Friday, May 21, 2010

Anti-Social Shih Tzu Puppies?

I took my two male Shih Tzu puppies to a dog park to play with other dogs for the first time. The younger Shih Tzu puppy is 6 months old and the older Shih Tzu puppy is 11 months old. Both Shih Tzu puppies had interactions with neighborhood dogs, 2 aggressive Maltese dogs. But they have not had any interactions with other dogs aside from each other and the 2 aggressive female Maltese dogs. Now they also bark at the 2 agressive female Maltese dogs but when my puppies were younger they were afraid of these 2 agressive female Maltese dogs. Both dogs hardly bark at home. But they both growled and barked so loud at the other dogs at this dog park. They also growled and barked at one of the dogs at the vet's office, too. How can I get our Shih Tzu puppies to socialize/play with other dogs nicely at the dog park before taking them to dog training school?
you have it backward. you need to take them to obedience so they will do better at the park and be able to get socialized. you need to learn how to train your dogs to listen to you so you can correct them when they are misbehaving. don't take them back to the park until you can learn how to teach them mannors. being at the park can just reinforce their current behavior. find a good training class, please not one at a petsmart. the trainer will show you how to make your dogs more confident and how to get them to listen to you. if you follow the directions, you will be able to stop even the barking at the poorly behaved maltese down the street. good for you for knowing this is not a proper way for the dogs to behave and knowing you should have them in a training class. you just happen to have it backward. start with the training and then you'll know how to stop the poor behavior. good luck.
try calling the dog whisperer ceasar millan. he's good..
check out Cesar Milan, the doggier whisperer...he knows everything about dogs.
Shih Tzu is funny to say. Go ahead say it. SAY IT! Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu. See, I told you it was funny.
2 agressive female Maltese dogs
Sorry... I just wanted to say it again to make sure that you got your point across about your Shih Tzu's relationship with 2 agressive female Maltese dogs.
Remember... 2 agressive female Maltese dogs. DO NOT FORGET, 2 agressive female Maltese dogs.
What tells you that these two aggressive female Maltese dogs are aggressive? Because, now you say your dogs are barking a the two aggressive female Maltese dogs. Maybe yours are aggressive?
Socialize them.
Are they barking aggressively, or playfully?
Dogs bark, I'm not sure what your problem is.
The problem is that they needed to be socialized at a much younger age. Plus, your dog's experience with the Maltese has probably made them fear aggressive towards other dogs. They probably think that all dogs are aggressive like the maltese. Try introducing your dogs to a very friendly non aggressive dog. Introduce it gradually and don't allow your dogs to growl or bark. Sooth them and tell them they will be fine and hopefully with time they will be better with other dogs.
The two barking maltese are probably not aggressive, just yappy. Your dogs just learned that from them. Small dogs bark to try to scare away bigger dogs or scary dogs because it is a fear reaction.
I have 3 shih tzus and as soon as they were old enough to be on a leash, we started taking them to Petco and Petsmart to be around other dogs and people. Little kids love to pet puppies. We were extremely careful in just how much contact we allowed them to have with other dogs but they are all extremely friendly and absolutely love all dogs and people. I can take them anywhere in public and they love to be petted and try to kiss anyone coming near them and to play with all other dogs. It takes more then just a few trips in public to socialize them but it is worth it.

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