would it be okay to just give my dog k9 advantix [mosquitoes, fleas] preventive in the hot weather [summer, beginning fall]
also what do u suggest with heartguard all year around or what? thanx!
Well the Heartguard it depends on where you live and the kind of climate you have durring winter months.
If you have a mild climate then yes all year round with the Heartguard. If you get a ton of snow than no. I go by the weather and the temps here in the North East. I usually stop the Heartguard when the snow fly's but not until then.
Yes the K9Advantix is supposed to be used in the spring summer and fall.
adavntix is fine in the hot weather... give heartguard every 6 months
I like K9 Advantix and I would first ask you, is your dog an indoor dog or outdoor dog. If indoor, I would say sure to just summer/fall. If he is an outdoor dog, I would say no, it needs to be year round, because he is out in the enviroment at all times, and who knows when a dog that is loose doesn't come and play, who already has fleas. I would say with hearguard you need to do it all year round again, especially if he is an outside dog.
heartguard yes all year round and personally i keep my dogs on the advantix all year also but i live in the south so we dont get very cold here but fleas can happen anytime and if your dogs come into contact with a dog that has fleas even in colder weather they can pick them up, but thing to do is discuss it with your vet
You could just give the flea medicine in the spring summer and fall. Start in the spring if I were you. Just take off the winter. Heartguard all year though.
This all depends on where you live, and what the climate is like. Your veterinarian will have the best recommendation. Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitos, so it depends on when you have mosquitos. I live in Michigan and I keep my dog on Heartgard all year round. This is because of the climate, and Heartworm disease can be deadly, so I don't want to take a chance leaving my dog Off heartworm prevention. And I also like keeping her protected from intestinal parasites year round. I use Frontline plus, and I keep my dog on Frontline through spring, summer, and fall. Usually until the first real frost. But again, this depends on the climate where you live.
im pretty sure it would be i give my dog a chewable heartworm tablet once a month.. but as for fleas and such get a shot fromt the vet that lasts six months.
I think both really depend on your climate and where you live. Last year b/c of the warmer winter we had we saw fleas and ticks almost all year! Most of these pests are supposed to die with the 1st frost providing it doesnt warm up again and stay warm, Also many ppl dont realize if you read the box, frontline claim s to protect against fleas for 3 months unless you need protection from ticks than t its every month. Heartgaurd is the same, depends where you live what they recommend. In my area most vets dont really recommend it b/c we really dont have a problem w/ that. Some ppl still use it for the summer months.I also think if you pet has ever had heartworm than they should definitely be on it year round or if you have any reason pets would be coming in your home from another area were it is prevalent.
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