I've had my bassett hound, his name is flash, for the past three years, i love him so much, but he's became a escape artist all of asudden, he will find any way possible to get out of the yard or the house, for example, one day we left, and he was in the house we get home and he's gone..didnt' no how he got out at all we searched all over, well, we have a window air unit in our bedroom window and on each side is a plastic flap that stretches across, he tore it out and squeezed his big body through this tiny space.lol.i couldn't help but laugh, in the back yard he has like 50 escape holes he dug..we are always trying to block.lol..we walk him alot and love him and don't misteat him, is it just in there blood to wander around or what?..anyone else had this promblem, is it just the type of dog he is or what?...and he always comes back home after wandering the neighborhood for awhile, we always go look for him for what's up with this?
Unfortunately any scent hound will do this. Some are so bad they are slaves to their noses, they smell something remotely interesting and they MUST go find it. And most do become rather good escape artists. If his sense of scent is really that great maybe you could look around to see if your city has a volunteer rescue dog group, that might at least give him an outlet for his sniffing. Otherwise just keep a good eye on him. It's in his blood as deep as it can go and no amount of training will ever "cure" him of it.
They are scent hounds. He may smell something good in your neighborhood and want to check it out. Is he neutered? He may also be trying to "spread his seed" (especially if a female dog in the area is in heat).
I have 2 bassets, and no problems like this. I agree with the others who mention the scent hound thing. That's one of the main reasons so many bassets end up in shelters. If he's not neutered that might cause this more than his nose. You might consider that if he's not. Both of mine are neutered, and have never once left the fence. Check out some basset websites, good resources for more info on the breed.
Theresa is correct. Bassets are hounds and hounds are slaves to their noses. If they get a scent they want to follow it to the point of disregarding their safety.
I have a friend with a Basset that jumped out of the window of a moving car to go follow something. Luckily he wasn't injured, but she definitely has to be more careful with that.
I would keep him crated when you can't be around, and then get him into some kind of program where he can just be a hound on your spare time. Many organizations set up things where they can compete or even just get together and have fun doing what they do best. Call a Basset rescue or club and ask about groups in your area.
i have a 3 year old basset hound, and he love to wander, doesn't really dig to get out, but if a door gets left open for just a second he is gone, i know he is just fallowing his nose and can't help it. you are lucky he your basset comes home mind doesn't i have to chase him down and bring him home.
Unfortunately, yes. Basset hounds are VERY intelligent and VERY persistent when it comes to getting what they want. Although most of mine are good, I've had a couple where it's been a constant battle to keep them contained. MInd you, I've learned a lot over the years about the precautions necessary to keep a basset from getting out.
My first one was a terrible escape artist, unfortunately he fell in a neighbor's pool and drowned :-(
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