Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 week old puppy has Blood in #2?

My 6 week old puppy pooped on the kitchen floor %26 I noticed what looked like a little bit of blood in it. What could this be?
He might have worms....if that is a possibility you could feed him some raw garlic. Look to see if there are worms in his stool, or coming out of his rectum. Garlic kills worms.
Colitis or even pancreatitis - if it continues he needs to be seen by a vet for medicines.
Meanwhile, don't feed anything fatty. Rice and a little white meat chicken will help make his poop normal, but don't wait too long.
If you see blood again, get him to a vet - the danger here is dehydration from the diarrhea, and blood indicates it is very bad diarrhea.
Why do you have a 6 week old pup? He should be with his mother for weeks yet - it is not even legal to sell a puppy before 8 weeks.
Poor thing - take good care of him please, he's an infant.
A sign to visit the vet, and soon. Blood in the stool of a puppy that young could be anything from stress (minor), to parasites (more serious), to Parvo (very serious). If accompanied by vomiting, a trip to the emergency vet could be in order.
this is sign of many different problems, some not too serious, some that could be life threatening. id get him to the vet and take a sample of the stool and possibly urine when you go. also you might want to take a look at the food you are feeding. byproducts, dies, bha, bht, ethoxyquin, corn, wheat, and soy are NO NO's, try a holistic brand, you will have to visit the vet alot less on a healthy food.
Take her to the vet if it does not clear up in a day or two or if the pet seems to be in pain or acts differently than usual. It can be due to straining while pooping a larger poop but can also be caused by more serious problems that need vet attention. Stress can be a factor too. It is not always a cause for concern though but be safe and keep a close eye on it. Maybe she ate some foreign object that cannot be passed in the stool, etc.
Your puppy could have worms. Does your puppy have a pot belly. Is he still eating and drinking. Most puppies are born with worms that is spread from the mothers milk.
Another thing that it can be.I hate to say it is Parvo. Parvo is a very deadly and contagious disease. The most common thing is bloody stool and vomiting. I would make an app. with your vet asap!
Blood should never be in #2
Call you vet
If you every have blood in your #2, call your doctor
6 weeks is very young and he/she should be with his mommy still, unless your the breeder than just ignore that top part, if not this might be the reason why, they are ready to leave their mom at about 8-12 weeks.My puppy had this also at 8 weeks and i FREAKED out about it, turned out to be some sort of infection.Take him to the vet and he will be all better soon.
Good Luck :)
DO NOT FEED YOUR PUPPY GARLIC! The person who suggested garlic must be unaware that garlic is lethal. My 9 week old has blood in his stool and the vet suspects parasites. He's being treated.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is the aame thing that happend with mine hes 6 weeks his stools arent runny .i cant afford the vet right now. he was wormed a week ago .can this be from him going to puppy chow and stress

  3. I recently was given a mini aussie/german shepherd pup. I was told she was weaning but ready to go. Found out she was not even 5 weeks old...2 days shy of it. I was in shock but have tried to give her pup milk and soft food warmed and thinned for her.
    I gave her the 1st round of worming med last week. This morning I noticed some bloody stools. We have had her 2 weeks now. Could it be stress of leaving too early??
