Wednesday, July 29, 2009

3 important short questions [worms and gas]?

1. is getting a dog worm exam 2 times a year okay?
2. does changing a dogs food and getting her checked for worms pretty much stop the gas
3. what HUMAN foods cause dogs to have gas
Twice yearly fecals are fine. You can put the dog on Heartgard Plus, or Interceptor for heartworm prevention and they will also prevent intestional parasites.
Changing the food may be helpful if the new food lacks the ingredient that was causing the gas in the first food.
Many human foods cause gas, like veggies, pork, soy.most anything. Some dogs are sensitive to certain things while other are not.
You can talk to the vet about it, and maybe try Curtail, which is Beano for pets..or use is the same thing.
Don't feed the dog human food. Get a vet.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Why are you feeding your dog human food?
I'd like to know about the gas part for myself
It is strongly advisable to get a fecal check for parasites twice a year if your dog is NOT on heart-worm meds as these also include some meds for certain internal parasites or if the dog is an outside dog. Also, too, if your dog is not on flea preventative as tapeworms are transmitted this way. This could have something with the gas as parasite can wreak havoc on the digestive system. Changing diets may do the trick but as your vet as to what they recommend and always change diets gradually to avoid further upset. Alot of the same foods that upset humans (veggies, milk, fatty food) can cause gas in a canine. None of which except for the veggies should be given to Rover. Some table scraps can cause serious health issues in dogs especially the fattier ones. Check with your vet as with any changes in diet and yes get the worm checks..Good luck.
1. I take my dogs in twice a year for the worm check ups,
but I also give my dogs monthly worm preventive and flea preventive medications.
2. Any change in a dogs diet I would have them checked and plan on them having noticeable bowel changes - Don't know of the pet food causing gas.
3. Don't ever feed a dog human food this will shorten their life people eat more foods with spices in them that are not good for dogs, and this is probably where the gas is coming from.
Grain and veggies are the usual causes of gas. Your parents giving some extra meat is GOOD. switching to Canidae should help.
A fecal exam once a year is OK too.

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