Thursday, July 30, 2009

A very embarassing question?

Ok I have this dog, which is a Chiwawa and I just got it like 2 weeks ago. It is also a female dog. Well okay, I started to really like this dog, ok I know it's kinda strange but I think this dog has feelings for me. She barks at everybody else in the family but not me. And she always humps my leg.. Is it possible for dogs to have feelings for humans? And it licks me in the mouth too. Why does she do the things she does to me and nobody else? I think I have feelings for her too... I know it sounds strange but I honestly think this dog has feelings for me. Does anybody know?
I hope you are joking about having feelings for her. Your dog doesn't have 'feelings' for you. She is humping you because she is trying to show dominance. She is barking at everyone else in the family because she is protective of you, possibly because she feels that she is dominant over you, and that she owns you.
I am actually very concerned for your chihuahua. Please talk to an animal behaviorist about your dog, and possibly a psychologist for you.
"I think I have feelings for her too???" really???
She does not have sexual feelings for you, she has possessive and dominant feelings for you.
This is a clear case of dominance and she is "claiming" you in a sense.
Get her some good training and read up on NILIF.
*she is establishing her dominance over you.
she DOES NOT have feelings for you. when she 'humps' you, she is telling you she's the boss, and you let her think it.
when she barks are others, she is saying, "stay away! this is my territory, my pack!" NOT 'stay away from my man!"
have you ever owned a dog before?
I suggest you sign up for obedience class NOW...
before you get any more disillusioned. or delusional...
I suggest you sign up now, and this will stop her attacking people later. boy! will you be sorry then!
I assume you mean "Chihuahua".
I also assume that you're being a wiseass, but I'll continue in case I am wrong.
It's a DOG, and it has bonded with you.
Socialize it with other people.
Again - I think you are 100% trolling here - but there's your answer.
it is dominant over you (the humping thing), and it is protecting a part of ITS pack. train it.
I can see this on the news now: "Man sexually assalts Chihuahua, Man says the Chihuahua just wanted some love." Dude, go seek some help and stay away from the dog!!
she does not have sexual feelings she knows that ur her owner and she is like claiming u this is typical with chiwawas they tend to be posseve over you and not ur family
Sorry freak.. She is dominating you.. She might not even like you at all, but likes to dominate you cause you are so weak and weird... All dogs will stick their tongue in your mouth if you give them the chance.. That's one of the games dogs like to play.. see how often they can get their tongue in your mouth when you aren't expecting it and see how often they can lick your ear when you aren't expecting it.. She thinks you are weird but will dominate you at any chance..
It is normal for dogs to do that, it could be that you treat her better than the rest of the family does.
Dpgs love their owners if they are treated with love and kindness. Not the type of love you are asking about I think! Her behavior sounds 100% normal for a chihuahua.

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