Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal shelters ?

what do you think about them?? why do they make a difference? If you had $5000 to give to a charity or an animal shelter, what would you use the money for, for the animal shelter? Does an animal shelter deserve $5000? Why would YOU try to help the anumal shelter? what do you think about animals left alone in the world?
Animal shelters are charities. They do not operate on a profit - far from it.
The shelters have the thankless job of cleaning up after other people's litters. They are the ones who must control the exploding animal population by spaying and neutering and providing low-cost speutering, too. So yes, I would give money to a local shelter - the hardest part about that would be trying to decide which one!
If I had 5,000.00 to give away,and I had a choice between giving it to a charity or animal shelter,think I would divide it and give 1/2 to each,as both have a great purpose for their funds,but would be given to a Children's charity instead of just a plain charity and a dog rescue org.
Animal shelters are a necessary evil. The uninformed public buying dogs from BYB and pet stores contributes to the over population of dogs and the idiots that will not spay or neuter their pets. If everyone was required to spay and neuter their dogs except responsible breeders and a few select other interests then you would not have to worry about giving money to an animal shelter. Would you?
Check with the animal shelter; what do they do with the dogs that they have had for a long period of time!
I would not give one dime! to a place that puts the animals to sleep!
Animal Shelters make a huge difference for both people and animals in the world today!
It is because of people 99.9999% of the time that animals end up abused, neglected abandoned, never mind that they reproduce like crazy, because their owners neglect to have them spayed or neutered.
Most dogs who end up there are surrendered, because they didn't know or understand what kind of dog they were getting, or not ready for that kind of responsibility. The dogs end up as victims of circumstances. (or cats, bunnies, birds, lizards, etc.)
Even dogs like pits, staffies, rotties end up in shelters, because their owners did not understand the kind of care and/or handling these dogs need.
why do they deserve $5000? they don't. They deserve MUCH MUCH MORE than that!! because they are the ones that clean up other people's mistakes, or help find homes for animals that would other wise be on the streets, run over, abused, dead, or in your backyard, raiding your rubbish, contracting viruses that could be spread to your child, your parent, or loved one, like rabies, the plague, etc.
think about it... and then ask yourself again why they deserve a donation.
I already know
At the shelter I work at we make a huge difference in the animal world!
We recieve 50+ phone calls a day from people looking to give up their unwanted pets.
We take in what we can. We are always full to capacity, sometimes overfull.
Our pets(and we treat them like our own) are well fed, well socialized. They recieve everything my own personal pets recieve, sometimes more!
Not a day goes by that I haven't had at least 50 dogs in my lap! Some up to 15 years old, with nowhere to go.
We run on donations ALONE! and have done so for 56 years.
Lots of animal lovers out there willing to donate to the cause of animals.
Lots of charities out there! I would divide the $5000 up between human and animal charities.
if i had the money i would give it to the animals in shelters. i hate that people leave there animals like that and toss them in the pound it just mean. how would you like to be in a home and then tossed in jail. i hate kill shelters it just not fear.
I think the thought of giving $5000 to an animal shelter is very worthy. I am very much an advocate of helping those that are unable to help themselves deserving of any assistance. If you are researching for other reasons, then my answer would be different. If you have only $5000 to endow, then spit it between childrens charities and other. If you have an extra $5000 and don't know what to do with it, then help the animals.
My brother is a veterinarian in the UK and he has always maintained if you are going to give money to animals then giving it to a local home or shelter will get the best results.
He did extensive work (and still does) with the RSPCA in the UK (which is the biggest animal charity) and while he says they do great work that smaller donations just get lost in administration costs and that the local homes and shelters usually only survive on private funding so need your donations more than the large charities.
I think that the make a wish foundation is a better choice.
ADD: What kind of sick people give thumbs down to someone who would rather give money to a dying child rather then a dog?
To be honest I'd probably give it to the cystic fibrosis foundation- or maybe like $4000 to the foundation and $1000 to the shelter.
I love dogs- but cystic fibrosis killed my mother's only sister and her 3 brothers- she is the only one left. I don't want any parents to have to go through something like that again or any siblings. I can't even imagine.
I love animals- but...
Also- shelters HAVE to kill some dogs- even the no-kills kill very sick or very aggressive dogs. It's not their fault- it's society's fault. My local shelter would rather do anything than euthanize an animal. The animal control guy gave me and my dog a ride home in his truck after I adopted just because it got the dog out of there several days earlier and I couldn't walk him home on the busy highway. Don't blame or penalize kill shelters- if they had more money they would euthanize less animals. Some dogs just can't be adopted- poor breeding, poor socialization, no the shelter's fault.
I would definately donate to an animal shelter over any charity for people. National charities receive more money from all over, rather than a local shelter.
I prefer to help animals over people. People can help themselves, animals can not.
I think that animal shelters give some animals a second chance for a good and loving life. Just think, when someone adopts an animal from a shelter, they are saving two lives, the animal that they are adopting and the animal that gets to take its place in the shelter. If I had 5000 dollars to give away, I would defenitely help out animal shelters with some of it but I would also give some of it to a charity that helps children. I think it is our responsibility as humans to be responsible for our world and of those who depend on us for survival, we are to blame for overpopulation and only we can help to get it under control. I think that it is our fault for animals having to be alone in the world, if we all just do our part, we can prevent it from getting worse. There is no excuse for all of the abandoned and mistreated animals in the world. So I say, if you want a pet, skip the breeder and head to a shelter or rescue program and adopt an animal from them. Those animals deserve a second chance. And last, spay or neuter your pets!
$5000 to an animal shelter is quite alot of money. That money would go to giving vaccinations, buying food, maybe even taking care of some surgeries for dogs who need them. If I had $5000 it would most certainly go to a shelter organization, because not enough people donate to help animals.
Which is why, Connie P, shelters are forced to put dogs to sleep. What would happen to all those poor animals if shelters ceased to exist? Think about that, Connie P.
There is nowhere near enough money donated in the country today to help all the homeless pets. Shelters are forced to cope with the difficult decision of who is to live and who is to die every day. They do the best they can to save as many as they can. It is a heartbreaking job and one I highly respect.
Hum. I do dog rescue for small breed dogs under 20lbs. Unfortunatey, 5000.00 isn't that much money but it does help. I would find a reputable 501 3 c non-profit foundation rescue group that needs medical expenses paid. Otherwise, I'm thinking about going to Indonesia to buy the release of baby Elephants who were stolen from their moms and are now forced to beg on the streets for money from tourists.

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