Monday, May 24, 2010

Any other tricks i didn't teach my dog?

anyone know any dog tricks for ym dog, shes a golden retriever abouth a year old and i taugt her
1 sit
2 shake
3 stay
4 jump
5 spin
and thats all i taught my dog, any other tricks? it would be polite if u tell me how too :D
I taught my dog "Where's my foot?" which always makes people laugh. I use shaping to teach my dog things and I noticed that he would naturally try to hit things with his feet a lot. So I used a clicker to "capture the behavior":
1. Here we are in a 'boring' room, and it's just me and my dog, who knows I have yummy treats.
2. We played tug to start the training session. Also, I had all of my treats ready and handy (in a bowl) and my clicker was ready too.
3. I wait for my dog to offer something. I don't talk to him at all. What I want to see is any kind of foot movement. First, he sits - I don't reward. Next, he lies down - no reward. He barks and starts to get frustrated - so he stands and steps towards me with a front foot. Bingo! That's a rewardable behavior. I click as he puts that foot forward and toss a treat.
4. He eats the treat and comes right back to me. I wait again and click/treat as soon as he moves a front foot towards me.
5. Because we play this game a lot, my dog understands in 5 or 6 treats that it's about his front feet. This is the funny part because now he begins to STOMP around, still trying to figure out what I want. I may "help" him by accidentally getting my foot in the way of one of those STOMPs. Bingo! again, and I'd end the session there.
6. The next session - I would wait until he was making efforts to come at me. I'd be looking for him to problem solve, and I'd continue to reward tiny steps forward to his stomping on my foot with his.
7. When he's got the behavior and will reliably foot-stomp you, take the training on the road and add distractions. I don't secommend that you reward him for clawing at your leg because #1, ouch! and #2, it won't be as funny when you -
8. Name the behavior. When your dog reliably performs the trick in a nomber of different places with distractions, that's when you can name the trick. I say, "where's my foot?" and my dog assertively smacks my foot. This is a fun one - have a good time!
Fetch (toys, newspaper, slippers,
Play dead
Walk backwards
Pray ( begging position, with paws together )
High five
Walk in circle
Hope I helped! ( and was polite enough! lol ). Best of luck, hon'.
fetch-- when she brings it back--drop it-- roll over-- play dead-- down--speak(only on command)--sorry no clue on how to teach her--all dogs are different. sounds like you're doing something right so whatever method you used to teaach her the other tricks should work for these too
I train service dogs, and they know over 90 commands, do you really want me to name them all. I will give you some practical ones.
look (look at that object)
get it (dog picks up and object)
bring it here (the dog brings it to you)
give (the dog puts the object in your hand)
watch me (dog looks you in the eye)
come (the most important command)
high five and wave (ok, those are just fun)
if you want more, email me.
Agility is also real good for high energy dogs such as Golden's.
Hope this helped!
That's all great and everything but how about how to make her owner be still? As long as she "comes" when called so she doesn't get run over by a car, does she need to perform for you? How about a lot of quality time, excersise, quite moments, etc.?
how about a few more basics?
like "down"...get him to sit and move a treat down past his nose and away a bit...his head will follow and he'll lie down. Once you get that.
"roll over".move the treat past his nose sideways and over a shoulder...his head follows and he rolls...
or crawl...start from down...move the treat slowly away from him...he should stay down and follow it...

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