniels. So it isn't about breed.
Yards CAN be secured to prevent this and I believe anyone owning a dog that can dig out and get into someone else's yard where a child or a dog can be in danger should not own that dog! Or they should definitely have properly secured the yard. There are ways to do this that are very effective and it is the responsibility of the owner to see that it is done.
So very sorry to hear about what happened to the pup and glad your wife was not hurt.
I am anti-stupidity and neglect and this was, in the least, NEGLECT of the owner. It could cost the life of their dog too and it already cost the life of your dog. So very sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your dog. My miniature poodle has been attacked four(!) times by large dogs. Each time we were walking and he was on a leash. One dog was a husky and the others were German Shepherds. Not once did I blame the dog. Each of the owners was irresponsible and did not restrain their dogs. One jumped the fence (twice) - he was never walked and left in the backyard all the time. One GSD ran outside through an open door and the other was playing in the front yard unrestrained.
I reported all of these attacks to animal services. They only acted on the husky after the second attack.
My point is that some dog owners get dogs for decoration and spend no time on socialization or training. The kids want the dog or the breed is popular at the moment or it fulfils some macho need. They don't think about the dog's needs - the need for exercise, discipline and socialization.
I agree that some large and (potentially) aggressive dogs should be regulated and by that I don't mean BSL. I mean that the owners should have to pass some qualifications first.
I love dogs - all dogs - and I hate to see this kind of thing because it usually means that the dog is blamed which either leads to euthanization or breed banning.
I don't know what to suggest to you. Replacing your dog is not a solution. Suing does not get your dog back. If your neighbour feels bad about what happened he should build a better fence. If he doesn't then you decide if you want to sue but in my opinion that would just be done for spite.
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