ever since we got back from out trip she has not been listening i tell my boxer to go in her crait and she runs the other way and i have to litteraly pick her up and put her in her craite. even before we went on out trip she was still doing the same thing why does she not want to go in her craite when i tell her to? she has toys to chew on in her craite and a shirt that smells like me to her go in her craite and still she does not listnen. she is geting heaver and i can not keep picking her up to put her in her craite when i want her to. there has to be some other way to have her listen and when i want her go in her craite when i want her to. i put her in her craite when i can not watch her when i am showering doing nap time and when we are sleeping and i tell her go in your craite. some times she will listen and most of the time she won't and it's really getting frusterated because i am home with her all the time and i get burn out from her. i can not afford a dog trainer
I also have a boxer, and the answer is that she is a puppy and no puppies ever want to willingly go into their crate. It will get better as she gets older just give her time.
Is she getting exercise?
While on vacation, did you stick to routine?
It may take her a while to adjust to being back at home.
Start feeding all her meals in the crate. This is how I crate train my dogs.
You don't need to pick her up. Lead her to the crate and into in reinforcing "Crate" or "In your crate".
she is a baby still and testing the boundaries. only kindness will encourage her. if she is fearful of it you could try looking into Bach Flower remedies on the net to help her. They balance the emotional states.
When she associates her crait with a homely atmosphere where she feels safe, she should be happy to be there. I wonder if something is upsetting her there, something either she smells or hears.
my boxer is out of control also.. i think it's kinda normal-- he goes psyco and bits the hell outta me when im playing with him-- bit my ankles when i walk... i think its normal.. lol
when she doesn't do as you say, yell no and spray her mouth with vinegar or bad apple. tell her again and spray, then take by collar, put in crate and say crate. when she's in her crate then pet her/ give her a treat to tell her that the crate is good. then she might start associating crate with treats and refusing to go in crate with yucky stuff in mouth
so rather than teach her how to be safe in the house (even though you are home with her)
You punish her when you want down-time
If youhad a child.. would you put it in a crib, or let the TV be a babysitter... all the time just because you decide you get "burn out"??
Dog training isn't that expensive %26 I would say you need dog training worse than your dog needs... you need to know how to co-exist with your dog
Find a different owner who can handle being a dog owner
She's a BABY!
Do you expect a toddler to listen to you all the time? How about a 5 year old?
Just keep training and be patient.
Offer her a treat then put her in the C R A T E. Never put her there as punishment. Don't leave her there when you are home and she could be in your company. Please be patient with her, yelling or punishing never works. She is also very young, don't expect her to be perfectly trained. I am attaching a link about crate training. Please read it!
Boxers HATE being alone. I have one. And he is in a crate along with our great danes(not in the same crate, 3 separate crates). Put your puppy in the room with you while she is in her crate. She is still young, she just isn't used to all this new stuff. Being alone can be scare for a kids, so it can also be scary for a puppy. Limit crate use to bed time and when you are at work or running errands. Sometimes my boxer won't go in, and it's usually because he needs to use the potty one last time before entering his crate. But, trust your puppy a little more, if room suffices, bring her in the bathroom with you while you shower and give her a toy to chew on, or leave her alone in a room for 10 minutes and see how she fairs. Maybe try praising her ridiculously when she enters and give her a treat. Let her know her crate is a good thing! GOOD LUCK! Boxers are great companions!
Training a puppy is as much a necessity as food, water, collar and leash. 95% of the dogs in shelters have received no training, which is what leads to their ultimate abandonment. Boxers get very large and are very energetic. An untrained Boxer is a nightmare to live with!
Untrained dogs are also at a greater risk of developing serious behavior problems, including aggression, which is MUCH more expensive to address than some basic obedience classes.
At the very least, please purchase the books linked below so you have a better understanding of how to raise your puppy and train her.
First let me say that the boxer breed is extremely intelligent and responsive, and does very well with training and is very food - motivated.
Your puppy does not want to go in it's crate because it wants to be with you, and that's natural. If you were the puppy you wouldn't want to go in the crate either! First, make sure your puppy is wearing a collar at all times. You can use this to "lead" (not drag) it into the crate. Secondly, you will need to buy dog treats, I like using milk bone biscuits. You'll want to put the treat in front of the dog's nose so it can smell it, then either use it to lure the dog into the crate, or toss it in the crate and the dog should follow. Eventually, all you'll have to do is open the door and point to inside the crate and your dog will go in, but you MUST reinforce it every time with a treat. This will take some time and patience, and effort on your part. Boxers can be stubborn when they want to, but you also need to show it who's boss. Eventually, you'll only have to give it a treat every other time.
Its you that needs the training. I too have a boxer and spent the time and money to get myself trained to think like a dog. It was and still is a really interesting experience. I now can tell immediately who the "pack" leader is when I see people walking their dogs. My boxer can not Cage In, but sit, stay, lay down, play dead "BANG", jump "OVER", crawl, and count to SIX ! Do it. Get the training...
you need to lay on the dog establishing that you are the alpha leader of the pack, dogs are pack animals and have a pecking order, you need to tell her and if she doesnt go you need to say no, then lay on her until she stops struggling and keep this up till she listens to you,,
simple one word instructions are needed, it is a dog not a person,,
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