My dogs love to play together. They are a 1-year-old Miniature Schnauzer and a 13-year-old Brittany. It's great because they both get playtime and exercise. The Brittany's arthritis has significantly improved since the puppy got him playing again.
My problem is that they both tend to bark at each other when they play. Both loud and obnoxious.
This has been going on for several months and we've tried various things to get them to play quietly. The problem is that most methods quiet them but also stop them playing, which isn't the goal.
The Brittany's somewhat deaf and his bark isn't near as annoying as the puppy's, so I'm focusing on the one who can hear me. What I'm currently doing is yelling at him (yell as in needs to be loud so he can hear my over the racket--not angry yell) "Quiet." Then I praise as he plays quietly. (He know this command and when he's not in the middle of a game he's very good at it.)
Works some, but I'd appreciate any other tips anyone has.
I'm going through the same thing at the moment with two puppies I kept from my last litter, brother %26 sister. They are so noisy, especially in the evening, when they have a crazy half hour. Nothing sems to stop them. I have tried rattling cans with pebbles in them, squirting them with a water spray, yelling at them but they just carry on being manic until they just drop. All puppies do it. It's just them having fun.
I know they will grow out of it in time. All my dogs have been the same in puppyhood but once they mature this type of behaviour does stop.
I have found it's no use getting uptight about it. They are just using up their excess energy. Once they get a bit older and you can take them out for a walk things will start to calm down.
Rolled paper works like a charm. Hell, I take rolled paper when we go for a ride, go in the boat, everywhere. If I forget, we stop and buy an Enquirer, perfect size, does not hurt them.
I usually smack my leg with the paper, the sound get them to settle, I also give the command "settle" when I pop the paper.
My dogs did the same thing, but when they started to bark my mom use to have us go play with them telling them "Shhhh" or she would go and play with them. as soon as they stopped barking then we would leave them alone and they where pretty good. I don't think that they are ever going to stop barking though. Sorry. Also just like kids when they get into a game they seem to get louder and you just have to remind them to quite down.
I have a mini schnauzer, and her and her otehr doggie friend that comes over, they play alotttttttttttt but they only growl, wich is nice, but when the doorbell rings, its another story lol.
Well to get them to hush, try a muzzle. at first they will try to take it off, but keep putting it back on and they will get the hang of it. When they play and dont bark give them a treat and say "good doggies" or whatever you say.
My mini schnauzers bark is very low, which is funny, it sounds like we have a huge dog in our backyard, when she is out there, when she plays.
her firend doggie is a mini too and her bark is loud!!! and high pitched just like schnauzers are!! What they did to trian her was saying a really obnoxious sound like a buxxer noise that goes "EEEiiNNTT" or something like that lol. and it worked tremedusly!! also you have to use your finger and point it at them while saying it! and holding their muzzle down helps too.
I just put mine outside when the playing starts. They kinda figured it out and will usually go out on their own.
It sounds like I have Grizzly Bears when they play. Furniture goes flying too. Outside is my only option.
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