Thursday, July 30, 2009

A dachshund licking problem?

My dachshund has a licking problem. All day he'll just lick his paws, or the carpet or even our feet. Is there any way to stop? It gets very irritating to us espiecally at night when i want to go to bed because he just licks for like 30 minutes or until hes tired. Any advice??
My dachshund does the same thing. He doesn't do it during the day but right as it is bed time he goes under the covers and licks his paws, which makes me sheets wet. The best thing I did was to stop him. Place your hand over his paw or the carpet. It worked really well and now as soon as he starts I put my hand over his paw and he stops. Its hard to keep them from licking the carpet. We have yet to get him to stop and he is 10. Also you can try and spray "sour apple" (which is harmless) on his paw and he for sure wont lick it after that. You can get it at any pet store. Or if you don't mind getting it on your carpet do the same. Other than that dachshunds are impossible to make them stop something they don't want to.
My dog does this, and it's allergies. Maybe you should have him checked by your vet. It could also be anxiety, which could be cured by some anti anxiety or anti depressant medication.
Some animals just like to lick. Maybe, put something sour on your feet / the floor / wherever he's licking, and once he tastes it.. He won't lick again. Also, get him checked out by the vet.. Even though it might just be a 'simple' problem, it might be a health issue...
Right above your question, there is a search engine
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In the search engine, type "dog licking paws"
There are tons of similar questions that have already been asked and answered.
Good luck !
ok ... um with his feet he probaly got nervous and started to chew on the bottoms of his feet and now he has chewed them raw and hes licking them to make his feet feel better and i don't know about the carpet.
my aunt has dacshsund's. there could be something he likes on the things he licks. i'd ask a vet. his tongue could also be itchy or irritated and he needs to lick to scratch it. Some people don't train the dog not to lick, maybe he wasn't trained. But just to make sure, ask your vet!
I believe that it's obsession/anxiety. You should take him to the vet or a dog psychologist.
How old is your dog? I have a 10 month old and he likes to lick too! Mostly when he is tired and starting to rest. I think it is similar to nursing in that it is comforting to them. If your dog is causing sore skin with the licking, please take him to a vet. I really think it is their way of settling down or resting unless they seem discontent or anxious.
my dog does that too... she's a lab.
i just tell her "don't lick!" and she will usually stop. i guess i distract her when i say this? or else, she knows what i mean?

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