Monday, May 24, 2010

Any ideas why my jack russel goes crazy?

whenever I get out the iron, ironing board, vaccuum cleaner or patio umbrella?? she just screams, barks and tries to bite them. Or is she just loopy?
I have two JRs and they were the same but i realised they were intimidated by these 'scary' objects that are not out every day -- in their eyes they think WHERE THE HELL DID THAT THING COME FROM!!! - I BETTER DEFEND MY MUM/DAD! WOOF... SO...I left the hoover out on the floor for the day and every time buster went near i said good boy and made a nice fuss of him ... then i turned it on - then off BEFORE he got mad and started barking and right away gave him a treat and said good boy again so he he learnt this noise menat a treat! THEN he was quiet when it went on.and no stress! remember to reward him now and again when its on so they dont foegt to love the sound of the hoover !
AAS for the other items do the same - get out the iron and then put it away quickyl - give them a treat...repeat. They are so fast to learn and if they are greedy - faster LOL. goodluck
She's a terrier
she may have an aversion to large inanimate objects. espcially if you are carrying them around.
why not try 'It's me or the Dog' website and watching the programme for tips and ideas on ways to help your dog over come it's problem.
She probably doesn't like the smell,color or texture of those things she most likely thinks that they are a threat to her family
Terrier or "terror". Thats how they are. My uncle's JR jumps in the pool %26 tries to attack the kids as they jump off the diving board he jumps in from the side and attacks them when they surface. He drags the ever compliant cat around by the tail. The only time he's not terrorizing something is when he sleeps.
She is a jack russel!! lol JRT's are usually hyper and the iron vaccum and items like that are what sets her off. I have a rat terrier and she attacks a broom when I sweep and the vaccum cleaner as well I think she is playing a game with them.
I have a Jack Russel too %26 she does the same thing, I've tryed everything %26 done everything to stop her but nothing seems to work. I think it's just the breed, I have a friend %26 his does this too.. I've learned to just tell her NO %26 to just put up with it, she is a good dog, if that's all she does it could be worse :) No your dog is not loopy, LOL..
Mainly I suspect that she is defending you from "the alien".
Well she is a jack russel they are a little on the crazy side.sorry but most terriers are. The best thing to do is when you get out these things put her in her crate so she doesn't get hurt and also you can put them on the ground without turning them off so she can smell it and realize that it is an inanimate object. Good Luck
Put the dog on a leash - get a friend to help you. Get some treats the dog likes a lot - like some chicken or string cheese.
Tell the dog to sit - have your friend take out the offending item. When the dog starts to tense up - tell her to sit or settle - of she looks away from the offending item or follows your direction - give her a treat. Do this for about 5 minutes every day for about a week for each item - in different areas of the house.
After a while the dog will just look at you for a treat when you bring out an item. At that point you just need to give her one treat when she behaves or stops herself once while the item is out (when she gets good at behaving)
She obviously has a bit of a phobia of these items and sees them as a threat but it should be easy enough to train her out of
she just wants you to sit and love her she dont like you cleaning up lol x
if you got the dog from somebody else maybe they may have been abused by those kind of things or maybe she just don't like the items you pull out
mabey she had a bad experience with thease objects when she was a puppy and is scared of them now my dog is scared of all male dogs and will attack at sight becuse when he was a puppy a huski dog nerly riped his ear off and forced him under a moving car but lukily he wasnt hurt no matter what breed of male dog he will attack
Jack Russells are just like that. Trust me, ive had 4 and 1 of them had two litters!
all jacks are nuts i have had them for years they always seem to take offence to somthing one of mine hates it if i have socks on my feet but is fine with bare feet.
jack russel= crazy. Sorry, but get used to it.
she's just being loopy, its obvious that she gets overexcited when you do certain activities which involve movement and different forms of energy (heat, sound etc.)
So no need to worry.
And besides all jack's are like that.
She's loopy! Ha ha ha. My 6 yr old yorkie ( same family as your loopy lou ) starts humping his teddy if i get the ironing board out! freaky or what? Ha ha ha. He also does it if i hoover! My little jack is round the twist as well, wont let me into my own bed if he gets there first! Quirky little sods aint they but where would we be without them?
I have a westie who is just the same.just keep saying LEAVE and carry on, also turning your back to them helps a bit! to be fair though mine just a complete nutcase sounds like you have one too!

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