Friday, July 31, 2009

Advice on cutting pooches nails?

First, is this really nessary?
Second, her nails are black, if I do decide to trim them, how do I know where to cut? (I'm afraid I'll cut too low)
Yes you need to trim your dogs nails! They can actually grow very long and when they do they curl and can grow into the paw pad, causing a major problem. If you don't want to do it, your vet or grooming can do it for a minimal charge. If you decided to do it yourself, be sure to purchase nail trimmers from a pet store along with a a product to stop any bleeding (silver nitrate, Quik Stop, stiptic pencils,etc). Only take off the tips of the nails since they are black. If they are long already, I definitely would let a professional do it first. Good luck!
yes its necessary. walking on concrete helps a bit too. you need to keep them short when they are black so the quick doesn't grow too long. just trim them a little at a time. plus it gets the dog used to having their feet touched. make sure you have quik-stop in case you go too short. or you can file them.
u can get them cut at your vet or your local groomers!
it's very necessary every couple weeks. if the nails are black, only cut to where the nail is flat. it's pretty hard to explain on the computer. next time you're at the vet, have them show you so you can understand better or take the pooch to petsmart and have them show you.
blacks nails are tricking to do. but if you walk your dog on concrete regulary of have a patio in your yard they spend a lot of time on them chances are you wont have to cut them at dont want to cut them to short, if you do they will bleed alot and its not easy to get it to stop. so if you must just trim 1/4 inch off them when you think they are getting long..
Nails NEED to be cut every 6-8 weeks. Some dogs nails grow faster then others. If you can hear them clicking on the floor, they are too long. If you don't feel comfortable clipping them, then don't do it. Usually groomers will charge ALOT less then vets do for cutting nails. I'm a dog groomer and I see alot of nail neglect. Most people do not realize how much pain their dog is in when the nail starts to curle into the pads. Call around local groomers, they should never charge over $10.
Just do a tiny bit at a time - my dog's nails are black too. Have a vet tech or groomer show you how next time you're at the vet or in Petsmart.
Of course cutting nails are necessary. They can get ingrown toenails and be in a lot of pain and get infected.
You can have the vet or a groomer cut the nails.
When you go there make sure they show you where to cut the nails to.

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