Friday, May 21, 2010

Annual shots?

i know that dogs need their annual shots..but how every month or year or something?please tell me!!!
Your dog may not need ANNUAL shots...the AVMA is now supporting individual vaccination protocols, tailored to your pet, and it's individual risks for disease. It is generally acceptable to vaccinate once every THREE years.
I am not against vaccination at all, but vaccines are not entirely safe, though they really are necessary. Once every three years will help your pet avoid some of the risks associated with over-vaccination. Some 'yearly' vaccines will provide 3-7 years of protection for your pet.
How often to vaccinate is really a decision for you to make with your vet, based on YOUR dog, but we vaccinate once every three years (DHLPP), and every year for rabies (because our dogs spend a lot of time hunting and playing outdoors).
They need their DHLPP once a year and their Rabies booster every three years. You should discuss the DHLPP protocol with your vet because recent studies are indicating that this is not necessary for all dogs.
According to homeopathic vets dogs and cats do not need annual shots. Give them shots when they are young and then none...except for rabies. I refer you to various websites on homeopathic vets, or get on to the web re shots for dogs and cats. Certain shots should not be given at all.ever.
annual means yearly... for more information on the shots that a dog needs you can see the following website.
some dogs who get annual shots can get sick from them bc they are so close together. if you think about it do kids who get shots get them every year? no. pups get lots a shots at first so do babies. so we are alike in the shot process thingy. the reason that some vets give annual shots is for the money. some percent of the money u pay goes to the doctor who gives your dog the shot (greedy little people). one of my neighbors told me and my mom about a shot that shows how much of the annual shots u dont need are left in the dogs body. and if they are relatively low then it is ok to give them the shot. but if its high its not worth it. i suggest googling that (srry i forgot the name of the shot thingy)
When you first get your pup, they have their first shots and normally the vet will advise you to return when your pup is 3mnths old for his Rabbies etc. Annual shots mean once year from the date that your pet was vacinated, which you should have a card that the vet will write in and sign with a sticker of the vacination he administered.
In-between your pet will get ill and of cause you will have to go to the vet, and maybe then the vet will administer some vacine which does not relate to your yearly shots. If your not certain, I would suggest you confirm with your local vet and find out when your dog had his last shots.
depend on the age. the vet will tell you what you need in shots. first year puppies get lots of shots. after a while once a year and you will have to buy heartgard to prevent heart worms to keep your dog healthy
once every year
annual means yearly
dude. annual means yearly.
Do lots of reading and talk with your vet. I'd rather get a shot than suffer through a horrible disease and lose my best buddy. I've seen friends decide not to vaccinate and then have to have their animal put down because they didn't want to spend $10 on a shot . If money is a problem call your local ASPCS. They often can offer you discounts. In our town once a week there is a location people can take pets to for very inexpensive vaccines.
We go to Banfields in PetSmart and use their Wellness insurance. This year that policy has saved me a fortune. I think my dogs have better insurance coverage than I do.
Hmmmm.where I come from annual means yearly. In fact, that's what annual means pretty much everywhere you go ( annual, from annum, meaning year.)
Annual means yearly
It depends!
Annual means every year.
, i hope this information helps! ;)
Vaccination Schedule for Dogs
From: The Humane Society
Distemper - an airborne viral disease of the lungs, intestines and brain.
Hepatitis - a viral disease of the liver.
Leptospirosis - a bacterial disease of the urinary system.
Parainfluenza - infectious bronchitis.
Parvovirus - a viral disease of the intestines.
Rabies - a viral disease fatal to humans and other animals.
Corona - a viral disease of the intestines.
Bordetella - a bacterial infection (kennel cough)
Puppies - 6 weeks to 1 year
6 to 8 weeks - First puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
11 to 12 weeks - Second puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
15 to 16 weeks - Third puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
Over 4 months - Rabies (repeat l year later)
7 to 9 months - First heartworm test

Adult Dogs - After 1 year
DHLPP - Yearly
Heartworm test - Yearly
Rabies - depends yearly
Bordetella - Yearly

ask ur vet for a more complete list.
hope this helps

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