Thursday, July 30, 2009

A double registered Pom. and a double registered Chihuahua what are they called?

I have a Double registered Pomeranian female and a Double registered Chihuahua Champion Male. (So you can't call it iresponseable breeding) I wanted to make a more strong breed than a Chihuahua. They won't have Hypoglycemia and won't have a soft spot on their head.( only a pure bred Chihuahua has this) So there will not be so many complications for the owner that is going to buy it. I wanted this to happen so they will be stronger dogs. If your just going to call it a Mutt then don't answer i already know that it is a mixed breed and inted on getting papers with a registry that will register the mixed breeds. Thank you for answering and don't give me stupid ones.
I believe they're called Pom-Chi's.
Sounds like you already know EVERYTHING! So why ask us?
Some people call them Pomchi or Chi-pom. Hope that helped!
REPUTABLE registeries won't register a mutt. ;o)
It might take generations of breeding these two animals to get them to be what you want them too. The traits and qualities that you want and are hoping for might not be the ones you get. You might just get a dog that has all the wrong things. I would really think this over before making your decision. Also I would talk to your vet and see what he or she has to say. I have seen some before and they sure are cute. I do not think any one will register a mixed breed.
Ok, I have a few questions. First, how can you say it is "responsible breeding" if you are breeding to better the breed? Second, how can you be sure that the puppies won't have the problems? Have you had both parents genetic tested and OFA'd? Third, what kind of guarantee will you have that the puppies won't inherit any genetic defects? Fourth, why bother registering them, since they are nothing but mixed breeds?
That is irresponsible breeding. The world doesn't need any more mixed breeds, it doesn't matter if both of the parents are the top champion conformation dogs in the world, but they are different breeds. It's a mixed breed, and you're not bettering the breed. You're making a /new/ breed.
Papers on a mixed breed are useless, all it says is "I'm trying to polish a turd."
Why don't you try and do what all of the other 'breeders' do, come up with a lame name that's a combination of Pomeranian and Chihuahua?
I'm not sure that Pomeranians would really strengthen Chihuahuas but so much. Don't they have just as many health problems? I'd think that Jack Russels would be a better match.
Hello! I'm a friendly polar bear!
Yes I agree, since you know it all why are you asking questions?
No matter what registry you use they will be mutts plain and simple and any registry that registers mutts is not worth the paper it is printed on. People only use those scam registries to scam people into paying more for mutts.
BTW, I just thought I would mention that unless both dogs that you are planning to breed have been cleared of any health and genetic issues then the puppies you are planning to create will most likely end up getting some, if not all problems that are prevalent in both breeds
Double registered does not mean the dogs are breed quality.
This may not be what you want to hear but it is not a stupid answer.
ETA: ACA and APRI are scam registries created to dupe people into paying more money for crap dogs. You do not even have to prove the dogs are pure bred just a picture is all it takes to get papers. This is exactly what a scam registry is.
Getting "papers" from a registry that "registers" mixed breeds is a waste of money. There are NO legit registries taht do this. Secondly you wil lnot be creating a stronger will only be serving to bring forward the worst in both..there is every bit as much as chance of "complications" in a mix as there is a is a popular misconception that mixes are healthier...a good vet can tell you that is NOT true..there are just as many mixes with issues as there are purebreds.
Champion male?? In AKC? In UKC (United Kennel Club)? Dual registered with what registries?
(oh and most toy breeds do get low blood sugar among other problems)
Water on the brain is NOT normal and if anyone told you that they are completely clueless!!
*****ACA and APRI are scam registries..they are registries that are used by irresponsible breeders to promote BYB/Mills. Dual registry with the likes of these types of registries is completely other words they are NOT dual registered**********
My mother was a professional dog breeder (Shih Tzu's). I may have gotten some very old-fashioned values from her, but I still do not believe in this so-called "designer" breeds that are popping up these days. It doesn't matter if you have a double registered this or a double registered that -- if you breed two dogs of seperate breeds together you get nothing more than at MUTT!!! They are NOT worth $200 - $1000 and they are NOT, in any way, shape or form, purebred anything! Labradoodles are mutts, Goldendoodles are mutts, etc. Tthe breeding requirements of the American Kennel Club (AKC) and/or the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) are very specific in what constitutes a purebred. Any puppy that comes from your litter (chihuahua and pomeranian) will simply NOT be allowed to be registered with either organization. There will be no way you can get papers on any of the puppies, sorry.
Obviously your dogs aren't registered with a legitimate registry. You have been scammed.
I hope you hven't bred them, if you have, you have already joined the ranks of irresponsible, uneducated backyard breeders.
My question is first.. with what registries?
Second question.. can you tell me about how you are going to determine selection for what your next generation of breeding stock is going to be?
Third question.. please tell me about the people you will be working with to create this new breed of dog?
Fourth question.. why not just work with the Chihuahua people on the fontanel issue instead of deciding to create a new breed? (prolly should have been my second question). Since not all Chi's have soft fontanels.. ...
Fifth question.. what do you plan on doing about both breed's tendency towards luxating patellas?
Sixth question.. since you're creating a new breed and obviously will need to deal with several dozen animals (to maintain genetic diversity).. who will be housing/raising these dogs?
I have no issues with breeders.. I am a breeder.. I have issues if people do it irresponsibly..
Both of these breeds are already prone to Hypoglycemia. I don't see how it will better either for them to mix the 2. Double registry mean nothing if both are not a recognized as legitimate in the first place.
I think your trying to justify breed these 2 breeds. It's already been done and I have not heard of any improvement in either or the breed because of this kind of breeding.
Sorry no support from me on this irresposible breeding. I don't care what you think your doing but in reality your just breeding mutts.
They are called Pom-Chi's.
they would be mutts or mixed breed not matter how many times they are registered. why would you register a mixed breed and think about what kind of registry that would be...what's the point.
You are severely uneducated. Who told you that Pomeranians don't have hypoglycemia? They do! My mom breeds and shows Pomeranians and she has had many scares with hypoglycemia with them. She always keeps caro syrup and nutrical on hand to raise their blood sugar. You are breeding mutts and it IS irresonsible breeding. Any registry that registers your mixed breed mutts is some crappy unreputable registry. As far as I'm concerned, the only truly reputable registry is the AKC. Do your dogs a favor and don't breed them. You have no idea what you're talking about. Your main reason for breeding was to improve them and get rid of hypoglycemia. How do you suppose you do that when BOTH breeds can suffer from hypoglycemia? Go educate yourself some more.
Look at the thumbs up, and see who has them. Why do you think these top contributors have all these "best answers" and high ratings? Because they KNOW what they're taliking aobut. Listen to them. You are being an irresponsible, selfish fool if you breed these mutts.

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