Thursday, July 30, 2009

AAARRGHHH!! My Puppy wont stop digging in our bathroom trashcan!?

I have an 8 month old shihtzu, and every day we find her in the bathroom eating toilet paper. We even bought those with lids, but that doesn't stop her. She just knocks it over and the lid falls right off. Help?!?
Here are two possible solutions..
Put the trashcan somewhere where you will pass it frequently during the day. Every time you pass by, give it a little kick and tell it it's Bad. I know, it sounds crazy, but if you get really mad at the trash can and call it bad frequently enough most dogs won't want to be associated with it. We did this with our kitchen trash can and our puppy walks way around it now.
If that doesn't work you can try this, but make sure you are there to supervise and have a lot of water on hand. Take a wrapper from a stick of butter and put cayenne pepper powder all over it. All over it, just layer it on really thick, then put it on the top of the trash can. The butter will be irresistible to the dog, but when they go to get it, they'll get the pepper instead.
Make sure there is plenty of water available.
close the bathroom door
either put it where she cant reach it, or get a better trash can. Shes only 8 months old. and still learning and getting into everything. Smells are very powerful for dogs. Maybe put some sort of nice smelly thing in the trash can to disuade the dog. When you catch her just holla no at her. U can always try to keep the bathroom door closed too.
Shut the bathroom door. Sounds obvious, but that's the solution... make the bathroom out of bounds for puppy. If you can't do that, put the trash can out of puppy's reach (in a cabinet or in a closet)
Try to make sure everyone who uses the bathroom closes the door afterward.
get one with a better lid that shuts tightly or put the can in a cabinet or close the bathroom door.
you should give her something to distract her from the trashcan, old newspaper is good or maybe some cheww toys and treats(close the bathroom door)
-Close the bathroom door and keep it closed
-Get a taller garbage pail
-Get a stainless steel garbage pail, more heavy duty
-keep the garbage pail out of reach
-Disapline the dog when you see her do it.
Hope this helps
I keep my small garbage can on the back of the toilet. Seems to work, cause they can't get to it and become disinterested after awhile. I also have to keep the cat food bowl up and out of reach or there would be none left! We all make certain concessions for our pets.
When you catch her in the act, distract her from doing it by tossing a toy at her. If that doesn't work use a squirt gun and squirt her when she is digging. Hopefully these will help.

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