i dont need any negative responses. just need to know other peoples experiences with this issue. before you go telling me im a bad dog owner and etc. let me just inform you that i took in a stray dog went to get her fixed and shes pregnant. i have mixed feelings on abortions and im having a difficult time with this descion. thank you.
Don't listen to the people saying your dog will get depressed. She won't! She'll be far better off not going through labor at such a young age, and finding homes for puppies in a world way overcrowded by kittens and puppies is very difficult. I work in a veterinarian's office and people dump off unwanted pets all the time that it's next to impossible for us to find homes for, and usually ends in euthanasia. Definitely spay her, it's the responsible, and ethical, thing to do.
if its a stray u should do it because itll be awful hard to find homes
are u keeping the stray?
if so ask the vet how many babies shes gonna have and try to find homes for them in advance if not go ahead and et the abortion
then spay!
Don't do it, wait for the puppy to be born and give it up for adoption. Dogs, like humans, suffer depression, and especially if you take away a puppy from a mother, she will be depressed.
Truth be told, it is likely a good idea that you go through with the procedure, depending on how far along the mom is. Allowing her to give birth to the pups could put her health and life at risk. In addition, having the pups is just going to add to the population of unwanted dogs overrunning shelters. I know it is a difficult decision to make, but it is in the best interests of you, the dog, and ultimately the puppies.
If she isn't very far along, she can be spayed even though she is pregnant. Or...you can let her have the puppies. Which is a great deal of work and expense. You will also have to find homes for a litter of mixed puppies. You didn't mention what type of dog she is. Follow your heart, but know there is a great deal of responsibility in taking care of the pups. Good Luck!
Wow... that IS a hard decision. I think that is was wonderful that you took in a stray dog but often times when people are kind enough to take in stray dogs they are thrust into more than they can handle. In my opinion, if you decide not to keep this stray, it will be hard enough to try and find a home for her besides her pups as well. There are hundreds if not thousands of homeless dogs and puppies out there besides the other animals and I think you made the humane decision.
In most cases, I would let the dog have her pups and then spay her after the pups are weaned and find homes for all the babies. If the dog was a small breed and i appears to have been bred by a large dog, I would go ahead and have her spayed now. It will probably save her life. The vet can do xrays to see how big the pups are. I don't like abortion for women or animals but in some cases it is the right thing to do.
I actually did spay a chihuahua just one day after she tied with one of my males. I thought she was past the time to be bred. I was planning to spay her anyway as she had a genetic problem that would have been passed on to any offspring. Of couse I do not know if the tie took. She was in like day 25 of her heat so she should have been safe.
I'm sorry but you are a sick individual if you decide to go through with this. There are lots of people that will take in a newborn puppy!
you shouldnt do it you should wait until the puppys are born and then go leave them at a vet and the vet could find them homes or u could put them in the paper and give them away for free.
Ive had to go through this before I worked for an animal shelter years ago.don't do it, your dog will go through depression, trust me dogs are not stupid, you can find a home for the puppy...
I understand not wanting to have a bunch of puppies, but since she is pregnant, maybe try just raising them and finding them all good homes. Or also contact your local shelter, and see if you could work with them on helping you raise and find them homes.
It鈥檚 a tuff choice. I have never talked to anyone who had their dog get an abortion. But I can say this, it would be a lot of work, but I think if you can handle it, it would be very rewarding to raise these puppies and see them get great homes. It is almost like fostering puppies. They are not yours and it鈥檚 not by your doing that she is pregnant, so they would be guest and you would be doing a service. But it鈥檚 all about the time you have.
It's not ABORTION when you are talking a dog.. It's being responsible and making sure that you aren't adding to the already over populated shelters. Abortion is a people thing.. Not being careful, getting pregnant and then terminating the pregnancy for whatever reason. In dogs it's responsible pet ownership and taking care of your dog...
The timing has to be right for the shot. If you've already done it, they get over it immediately. You did a good thing adopting and I'm sure your intent was to save a life, not 10 at once. If you can afford a bunch of puppies and you think you could keep the ones you don't find homes for, then let her have them. Otherwise you are being responsible, not cruel.
i would say go back to the vet that did the operation, let them know the situation...they will know what to say/do.
First of all, since she's been a stray it's likely her health and nutrition history are not the best. Not only will this make it more difficult for her to carry, whelp and rear the pups it will also have a negative impact on the health of the puppies, predisposing them to problems later in life.
Secondly, unless you are EXTREMELY dilligent in placing the pups and following-up on them for life, it is likely that most will not remain in their first homes past their first birthday. People tend to value mixed breed dogs less and will often aquire them on a whim because they are "cheap". Then they find out that the dog doesn't train itself, sheds, pees on the rug etc and get rid of it. A dog that loses it's home because of behavior issues has a dim future and tends to get bounced around until it ends up being put down or dying of various types of neglect (let loose to be hit by car, not taken to vet when needed etc) or stuck outside in a pen or tied to a doghouse.
I hate the idea of the pups never having a chance, but if you want to raise them then you must be prepared to provide the optimum in care for them while they are with you, to carefully screen all potential adopters, and to follow-up and be willing to take them back at any time during their lives to try to avoid the above fate.
EDIT: In view of her age, I definitely recommend the spay/abortion. Having puppies at her age is like a 13 year old girl having a baby.
I understand your dilemma. If the whole concept of abortion of any kind is what is at the heart of your indecision then I'd consider all the animals put o death every day. I know, we all hear about that. But human babies aren't allowed to be born only to be put to death later because there are simply too many as routine. So just think it over and let your conscience guide you, whatever you decide. GL :)
P.S. I didn't mean one thing I said to be or sound judgmental. You took in a stray (God bless) and on the way to doing the responsible thing you got hit with a surprise. It's not your fault, OK?
Baby on the way, sounds like you're going to have your hands full. Just remember good vet care for the mom ands puppies is expensive. Plus if something were to go wrong you're talking thousands of dollars. And to be honest, she's kind of young to have puppies. What did the vet advise?
I was in your shoes once. A cat that I had rescued was very very thin and we took her to the vet as we always do with rescues to get spayed. Turned out she was pregnant. There was no way she would have been able to take care of those kittens on her oown as thin as she was and she more than likely would have had complications so I decided for her health to have her spayed anyways, resulting in an abortion. If your dog is thin or you dont think she could take care of them on her own or their might be complications I would go through with it. It will be cheaper and better for the both of you in the long run. Mixed breed puppies are hard to rehome, there are already enough dogs out there and you have no clue what these dogs will look like and what sort of personalities they will have. I think getting her spayed would be the best option for the both of you, it turned out to be for my rescue cat.
You are not a sick individual for considering this. You seem to be trying to make an educated, responsible, humane decision. If she is not very far along and the vet will agree, it would be a good idea to abort and spay. If she's further along, talk it over with the vet. You don't know the dog's history, and pregnancy, birth, and raising puppies is really hard on her as a mother. And they'll just be that many more mixed babies in an already overpopulated world. At the same time, a late abortion would have more effects on the mother's hormones and could cause the earlier mentioned depressions, etc. But she will recover. As for the person who mentioned plenty of people being willing to take in newborn puppies, let's consider the fact that you're not trying to home newborns. You'd be stuck taking care of the mother and the puppies for 6 weeks before you could home them, and that's if you could find homes for all of them.
Realistically, as hard as it may be, you're better off going ahead with the surgery. And she'll be better off in the long run.
I had got a female dog from the shelter.. she was intact. She had already had a litter of pups before, according to the shelter workers. She came into heat shortly after we got her.. we did our best to keep her confined.. but she got out the door, and the roaving neighbor dog got to her.
I made an appt to get her spayed.. its prefered to wait until after a heat is over, but I did not want to deal with puppies. I dont know if she was pregnant or not, I never asked.. its pretty safe to assume she was!
A spay that terminates a pregnancy is often easier on the dog than to go thru labor and whelping. If she's a small dog, she may require a cecarian to give birth (can cost $1000 and up!). You should talk to the vet and see if she is too far along to terminate the pregnancy.
I know its hard to make the decision.. but consider this. There are so many dogs dieing in shelters every day from lack of homes. For each of these puppies born that you find homes for.. thats a home that could have taken home a shelter dog.
If you do not have the time or energy to care for puppies, that is something else to consider. What if mom gets sick and can no longer care for the pups.. or what if she rejects them? Newborn pups are alot of work.. they need fed every 2 hours, even at nite.. and they need to be kept clean and warm.
you are great for taking her in, but many people dothis and it can be overwelling. Talk to a vet abut the best option. Also if you intend on letting her have the pups talk to a local no kill shelter or rescue about finding the puppies a good home.
I commend you for caring so much about this poor little stray dog.
Please consider having her spayed ... yes, it will cause the death of the fetal pups .. but she herself is just a pup. Please consider the fact that right now those fetuses are taking nutrition from a stray who probably was already nutritionally compromised. This can have effects both on her health (as she loses calcium to the pups now and while nursing) and on the pups health (as well as their mental development going on while she has been nutritionally compromised).
Yes, there are people who will give you grief about this, but you yourself have admitted that you are not up to raising pups... and the other option is to give up this poor little stray while she is already undergoing a LOT.
I have spayed pregnant rescued dogs. The dogs do not think in terms of having lost puppies. They are fine and able to recover from having been strays MUCH much faster.
Please, have her spayed now.
Bless you for loving her.
I know someone who has a Ch. showdog, a dog jumped, (actually climbed it - 6ft.), their fence and got to her, she was under two years old,(immature) they took her in and had surgery to remove the pups.
It was very hard to find a vet to do this, it also cost a couple thousand dollars, a spay would have a been under 300..
I think in that case it was the responsible thing to do, she has had pups, now after getting her OFA's checked, with no problems.
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