Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My dog's separation anxiety鈥?

Last year, I found a 10yr schipperke that was abandoned at our family ranch. Mitsu, as she was soon named, has become overly attached to me. If I as much as step out the door, she begins digging at the door's crevice. Last time I was gone for a few hours she had my sister, who was staying with her, at wit's end. I haven't spent a night away from her since I got her. Now the problem, I start college at the end of the month. Obviously, I can't bring her with me. We're all worried about what is to come. What can I do to ease her attachment from me?
I had a small terrior mix years ago named Puppia, and he would yelp like someone was killing him when I would leave the apartment. I never tried this, but it might work.. Make several small recordings of your voice so relatives at home can play it back during the day. At least it will ease the anxiety Mitsu will be feeling. I really feel for your situation and I hope you can work something out. Best wishes at college!
You are this poor dog's savior and bastion of safety in a previously cruel world - thank you for saving her.
Whoever will be taking care of her when you go off to college should immediately beg some serious bonding with the dog. Take her for walks, car rides, give her treats, prepare her meals, pet and play with her. That way the transition won't be so difficult.
Don't wait any longer or the poor dog will go into depression and decline when you are gone.
that's a hard one slowly start getting away from her and is someone going to keep her that would be a question that you should of gave us the answer to if a family member keeps her slowly back away from her leave her for small amounts of time then come back each time getting longer than the first leave some of your things behind like clothes so the can keep them with her (your scent is with her yet )(don't wash them though) have you got a create for her that might help also then put your clothes in the create with her i would hope someone keeps her that she knows so when you do come to visit she can see you good luck
The seperation anxiety begins before you leave. She will think "Shes putting her coat on, shes brushing her teeth, shes taking a shower, Oh my gosh, shes out the door!" So, try mixing it up. First, brush your teeth, then do something you dont usually do, like watch tv for a few mminutes. Then, step out the door for a few ,secs and come back in. When you leave, dont give her any affection, and when your back, then when shes calm then start praising her. Best of luck!
get her attached to your sister more.
There is a very good booklet which my dog's trainer suggested I get to help with my dog's separation anxiety. I found it to be very helpful, and you might like to look into it. It is called "I'll Be Home Soon! How to Prevent and Treat Sepation Anxiety" by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D. It can be bought through and its listing ID number is 0924A860847, or you can contact Good luck!

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