I have a 8 month old lab/shepherd. She is really affectionate and loving but when ever anyone comes to the house she jumps up at them and wont give up even when told to stop. We have tried the pennys in a plastic bottle and we've put her outside foe a few minutes then let her back in but as soon as she returns she will jump up again, She's a big dog and is frightening people away. I know she really doesn't mean any harm, she just loves people but she is heavy and can hurt when she jumps up. She does calm down after a while and then becomes a really lovely dog, She adores children and loves to play but once again can be too rough and ends up knocking them over. Apart from that she is well behaved apert from a bit of chewing that is getting better.I have two other dogs aged 5 years and 2 years and all three dogs get on well and play together. I have no problems at all with the older dogs. I really love her and know she will outgrow this but my family say get rid of her and this upsets me
I'm not an expert but know people with young dogs and I just think it's because she is young and excitable. She will probably grow out of it and ignore the people who say get rid of her. That's cruel as she sounds very loving and friendly. Ask a vet for advice or an animal behaviour therapist. I'm sure she will be fine though. Just warn people before they come in that she is v.friendly. I love it when dogs do that but that's just me.
I have heard and read that labs are the worst, mostly as puppys.
Call either a dog trainer or a canine behaviorist. They are the only people who can efficiently help you and your dog overcome this problem.
Best of Luck! :o)
I have the same type of dog, but it is a male. He did the same thing and didn't stop until we got him neutered. He's never jumped on anyone since.
She is just young, forgive her. Come round to my house and my two 12 stone Newffys will do the same, I think it's great ! no one ever visits me !
It would upset me too! She's still a big puppy. Have you tried ignoring her when she jumps (start with just you, not everyone in the world) and twist your torso so she can't stay on. Say "off!" and then praise her when all four paws are on the ground. When she's better at this, work with adding distractions.
Obedience class worked WONDERS for my jumpy girl. I highly suggest it for a ton of good reasons. You'll bond with her more, you'll communicate better, et cetera. She may not just grow out of the behavior, so find a class in your area.
Good for you - don't get rid of a dog for being a big puppy! Train her. It's hard sometimes, but it can be a lot of fun.
when ever pplr comin over u should put her in a separate room or outside unti she calms down...and like usaid hopefully she will outgrow it then u wont have 2 w orry about it
Well at her age I'd think she should have a little bit better manners. Did you ever take her out when she was younger to socialize her so she'd get used to coming in contact with different people? Here's something you can do...when someone is coming to the house put her on a leash. When she jumps up correct her by giving the leash a sharp jerk and saying NO. Leave her on the leash as long as it takes for her to calm down. Put her in a down/stay. Tell people to ignore her at first and wait for her to calm before they pet her. You're going to have to work at it to change the jumping. Keep at it and try taking her out also where she comes into contact with more people. GL
ok so i train guide dogs for the blind, i have ok so i didnt read it all because im listening tomusic, but if your dog has a jumping problem, you put a leash on them and when ever they go to jump, you correct them *put the leash away from the god and releas fast so you dont choke them* this does not hurt them, i hope i explained it good enough
How I sympathise with you!. I have a three YEAR! old working cocker spaniel (similar to springer spaniel). He is a lovely dog but still jumps up at people and is so excitable when we have visitors he literally goes crazy!. We have tried all the things you have, he has had training, is fed well and exercised every day!. I have just come to the conclusion that this is what he is like - this is his nature, some dogs are very docile and shy, mine is mad and wants to say hello to everybody!. Have you tried just getting people to ignore her when she jumps - they should turn their back on her and not give her any attention until she stops jumping. Or, give your visitors a treat (keep them by the front door), she only gets the treat when she stops jumping or sits down. Your dog is extremely young, she is still a puppy so this is early days. You should most definitely NOT get rid of her - you have other dogs so you know what they can be like. She will improve - my dog has improved massively since he was very young (clearly, he has some way to go though - lol!!). Just try and relax about it - your dog jumps at the moment. If you are concerned with children which is totally understandable as they can knock them off their feet then she must be put out when they are around until she has calmed down a bit. Good luck - you must keep her, you owe her a good happy home. You know this so don't listen to your family on this one.
I heard you have to train shepherds extra hard, or they are very disobedient.
My dog never learned how not to jump on other people, we just had to put him in his room (aka my bedroom lol) when visitors came over.
There's a video here that shows a short clip on how to teach the down command http://us.iams.com/iams/en_us/jsp/smart_...
It's not for jumping on people, but if she can learn the command hopefully she'll do it around people when you say. (btw I hate iams, they do cruel tests on animals, but I have to admit those videos helped me).
I think repetition is the key here. You just have to do it a few times a day every day.
try using a squeeky toy everytime someone calls squeak the toy and stick it in her mouth you may find it will calm her so everytime someone calls just say get your toy do some dummy runs using members of your family don't give up stick with it
she probably is getting over excited and possibly is protecting u. but what i would do is stand between the dog and the other person. u get ur dogs attention because she most likely is still gonna be trying to get to that person. tell her NO very firmly andraise ur hand like u r gonna hit her. (its not gonna make her hate u dont worry). if this doesnt work and if the reason she jumps and barks is because she doesnt trust the person or wants to protect u . go near the person and say ur dogs name and say no this is my friend this is whoever get accross to her. thats how i broke my dog out of it. i let her know it was ok and no one that would hert me.
she will grow out of it but why not put a lead on her and stop her from jumping up
Dogs are like children -- they won't all respond the same to negative stimulation (pennies in the bottle). You may want to try a training collar (aka pinch collar). They look horrible, but are a humane way to help a dog control itself.
You'll need someone else's help with this (someone to be the "visitor" at the door). When they come in, and the dog STARTS to jump on someone, give a quick jerk to the collar in a downwards motion while saying NO in a loud, firm voice. Then make the dog sit. When the dog is seated, praise her lavishly.
You'll need to be consistent... and training sessions shouldn't be longer than 15 minutes at a time. But if you'll do this several times a week, she'll learn. And don't forget to praise her when she's calm and quiet... positive reinforcement is very, very powerful.
But don't give up on her. Lab/shepherds are a good mix -- smart and loyal. And it usually take a good 18-24 months before they fully mature. Good luck.
when she starts to jump up you tell the person to turn around and not to talk to the dog that goes for you to ,whats happened is when your dog started to jump she would get attention ,and dogs love this even if it bad tension they don't care don't even give her any eye contacted ,then she will look and think wots going on er then lol and may sit ,then she can be fussed if she jumps again do it all ova again she will soon get the message hope this helped it does work be persistent x
I have an 11 mth GSD %26 he was the same. As someone else said, you do have to be very firm with them., he still jumps up occasionally, but is much better than he was. A firm NO %26 turn your back on her. What you really need is a knowledgeable dog owner to come around to your house %26 do the same, she will learn but she is still very young %26 doing what comes naturally. Try taking her to dog training, her mix should be very responsive to obedience training.
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