Monday, May 24, 2010

Anybody knows A LOT about Golden Retrievers?

I need to know which kind of Golden Retriever is the one that keeps a stylish, young-looking face even until it grows old. Because there is one type of Golden Retriever that has more of falling face, and drools a bit; specially as they grow older. OK, I need to know which type is the first one. It's also normally very light gold colour shade and it doesn't drool as much as the other one. Thanks
HI Hope I can help you and lead you in the right direction.
No matter what look your after they are all Golden's. The colors come in very light golden to a very dark almost reddish Golden. My Guy in my picture is considered a med. colored Golden. I do have a lighter Golden boy here with me also.
Now is seems that your in either the UK, Canada or Australia.
Now the Golden in my picture is a block headed, stocky Golden. He is 24" to the shoulder and is 85 pounds. My other Golden is also a block headed, squared face Golden with a blunt muzzle. He is 24 1/2" to the shoulder and is 90 pounds. Difference between the 2 are that one had a bigger bone structure than the other but their weight and conformation are about the same. These are the look of Golden's I prefer and bred. Now if your looking for the sleeker Goldens than well tthey are out there but I personally don't like the more pointed muzzle and oval heads and longer legs. I feel this type of Golden goes to far away from the breed standard.
As far as show Golens vs sporting Golden's yes their is a difference in their drives but they should not look so different form each other. This where the Good Doctor and I dissagree.
You should take your time and look for the Golden you want and make sure you see the parents. It will be a very good indicator of what the pup will look like when a Adult. Hip, eye, and elbow certifications I feel are a must for the parent's of the pup.
No matter what you want to do with your Golden they are the most wonderful dogs going.
Good luck with your search and I can be of any further help just e-mail me. OK
Thanks Dobiegang for staring this question.
That would be Goldengal on here that you'd want to answer your question. She is not on here right now, but I will star your question, %26 email her %26 I know she will be more than glad to answer your question as soon as she sees it.
Are you talking about a Labrador Retriever? Because there is only one type of Golden Retriever and that is a Golden Retriever. Labs and Golden's are two different breeds. What are you talking about here?
The only difference in Golden Retrievers is the colour - ranging from a very pale creamy colour to a very dark gold colour. The darker colour shows the age more as the hair will turn white with age, just like human hair. If you are concerned about the dog looking it's age then buy a paler dog. A lot of dogs drool more as they age - but for Goldens some will and some won't. I'm wondering if you have confused another type of retriever with the Golden Retriever. They are wonderfully good natured dogs and very faithful companions.
ive got 1 shes very light in colour and she is a golden retriever she is 14weeks old x
Theres just one type of golden retriever except the white golden retreiver. There are many types of retriever and the golden retriever is one of them!
There is only one correct type of Golden Retriever:
If you are interested in buying a Golden Retriever, you need to research breeders who are producing typical, well bred healthy puppies.
What you describe is not a "type" it's just an example of a dog who is not a good example of the breed. Coat colour is only cosmetic %26 any type of Golden Retriever can come in any of the acceptable shades of gold.
There is only one type of Golden Retriever registered with the Kennel club. However, you probably refer to the difference between the working and show types:
- the show type is stocky, broad faced and pale coloured
- the working type is slimmer with darker colouring
You want the show type. You may contact the kennel club and ask for breeders of Golden Retiever that actually show their dogs and you'll have what you need.
There are no different types of golden retreivers! It's simply one breed. The goldie's coat ranges from a very pale cream colour to a dark golden, it's not unusual for a puppies coat to darken as it matures. As for the face, some do have droopier jowles then other but not to the point of extremeity. If your considering this gorgeous breed, then you need to do alot more homework before buying one!

Anybody know about raw diets for dogs? Also, he is about 105 much would he need per day?

My golden retriever has allergies. and I am thinking of trying him on a raw diet. He is sensitive to chicken in kibble form, do you think he would be okay on raw chicken? Or someother type of meat.
Most people start out their dogs with chicken. You can feed smaller bones, like chicken bones, and they will easily be crunched up. In the raw circles, recreational bones like beef bones are known as "wreck" bones, because they can wreck a dog's teeth. I'd start with chicken first, and if the allergy problems continue, you can gradually introduce other meats. You just don't want to do too many meats at once right in the beginning, because it takes some time for dogs to adjust to healthy, un-processed foods. You'll need to feed about 2-3 percent of your dog's body weight in raw meat per day. My best recommendation is to follow a prey-model raw diet, as it's closest to what dogs would eat naturally. I learned a lot from the Raw Food Diet forum. I'd suggest reading through the forums and asking questions there. The dogs and owners are incredibly helpful!
Raw chicken would be entirely different to cooked kibble. He should be fine with this food.
To ensure the health of your dog you need to be feeding him based on a 'prey' model - raw meaty bones, offal and the occasional table scraps. There is no need to buy pre-packaged patties, supplements or a grinder - just find a friendly butcher. Ethnic food stores are a great source of out of the ordinary meats and offal.
My dog eats (on average) 20% meat, 60% meaty bones, 10-15% offal and the rest in table scraps. This is based over a week so it is not as complicated as it sounds. A general guide is to feed 15-20% of body weight per week or 2-3% a day. Your dogs appearence will be the best guide though.
Do your research before you start (this link is full of information) and PLEASE don't be put off by ill-informed scaremongers. Dogs are designed to eat carcasses not kibble! His teeth and gums will benefit as well as your wallet.

Anybody have an idea on how to make shade that is not chewable?

my dog has been put back in his cage
he needs shade
Buy a tarp, and some long stakes and stake the tarp over the crate. Is he in a box crate in the yard? How cruel. If he's in an enclosure, drape the tarp over the enclosure and tie it down with rope. What did your poor dog do to deserve this treatment?
Not chewable shade??
I think you meant something besides "shade".
Try again.
How is your dog chewing shade??
How about a tree?? They have been known to provide good shade.. The house provides good shade...

Anybody ever had a dog that had an abortion?

i dont need any negative responses. just need to know other peoples experiences with this issue. before you go telling me im a bad dog owner and etc. let me just inform you that i took in a stray dog went to get her fixed and shes pregnant. i have mixed feelings on abortions and im having a difficult time with this descion. thank you.
Don't listen to the people saying your dog will get depressed. She won't! She'll be far better off not going through labor at such a young age, and finding homes for puppies in a world way overcrowded by kittens and puppies is very difficult. I work in a veterinarian's office and people dump off unwanted pets all the time that it's next to impossible for us to find homes for, and usually ends in euthanasia. Definitely spay her, it's the responsible, and ethical, thing to do.
if its a stray u should do it because itll be awful hard to find homes
are u keeping the stray?
if so ask the vet how many babies shes gonna have and try to find homes for them in advance if not go ahead and et the abortion
then spay!
Don't do it, wait for the puppy to be born and give it up for adoption. Dogs, like humans, suffer depression, and especially if you take away a puppy from a mother, she will be depressed.
Truth be told, it is likely a good idea that you go through with the procedure, depending on how far along the mom is. Allowing her to give birth to the pups could put her health and life at risk. In addition, having the pups is just going to add to the population of unwanted dogs overrunning shelters. I know it is a difficult decision to make, but it is in the best interests of you, the dog, and ultimately the puppies.
If she isn't very far along, she can be spayed even though she is pregnant. can let her have the puppies. Which is a great deal of work and expense. You will also have to find homes for a litter of mixed puppies. You didn't mention what type of dog she is. Follow your heart, but know there is a great deal of responsibility in taking care of the pups. Good Luck!
Wow... that IS a hard decision. I think that is was wonderful that you took in a stray dog but often times when people are kind enough to take in stray dogs they are thrust into more than they can handle. In my opinion, if you decide not to keep this stray, it will be hard enough to try and find a home for her besides her pups as well. There are hundreds if not thousands of homeless dogs and puppies out there besides the other animals and I think you made the humane decision.
In most cases, I would let the dog have her pups and then spay her after the pups are weaned and find homes for all the babies. If the dog was a small breed and i appears to have been bred by a large dog, I would go ahead and have her spayed now. It will probably save her life. The vet can do xrays to see how big the pups are. I don't like abortion for women or animals but in some cases it is the right thing to do.
I actually did spay a chihuahua just one day after she tied with one of my males. I thought she was past the time to be bred. I was planning to spay her anyway as she had a genetic problem that would have been passed on to any offspring. Of couse I do not know if the tie took. She was in like day 25 of her heat so she should have been safe.
I'm sorry but you are a sick individual if you decide to go through with this. There are lots of people that will take in a newborn puppy!
you shouldnt do it you should wait until the puppys are born and then go leave them at a vet and the vet could find them homes or u could put them in the paper and give them away for free.
Ive had to go through this before I worked for an animal shelter years ago.don't do it, your dog will go through depression, trust me dogs are not stupid, you can find a home for the puppy...
I understand not wanting to have a bunch of puppies, but since she is pregnant, maybe try just raising them and finding them all good homes. Or also contact your local shelter, and see if you could work with them on helping you raise and find them homes.
It鈥檚 a tuff choice. I have never talked to anyone who had their dog get an abortion. But I can say this, it would be a lot of work, but I think if you can handle it, it would be very rewarding to raise these puppies and see them get great homes. It is almost like fostering puppies. They are not yours and it鈥檚 not by your doing that she is pregnant, so they would be guest and you would be doing a service. But it鈥檚 all about the time you have.
It's not ABORTION when you are talking a dog.. It's being responsible and making sure that you aren't adding to the already over populated shelters. Abortion is a people thing.. Not being careful, getting pregnant and then terminating the pregnancy for whatever reason. In dogs it's responsible pet ownership and taking care of your dog...
The timing has to be right for the shot. If you've already done it, they get over it immediately. You did a good thing adopting and I'm sure your intent was to save a life, not 10 at once. If you can afford a bunch of puppies and you think you could keep the ones you don't find homes for, then let her have them. Otherwise you are being responsible, not cruel.
i would say go back to the vet that did the operation, let them know the situation...they will know what to say/do.
First of all, since she's been a stray it's likely her health and nutrition history are not the best. Not only will this make it more difficult for her to carry, whelp and rear the pups it will also have a negative impact on the health of the puppies, predisposing them to problems later in life.
Secondly, unless you are EXTREMELY dilligent in placing the pups and following-up on them for life, it is likely that most will not remain in their first homes past their first birthday. People tend to value mixed breed dogs less and will often aquire them on a whim because they are "cheap". Then they find out that the dog doesn't train itself, sheds, pees on the rug etc and get rid of it. A dog that loses it's home because of behavior issues has a dim future and tends to get bounced around until it ends up being put down or dying of various types of neglect (let loose to be hit by car, not taken to vet when needed etc) or stuck outside in a pen or tied to a doghouse.
I hate the idea of the pups never having a chance, but if you want to raise them then you must be prepared to provide the optimum in care for them while they are with you, to carefully screen all potential adopters, and to follow-up and be willing to take them back at any time during their lives to try to avoid the above fate.
EDIT: In view of her age, I definitely recommend the spay/abortion. Having puppies at her age is like a 13 year old girl having a baby.
I understand your dilemma. If the whole concept of abortion of any kind is what is at the heart of your indecision then I'd consider all the animals put o death every day. I know, we all hear about that. But human babies aren't allowed to be born only to be put to death later because there are simply too many as routine. So just think it over and let your conscience guide you, whatever you decide. GL :)
P.S. I didn't mean one thing I said to be or sound judgmental. You took in a stray (God bless) and on the way to doing the responsible thing you got hit with a surprise. It's not your fault, OK?
Baby on the way, sounds like you're going to have your hands full. Just remember good vet care for the mom ands puppies is expensive. Plus if something were to go wrong you're talking thousands of dollars. And to be honest, she's kind of young to have puppies. What did the vet advise?
I was in your shoes once. A cat that I had rescued was very very thin and we took her to the vet as we always do with rescues to get spayed. Turned out she was pregnant. There was no way she would have been able to take care of those kittens on her oown as thin as she was and she more than likely would have had complications so I decided for her health to have her spayed anyways, resulting in an abortion. If your dog is thin or you dont think she could take care of them on her own or their might be complications I would go through with it. It will be cheaper and better for the both of you in the long run. Mixed breed puppies are hard to rehome, there are already enough dogs out there and you have no clue what these dogs will look like and what sort of personalities they will have. I think getting her spayed would be the best option for the both of you, it turned out to be for my rescue cat.
You are not a sick individual for considering this. You seem to be trying to make an educated, responsible, humane decision. If she is not very far along and the vet will agree, it would be a good idea to abort and spay. If she's further along, talk it over with the vet. You don't know the dog's history, and pregnancy, birth, and raising puppies is really hard on her as a mother. And they'll just be that many more mixed babies in an already overpopulated world. At the same time, a late abortion would have more effects on the mother's hormones and could cause the earlier mentioned depressions, etc. But she will recover. As for the person who mentioned plenty of people being willing to take in newborn puppies, let's consider the fact that you're not trying to home newborns. You'd be stuck taking care of the mother and the puppies for 6 weeks before you could home them, and that's if you could find homes for all of them.
Realistically, as hard as it may be, you're better off going ahead with the surgery. And she'll be better off in the long run.
I had got a female dog from the shelter.. she was intact. She had already had a litter of pups before, according to the shelter workers. She came into heat shortly after we got her.. we did our best to keep her confined.. but she got out the door, and the roaving neighbor dog got to her.
I made an appt to get her spayed.. its prefered to wait until after a heat is over, but I did not want to deal with puppies. I dont know if she was pregnant or not, I never asked.. its pretty safe to assume she was!
A spay that terminates a pregnancy is often easier on the dog than to go thru labor and whelping. If she's a small dog, she may require a cecarian to give birth (can cost $1000 and up!). You should talk to the vet and see if she is too far along to terminate the pregnancy.
I know its hard to make the decision.. but consider this. There are so many dogs dieing in shelters every day from lack of homes. For each of these puppies born that you find homes for.. thats a home that could have taken home a shelter dog.
If you do not have the time or energy to care for puppies, that is something else to consider. What if mom gets sick and can no longer care for the pups.. or what if she rejects them? Newborn pups are alot of work.. they need fed every 2 hours, even at nite.. and they need to be kept clean and warm.
you are great for taking her in, but many people dothis and it can be overwelling. Talk to a vet abut the best option. Also if you intend on letting her have the pups talk to a local no kill shelter or rescue about finding the puppies a good home.
I commend you for caring so much about this poor little stray dog.
Please consider having her spayed ... yes, it will cause the death of the fetal pups .. but she herself is just a pup. Please consider the fact that right now those fetuses are taking nutrition from a stray who probably was already nutritionally compromised. This can have effects both on her health (as she loses calcium to the pups now and while nursing) and on the pups health (as well as their mental development going on while she has been nutritionally compromised).
Yes, there are people who will give you grief about this, but you yourself have admitted that you are not up to raising pups... and the other option is to give up this poor little stray while she is already undergoing a LOT.
I have spayed pregnant rescued dogs. The dogs do not think in terms of having lost puppies. They are fine and able to recover from having been strays MUCH much faster.
Please, have her spayed now.
Bless you for loving her.
I know someone who has a Ch. showdog, a dog jumped, (actually climbed it - 6ft.), their fence and got to her, she was under two years old,(immature) they took her in and had surgery to remove the pups.
It was very hard to find a vet to do this, it also cost a couple thousand dollars, a spay would have a been under 300..
I think in that case it was the responsible thing to do, she has had pups, now after getting her OFA's checked, with no problems.

Anybody else ever experienced this?

I had locked my keys into my truck this morning and neede to get into my truck so i could go to work, i didnt want to call a tow truck company because it can be very costly when you do that, and i knew the police department in the area i lived will send a patrollman out to get into vehicle as soon as they are able to do so, so i called the police non emergency number for the oakland county sheriffs office for assistance, well i did not like how the dispacther was rude with me about how i called the wrong department i didnt know what the non emergancy number for the local department was so thats why i called the county sheriffs office well when the lady told me that i needed to contact the local police i asked her if she could possibly call them for me or give me their number, and she stated in a very rude and obnoxious tone, im not going to call them for that, all she had to say was, i can give you the number, i just wondered if any one else ever experienced a rude dispatcher.
I had that happen once and had a really rude dispatcher too. I had locked my keys in my car at Super Walmart. There I was sitting on the swing sets outside the store with a cart full of groceries calling the police department.
In my home town, the cops were ok doing it, you just had to sign a release that they weren't responsible for damage inside the car door. Apparently in the city I was in (going to college), it wasn't their job. The dispatcher said they did not provide that service. I asked who did. She said an unlocking company. I asked if she could give me the names/numbers of a few. She rudely explained she couldn't, it was privatization of the government by making a referral! I was then in tears and just said thank you, goodbye, and I hung up.
The phonebook was torn out of the kiosk in Walmart so I couldn't find a unlocking service phone number. When I finally got a hold of one of my friends, she gave me a number and it was going to cost like $45 so I told my friend to come pick me up and we actually broke in my apartment to get my spare key. It's pretty scary knowing you can break into your own apartment.
Of course! Just because she was a dispatcher doesn't mean that she is going to be nice. She probably felt that you were wasting the Police Department's time because them unlocking your doors is really not their job, but then again either is eating donuts. There are a lot of rude people these days, don't let it bother you.

Any websites about responsibility of owning a dog?

Do you have any websites that ask and tell you about the responsibilities of owning a dog(for kids/teens)? Not just stuff that you have to read, but questions you have to answer. In a previous question, someone told me a great website that asked questions like "name 3 times you have been gentle with a dog/puppy in the past month." and "How much time a day do you think you will need to spend with you dog?"
Questions like that. Thanks!
I just googled "dogs and responsibility" and a whole list came up! Here are a few that I liked: (has an article about dog's everyday needs if you scroll down)
(may be the best link, if you're using the dog to teach responsiblity, it has age ranges and what a child in that age range should be able to do for the dog)
Just google the words and I swear you'll come up with hundreds of websites (I know I did)
you can also go to this link (below) and there you'll find all sorts of easy to understand, great for beginners information on dog's diet, training, exercise, introducing a new dog to the whole family, etc...
good luck!
there is a great book called "The complete Dog book for kids"
also AKC website and local or state SPCA's should have good info
I know of two good ones. and
here are some search results

Any vets or anyone know about dog rectums?

I was wondering do you know something about dogs with a rectum is lower than its suppose to be? How much would a surgery cost for fix something like that?
Is it genetic or is she overweight? Not sure what the problem is but any rectal surgery is risky at best. Post op complications could be incontinence.
So how you do know for a fact that the dog's rectum is lower than it's "supposed" to be??? If the dog isn't having any trouble taking a crap, then who cares what position his rectum is in? If it aint broke...don't fix it.
Are you serious? You are asking about re-routing your dog's rectum? That's kind of like asking to re-route his ear canal so that his ear can reside in the middle of his forehead... lol
Trust me, I have never heard of such a thing, but I can assure you that it would cost multiple thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands of dollars, that is, if you can even find someone to do it. Your average vet probably wouldn't even attempt it, unless he was unscrupulous and just wanted to take your money, regardless of the outcome of the surgery. You would have to find some kind of doggie rectum specialist.
Just leave it be. He/she will learn to live with it, and you should be able to do so too.

Any tricks to stop a puupy from nipping fingers and toes?

I have tried giving her toys instead, but she still prefers the fingers. None of my Westies has liked those "Nylabones". They have all prefered the rawhides which are not good for them. Any suggestions? Dora is just over 8 weeks old and has had a rough time medically. She's better now though :-) Thanks in advance for all the great advice!
Here's a link with some excellent suggestions for addressing the biting behavior.
There are these longish dark brown round things called pizzles or bully sticks (just ask-the petstore'll know what u mean) and they are natural and don't gum up in the gut like rawhide does.
Also, a rope toy is nice for teething.
When she does your fingers, gently but firmly hold her around the snout and tell her NO firmly.
Better start now, or she'll get the idea it's not a problem.
Even if she's had health problems she needs discipline.
Kids %26 pets: nobody likes 'em if they're dirty or ill-mannered.
Make a sharp noise like "no", "yip" and immediately stop playing or paying attention to the pup. That is what the mother dog does.
She will eventually learn that "mouthing" (puppy biting) is unacceptable and stops her fun with you.
Be patient, this is a normal part of puppy development, you just have to consistently show it is not acceptable to you.
Put some sour lemon or lime juice on your fingers. She probably not like the taste, and she will stop. I hope this works! Good luck!
You can also buy a bottle of Bitter Apple from the pet store and spray it on your fingers and toes.
Hi! I am a pug owner and have had several litters of puppies over the years. The best solution I've found to stopping the chewing of hands and feet is to put a little bit of a product called Bitter Apple on my hands and feet. It comes in a spray bottle at pet stores and is perfectly harmless to pets but does have a bitter taste that stops them immediately. Once they get a taste of it they don't want to mouth those areas anymore and the product can be used on anything you don't want them to chew on as well.

Any training tips for my 2 year old dog? (see details)?

My dog has some annoying habits. But since she is our family鈥檚 first dog we are unsure if these problems are helpable or if she just acting like a dog. Can any of you dog experts out there help [w/o sending us to a professional trainer]? Here are the problems:
1) Ok she loves walks. We taught her that walks were meant to relieve yourself and she goes. But even after one (even long ones) she might go #2 (sometimes #1 too) on the rug 鈥?sometimes even if she just had a walk 30 minutes ago. This isn鈥檛 everyday but it is a problem. But she isn鈥檛 sick. We also tried to put her on a daily bathroom schedule. But it turned out impossible because of our family's routine is different everyday.
2) Our dog automatically shreds/chews on anything and will destroy it! Luckily she never got hurt from doing this but we are tired of worrying that she swallowed something and sick of our stuff getting ruined. She chews on those chewable rawhides thingys but likes shredding things she shouldnt too.
Feed your dog her meals at the same time every day, which will help regulate her schedule. She may be trying to tell you that she is not getting enough exercise, so try walking her a little longer or take her to a dog park where she can get some good fun/play time and good exercise. Also monitor the amount of water she drinks and take her out when you seen she's had some water. If you're walking her only long enough for her to do "her business" and then bringing her right back home, she is telling you that she needs more time outside and more exercise. Because YOUR schedule is different every day doesn't mean that HER schedule has to be different every day. Try taking her out at the same times every day and if all else fails, crate train her. If she is shredding things she shouldn't, she is telling you that she is bored, so get her some good interactive toys to play with like the Buster Cube, a Kong toy which has been stuffed and frozen, or a large marrow bone, or a treat/kibble dispensing toy. Those toys will entertain and amuse her and keep her occupied with good things, rather than ruining things she shouldn't be. Some consistency with her meal times and good long walks, good exercise and play times, and interactive toys should all greatly help. Good luck!
get a dog crate for her to stay in. then take her out to do her business, she want do it in where she sleeps and stays. in the dog crate.then she will learn to do it all.when she goes out then she will be OK probably after a couple of months in that crate
The best thing you can do is to crate train her. This will help with the potty training and chewing. Also let her know when she goes to the bathroom outside that you are really happy and startle her to teach her she is bad when she does it inside.
Now on the chewing, give her hard plastic toys or natural bones not raw hid as it can make her sick. These toys are harder to break and are less likely to be shredded. Rubber Cong toys work good too and you can put treats in them. Let her know your disappointment when you catch her chewing on something she shouldn't. Startle her and then redirect her to something acceptable. She is still a baby and is teething. Like a baby she doesn't always know what is good to teethe on.
You have to understand the breed mix. Poodles are very active dogs %26 need long walks %26 playtime. Schnauzers tend to be nervous %26 stressed easily. The stress will cause the chewing %26 tearing up stuff just because that's what they do to get the stress out. If poodles don't get enough exercise, they will also be destructive.
I share my home with 3 poodles %26 a yorkie/schnauzer mix. We take 3 mile walks a day plus playtime %26 a doggy door with a fenced in yard. They get enough exercise %26 I personally believe that dogs should be in pairs. They need someone that can play on their level %26 rough house with them. I know when we added a 2nd dog, many of our problems went away. And since your schedule fluctuates daily, that may be just what you need to do.
Many people will say put the dog in a crate when you aren't home. Personally, if I wanted animals in a cage, I'll go to the zoo. My dogs, all 6 ages 2 yrs to 13 yrs, are housetrained, do not tear up anything when they are left alone, do not fight %26 are happy, healthy dogs. That's what works for us.

Any tips??

i have done my research but would like some extra tips ! i have 2 year old female patterdale cross and we are getting an english bull terrier puppy male on monday! what is the best way to intoduce them to one another?
any help is appreciated
thanks in advance xx
we had the same problem.
so what we did we just brought the new puppy in and put her on the floor.
our older dog, went up to her sniffed the then went a laid back down (he was only 4 then but still lazy).
we had a place for out new puppy to be on her own, which was the kitchen in this case as she wouldnt get out of it!!.
we didnt have a crate as our family dont belive in enclosing dogs in cages. the first week we took it in turns to sleep with the 2 dogs in the living room. feed the older dog first! play with the older do first! do everything with the older dog first so she knows she is the boss.
they should get on fine as ur patterdale x is still quite young her self. and where ur new terrier pup is male where she is female, dogs most of the time get on better with new dogs that are opposite sex (i have found this though other people may have different opinions).
good luck!
i dont no
get them a table in a nice restaurant.
Just let them play together when they meet. There will be a lot of butt sniffing at first but they should be fine. Be prepared to have a place where the new puppy can have for his or her own. I suggest a crate. Keep an eye on them and discourage aggressive behavior.
outside the home maybe on fields where it is neutral, on a lead at first and show your dog that you welcome the new arrival but don't get the other dog jealous, good luck
Gradually is the secret, don't try to do it too quickly, allow them to get to know each other under close supervision.
I would say introduce them on neutral territory but, as your newcomer is a pup and I'm guessing won't be fully immunised, this is probably not possible at the local park.
Do you have a friend or relative who doesn't have dogs and is willing to allow you to use their garden for half an hour or so, just to allow these two to meet on neutral terms? If so then that's your best bet. Once they've got over the initial introductions then take them home together.
Make sure your girls favourite toys etc are hidden from sight for a week or so and give each dog a new toy when they arrive home so they're starting on a level footing.
Make sure you give attention to each of them in similar amounts. Don't favour the pup over your adult girl.
I would suggest separating them at night or when you're not with them, perhaps using crates. A crate is a useful aid in house breaking for a pup too plus it gives them each a little space of their own.
Good luck
When we brang our lab cross male home at 10 weeks old, we initially had our 4 year old terrier female shut in the living room. To bring a puppy home and then let strange dogs come rushing over to investigate, can be extremely frightening for a pup who has only known it's mum and littermates. We let our pup sniff around for about 10-15mins and took him out in the garden to the loo, then we put him in his crate with a new toy and blankets etc and brang our terrier into the room ( we was holding her ) She was very interested at the new arrival and when we put her down on the floor she sniffed all around the crate curiously, our pup didn't bat an eyelid but was nervous of her being there. Then we swapped them round and our pup just walked off in the opposite direction. Next we introduced them with our terrier on the lead and both in the same room, our terrier gave a low grumble warning at our pup but didn't snap at him. After a day of introducing them like this and giving our puppy time to settle in, we let them both out in the garden on day 2 of having our pup and they were fine. They get along excellently together and our now 19month old dog really looks up to our little terrier. Everyone has a different way of introducing pups to adult dogs etc but never leave them alone un supervised. Good luck.

Any tips to keep our dog from bothering us at the table?

(Shes tall enough to rest her nose on the table)
Begging -- 9 Tips to Table the Pleas

Your heart swells as your loyal, loving pet gazes up at you with those soft brown eyes. Then you notice the whining, the drooling and the unrelenting stare at your fork. This isn't about love. It's about your food -- she wants it, and she wants it now.
It's hard to ignore a good mooch, but if you give in, experts say, you'll never have a peaceful meal again. So be strong, hang onto your plate and follow these helpful hints.
For Dogs and Cats
Feed her first.
"If your dog or cat is really full, she just won't be as inspired to ask for more," says Kathryn Segura, who trains animals for television and movies and is owner of PHD Animals in Studio City, California.
Don't give in to guilt.
No matter how much she manipulates your emotions with those Oliver Twist eyes -- "Please, master, may I have some of yours?" -- remind yourself that your pet is already well-fed and doesn't need human food, says M. Lynne Kesel, D.V.M., assistant professor of elective surgery in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Fort Collins.
Make her leave for leftovers.
If you do decide to slip her a snack, don't do it from the table, Dr. Kesel adds. Otherwise your pet will begin confusing your mealtimes with hers. "If I'm eating something healthy and I can't finish it, at the end I'll put a little in their bowls," she says.
Lay down the law.
Usually just raising your voice will send your pet scurrying to another room. If that doesn't work, try honking a bike horn or rattling a shake can. "After a few times, they should get the message," says Gary Landsberg, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice in Thornhill, Ontario, who specializes in animal behavior.
To make a shake can, put some coins inside an empty soda can. Tape up the hole and you've got a noisemaker extraordinaire.
Say it with spray.
Cats can be incorrigible beggars, even jumping on tables and stealing food when you don't hand over a handout. And dogs aren't above trying some pretty pushy maneuvers themselves. To discourage such brazen behavior, surprise your pet with a blast from a spray bottle. The plastic bottle you use to spray plants will do nicely. Just aim for whatever part of your pet is handy, says Bob Gutierrez, animal behavior coordinator at the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Isolate the problem.
"When your dog or cat is driving you crazy, tell her ' No!' and calmly put her in another room and shut the door," says Dr. Landsberg. You may get complaints in the form of barking or meowing, but don't let her out until you're done eating. "Eventually she'll figure out that if she doesn't beg, she doesn't get sent away," says Dr. Landsberg.
Try a sticky solution.
Does your pet's begging repertoire include jumping up on kitchen counters? If so, try putting strips of double-sided tape in strategic spots. Then stand back and watch, says Gutierrez. "They hate the sensation of their paws getting a little stuck," he says. "They're unlikely to return, but just in case, buy an extra-big roll."
Give in -- just a little.
Some people love feeding their pet at the table and don't want to give it up entirely. As a compromise, try slipping her something healthy, like lettuce, suggests Myrna Milani, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice in Charlestown, New Hampshire, and author of The Body Language and Emotions of Cats and The Body Language and Emotions of Dogs. "If she doesn't like it, you've done your part -- and if she does, you're not loading her down with fattening food," she says.
For Dogs Only
Send her to school.
If your pooch's pleas are starting to peeve, why not try obedience school? Once you've both mastered the essential commands like "Stay!" and "Down!" you'll have peace in the family once again. "This way it's not a constant battle at the dinner table," says Dr. Landsberg.
when ever she does juve her a strong "No" and if that doesnt work send her outside.
I have found the best way to keep my Rottie away from counter surfing and getting near the table is to teach her to do something else. If she is busy being good, she can't be bothering you at the table. If your dog has basic obedience work on her down stay. Try bringing in a blanket or a bed into the dining room when you eat, tell her to down on the bed, and stay. She will get used to having to do her job of 'staying' while you all eat in peace! It may seem like it would take a little longer to do this than simply yell at her, but in the long run I think you and she will be very happy. Good luck!
keep her outside when your at the table and when your not at the table let her inside.
This isn't hard. Teach your dog the down/stay. Before you sit down to eat make sure your dog has eaten first. Then before you start eating put the dog in a down/stay. Don't allow the dog to get up and investigate and give her no attention unless she moves out of position. Expect a few interruptions to get up and return the dog to the spot, or if you are fast enough often a NO said in a low, growling tone will stop them from getting up. Repeat the stay command. In the meantime don't even think about giving her table scraps or treats from the table. It's didn't try to eat the dog's food, she shouldn't expect to eat yours. If you can be consistent in doing this pretty soon mealtimes will be pleasant again with your dog lying quietly in her spot. GL :)

Any tips on training jack russel terrier pup not to bite?

I have a J.Russel and whenever he does anything like that i pretend to cry and be upset and he comes and licks me and sits with me as J.Russels are very protective over their owners and hopfully he/she should stop! Good luck.
whenever he bites you
Yelp like a puppy he will soon get the message he has hurt you.
Dogs instinctively know when they have hurt you because his litter mates would yelp if he ever got to rough with them
Try it you will be suprised how much quicker it works than pointless smacking!
or you could wash it's mouth out with soap! yuck!
bite him back hell soon learn

i,m not joking
This question is asked almost every day. Just type in "Puppy Biting" into the Y! search bar on this forum, and there is plenty of excellent advice out there.
Bottom line, puppies bite. You have to teach them not to.
I'm afraid it's removal of teeth as far as Jack Russells go. Sorry, but they are vicious little buggers and they're supposed to be. It's the canine version of " small man syndrome".
just tap it on the norse and shout NO
I used to have 3 Jack Russell's had them from pups one has since died. Jack Russell's are puppies for 3 years and chewing anything and everything for these years is very common. A short, sharp 'no' every time they bite with a pointed finger and a tap on the nose (not a whack!) normally works but you have to do it again and again and again and again.Jack Russell's are notoriously hard to train. One of mine ate about 20 pairs of shoes before she stopped! Good Luck and enjoy, there's no more personality in any other dog which compares to a Jack Russell. A big dog in a little dogs body! :))))))
Lovely dogs, i have one myself! Full of fun and mischief and an absolute joy to own. Very, very loyal and loving, your in for a lifetime of affection! They are renowned for being nippy little bleeders but this is a ' protection ' tactic! All puppies will nip from time to time, in a playful way and grow out of it but jacks tend to keep this trait unless trained not to. Whenever it nips you, say in a loud, firm voice, NO. Move away from it and ignore it for a few minutes. It will soon learn that if it nips anyone, that person won't play with it anymore and jacks hate being ignored! It will take a few days for this ' lesson ' to sink in but it will soon get what you mean. They are surprisingly easy to teach and are very eager to learn! At this age you can teach it loads of tricks etc but get the ' manners ' training in first!
Never strike, "lightly tap", or grab at your dog's muzzle. The "YIPE!" strategy is a good one, but that "YIPE!" needs to be insanely, incredibly, unmistakeably loud. You may wish to warn other members of your family that you are going to do this.
Some dogs become overstimulated by your screaming. That's fine - you can leave out that part and simply, abruptly, and wordlessly end the game with your dog. There is no need for physical punishment - your dog will get the message after a few reps of this.
You may think this is extreme and rather funny but we've had quite a bit of experience that shows this method works. First try negative reinforcement (such as assertively saying NO). If that does not work, bite him back. Funny, I know but my husband has done that with all of our dogs and it works perfectly. Of course I am not suggesting that you bite hard. He will usually bite their nose just barely. It is risky, so be sure you know your dog and certainly proceed at your own risk but it has worked for us.
none at all-its what the little darlings do -enjoy.
whenever it bites uve got to hold its mouth shut and shout no with an angry voice and also when it bits u. uve got to make a high pitched noise.. it will soonl earn not to do it
Yelp like a pup sound wierd but lefts him know it hurts and also sound cruel but bite him back (obviously not to cause physical damage)
well puupy traing maybe good. But i think really the most important thing is being positive when he is good reward him and be frim when the dog bites n say no never hit a dog 4 biting (Not saying you would) as this would not help things at all. Why does your dog bite is it when u feed him or when around other dogs etc n watch 'its me or the dog' thatis on tv hope that helps u will prob be better of talking to ya vet tho
My way is to really growl at the pup in an angry way then turn your back on it and if it comes round to look at you turn away ,give it a few times then start to treat him as usual,do this every time he attempts to bite do this he will soon learn not to bite.

Any tips on training a puppy?

Recently bought a Toy Poodle, now about 3 months old. Any tips on how to train it?
eg. make it come when you call it, teachin it to sit etc.
I found this website I think will be very good information for you. Crate training is the best advice I can give you, but this site I am sending you will give you tons of training ideas. Good Luck, I have a miniature red poodle, she's a cutie.
I'm so glad you realize that toy dogs need training just like big dogs.
Be really consistent with it and make sure everyone knows the rules and sticks to them (I.e. if the dog isn't allowed on the couch, she isn't allowed on the couch by anyone).
Cesar Milan is amazing with training. But spending a little time with a local trainer is best.
Patience is key in dog training. Remember they already know the commands (they can sit, lie down, roll over) you just have to figure out a way to communicate what you want.
Good luck!
Positive re-enforcment...look it up on the internet, spanking and yelling dont work.believe me I have trained 4 dogs in my adult life that were my own and it is the only thing that works. First thing is to crate train the dog so it has a safe haven, but never punish the dog by leaving it in its crate. The next step is to leash train the dog, he has to feel safe with you. get very tasty treats to help with your training.try clicker training, look that up also..I have a 7 month old great pyrenese and she is totally potty trained, crate trained, understand about 5 commands, and trusts me more importantly. try these links as a guide listed below.
As far as J/P's answer about not being able to train a dog younger than a year....WRONG!!!! My puppy is 7 months old...POSITIVE RE-ENFORCMENT you are building on natural behaviors of the dog, doesn't matter how old. Read the links below...
Hello there,
I have bad news for you ! You cannot , unless a rare exception, train any kind of dog before the age of one year. The training school for dog NEVER take a dog under one year old and even prefer them at 18 months to 2 years of age. You have to cope and be patient , Correct him always but do not expect results too quickly...
Don't worry too much you will enjoy, they are still lovely but are many time a pain in the neck.
ALWAYS have a treat in hand! get a jar of dog treats and, daily, get them out n train your dog. Let your dog go at its own pace. this is what i do for my dog:
teaching dog to sit: Say "sit" and lift your hand towards yourself.
Teach dog to lie down: say any word you want (eg drop, lay down, down, etc) and put your hand, with the treat in hand, on the ground in front of him/her. the dog will fortunately drop down for the treat.
Teach your dog to jump: Say "jump" "up" or what other word you prefer and pat your hands on your thighs. hopefully the dog will jump up on you and expect the treat.
hope that helps
sitting is easier to teach than u think.all u do is slowly pull a treat to a little above the head and slowly put it behind his he follows the treat they will sit.u give them a treat and say sit.eventually theyll know what you trying to pu learned it in2 days
Get a book from the library or try a dog training book. We just got a new puppy and Dog Training for Dummies works great. Whatever u do, be consistant!

Any tips on owning a Corndog?

I already have 2 Yorkies, anything I should know ?
Keep it away from the Yorkies. It'll will give them very smelly gas. You'll have to leave the house if that happened.
Eat it.
Make sure it doesn't fall off the stick. Dip in mustard.
i hear they're good with ketchup.
Keep a good quality mustard on hand, and don't allow your Yorkies anywhere near the Corndog. Canines are known to be cannibalistic now and then.
Just make sure the yorkies don't eat it. That would be sad.
Corndogs are not long lived and most other dogs have aggressive tendencies towards them. On the plus side, they need no grooming...avoid baths.
I'm with Bassetnut! I like mine with mustard too!
well it's very well behaved. you don't have to groom it at all. it can stink if you keep in the sun for long. don't be suprised if your dogs start licking it and chewing on it. try not to bathe it often. when it's raining bring it inside. it's great with children and should always be at dinner and lunch. you don't have to feed it. once you get bored or tired just give it to the yorkies. they'll know what to do to it. i hope i helped! =D
Neuter it.

Any tips on how to train an 11 and 1/2 month old pittbull?

White and Black very hyper! When he hears someone knocking at the door he runs and jumps at the door until he is use to the person. He's not really another dog person espcially when my Uncle's dog comes over to visit. His name is Milo a mix of the names of his parents Mongo and Mila. He loves treats but only gets them when he is behaving right or does a trick correctly. His favorite toy is Squeakers. He farts ALOT! Thats why we need to keep him in his cage.(not all day) He likes to jump on people. Has rashes almost all the time but he is the most pitiful looking dog you will ever meet in your life! Hopefully when you meet my dog you will like him!! So if any tips, please tell me!
Make sure he gets alot of exersise. He needs to know you or some other human is the pack leader. Make sure to socalize him with other dogs. There is alopt of on line stuff for training a pit bull use it.
Sounds like you got an inbred wacko dog. My friend had two pitbulls that were brother and sister, and they were inbred, then he bred THEM so the puppies that came out were like triple inbred and they were wacked out. They survived fine (i think one died after birth) but they were stupid as all hell.
I have two pits. I'm training them to come and sit with treats. My dogs fart a lot too. As far as jumping on people- my dogs are learning 'down'. We say it everytime they jump up. Say it loud and stern.
1. Your dog needs socialization with other dogs. Yesterday. Pitbulls often need extensive contact with other dogs as not to turn dog aggressive.
2. Have him neutered ASAP.
3. He is a strong dog that needs, benefits and deserves to be active. He needs to run, play, and use his mind constructively - obedience training and agility are good activities that strengthens the bond between the two of you and keeps him happy and well-adjusted.
4. If he farts so much and has rashes all the time, he might be allergic to whatever you are feeding him. Talk to the vet, see what he recommends for a diet. Some dog treats, like fake bacon, pig ears and other chewy stuff contains a lot of salt and fat and many dogs are sensitive to that.
5. Start classes to socialize and get good tips on how to raise him to be a well-adjusted, happy dog.
6. Get him used to various people, animals, traffic and environment. Take him in the car for short trips to town, woods/mountains/beach, the park, to visit friends, walk in a different neighborhood, etc.
7. Don't crate him too much during the day - he will just be frustrated and end up with oodles of pent-up energy.
8. Make sure he is used to brushing his teeth, trimming his nails, bathing, taking his temperature and other unpleasant things - it will make grooming, hygiene and potential illness so much easier on you and the dog.
Take care of him and love him and have fun - spend time with him and know that he'll be your best friend for ever if you let him!
Women save toddler from pit-bull attack
LAKE ELSINORE ---- Jennifer Ruckel never saw it coming, she said on a recent afternoon. One minute she was sitting on her bed talking to her sister Robin, laughing and watching her 18-month-old son Taylor dance on the rug at their feet ---- the next, their 30 seconds of terror began.
With no provocation or warning, the family's 5-year-old pit bull, Molly, suddenly lunged across the room and grabbed Taylor's head in its jaws and began shaking the boy like a rag doll.
"The dog just snapped; it changed from a protective, loving dog to a beast within a second," Jennifer said of the March 31 attack.

Robin threw a cup of hot coffee on the dog. Jennifer began pounding on the animal from behind, desperately trying to get her to let go, the woman said. The dog's lower jaw was clamped on the back of the boy's head, its upper jaw locked onto his face next to his ear and neck and it continued to shake the boy.
Finally, the dog loosened her grip for a split second, letting go of Taylor, and Jennifer threw herself on top of the toddler as the dog continued to lunge and dig beneath her body to get at the child.
Lots %26 lots of exercise. Your dog is frustrated...or bored. Hence the lots of excercise, like walking especially. Also he needs to be socialized. See this web site.
He's probably so hyper because he needs more exercise. If he's farting a lot, try changing his food to something else (change it gradually!). Make sure you are taking him for long walks or runs and taking him somewhere he can play a lot every day. He will behave better when he's getting the exercise he needs. He might not ever be friendly to other dogs, though.
Sign up for obedience classes...ask your vet to recommend someone in your area.
However, the best advice I can give you is get rid of that dog before it kills you or someone close to you!
I own a very sweet, adorable, well mannered pit bull. I got her when she was six weeks old. I socialized her with people, other dogs, kids, car rides often, public places such as off leash dog parks and beaches. However I started from the moment I got her with manners. I also enrolled her in obedience classes. She is the sweetest dog I have ever known!!! I play with her several times a day, she sleeps with me, I bathe her, feed her, love her, and take care of her. All my time, patience, and love has paid off ten fold. My dog is my soul mate, I love her so much!! My best advice to you is what kind of dog do you want? If you give him a lot of love, and a lot of your time it will pay off. I have to say I can't believe you cage your dog because he has gas... I never crated any of my dogs. ( I have 4 dogs) and glad I never did. I find it cruel, but that's just me! I am a die hard animal lover! I give my dogs a lot of love and attention. I even make a healthy dinner for them every night. (decided to make their dinners, instead of risking their lives with dog food) Anyway, my best advice is give your dog lots of love, and lots of attention! Stay consistent with your obedience classes, and use the tools they give you.!! Good Luck!
one of the reasons he is hyper is BECAUSE you keep him in a exercise=hyperactivity.
buy one of Cesar Milan's books.he is not a dog trainer,he is a dog psychologist and will help you to understand your staffie.i own 2 staffies myself and they are a handful but you can do this i'm sure once your pup knows your are the "pack leader" in your household.
skin rash and flatulence? sounds like you need to change your pups food and bath/brush him more.keep lots of fresh water available.
its going to take some work and i hope you are up for it.
good luck

Any tips on how to lure a dog in who is lost and scared?

For three weeks now a friend of mine dog has been lost in an specific area. There have been sitings of him, but he is scared and runs away. Any tips on how to get him back? He likes to hide (under stairways etc) and is very timid. please help!
See if your local shelter will set up a trap. THey can show you how to work it and check on it.
Be sure to tie a rope to the door so when you catch raccoons in it you don't have to be right by them to let them out.
get some meat and team up with animal control, they're professionals and know what to do. they may need to dart him so he gets drowsy, but he'll recover. Good Luck :)
Have your friend go down there and look for her dog.
The answer to that is you don't. Call in the ASPCA or animal control to capture the animal, dogs who are timid and scared will not hesitate to bite if cornered or feel threatened. Have them capture the animal and then go and get it from the humane society.
If this is your friends dog, why does it not come to her when she goes near it?
Food works best....Why is your friends dog so afraid? You could also try a live trap.

Any tips on how to keep my puppy safe from large owls in my backyard...any deterrants to keep owls away?

I have a small Pomeranian that we allow to roam our enclosed backyard. Recently, we have noticed that a large owl has swooped down and got very close to our dog. We feel that our dog, who weighs only 7 pounds, could easily be snatched up by the preying owl. Does anyone know if there is a way to keep the owl from attacking our dog? Perhaps I should try to frighten the owl? I'm at a loss of what to do! Maybe I'm worried about nothing? Thanks!
Yes, Owls do sleep (primarily) during the day. However, a hungry or an owl with chicks will not pass up on an opportune meal regardless of the time. I would call your local pest control business. They are usually familiar with these type of problems. Taking advice from here could cost you your dog. Not worth the risk, seek a professionals advice.
walk your dog on a leash from dusk to dawn.
She can have ful access of your enclosed yard during the day, when the owl is asleep.
make a dog run. since this is a very small breed she does not need the entire yard to do her business...

make a caged enclosed area large enough for doggie, business, ,, and walk her to it.
donot leave unattended at night when the owls are hunting...
i have seen owls pick up animals... and we have hawks in our area as well... they have picked up small animals happens so fast there is nothing you can do...
Fence your yard from the top (like a pen) to prevent the owl from swooping down to your dog.
Like the above owls sleep during the day a leash is a good idea, also there are enclosed dog runs that have tops. Owls arent the only ones to watch out for, hawks are nasty as well.
You are right to worry. Hawks, owls, and other animals will attack a small dog.
I think you should walk your dog on a leash. Don't allow him to be in the yard alone.
You are right to worry! I have bred Chihuahuas for a long time and I own #10, so I have to watch out for this too! When my Chihuahuas are outside, someone is alway's out there with them supervising and keeping watch. I would highly recommend that you, never allow your Pomeranian to roam around in the backyard, in open space, without someone alway's supervising. Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Vultures, and Owls, have absolutely no problem at all swooping down, scooping up your dog, and taking of with it, in just a split second, and you will never see it again! You need to keep your eyes and ears open, when outdoors with your Pom, and the second you see a predator, pick up your dog and go inside, because the bird will attack you, to get to your baby.That large owl you already saw swoop down, is stalking your dog and has already tried once to grab it. There is not really much you can do, about scaring off or getting rid of the owl. Night predators are also a threat you need to watch out for. My vet also agrees! Let your Pom run around and play all he or she want, but just keep watch and be aware! Always keep your Pom inside otherwise!

Any tips on how to give my pomeranian a clipper cut for the first time?

He's over 2 years old and never had a haircut. He has so much fur and he seems to be hot all the time. He's also very itchy even after baths so I think it's a good idea to shave him. (also to cut down on shedding all over the house!) any grooming advice? I'm not sure how short to go, especially on his tail.. his tail hair is over a foot long! Any any advice would be appreciated, I have no clue where to begin!
Well first before you give him a cut, you need to be aware that his coat may or may not grow back in the same. A lot of people do shave down there poms though. If the shedding is an issue, you can take him to a groomer and have all of the undercoat removed. Their coats provide them with the proper protection from the elements (whether it be cold or heat). You also need to be aware that your pet can get a sun burn from having his coat removed. With all of that said, there are several different "styles" that people have their poms cut in. The most popular is the "lion cut" or having them scissored all over to achieve a "rounded" look. But if you are unsure how to properly clip your pet, you should leave it up to a professional groomer.
Go to a groomer, since you have no idea what you are doing. You'd need a really good quality pair of clippers, and even then, with your inexperience, you cut cut her or burn her skin.

Any tips on how to get our puppy to stop whining?

She whines when she is in her crate, and if she is on the ground and wants up on the bed. and sometimes if we just arent paying attention to her.
What's her breed? is she a busy breed that needs lots of stimulation? do you exercise her? The crate may seem like some type of punishment to her- does she have toys- bones- anything to keep her busy? Crate training is hard on dogs and people initially. She continues to cry probably because you have taken her out to stop her from crying and she discovered that it works so she continues to do. Work with her during the daytime first off- Second, use toys or snacks when putting her in the crate so that she associates the crate with good things- let her know what you have and then throw it in the crate and if it's something that she loves- she'll chase right after it. A Kong ball is the best toy ever! You put a little or snack on the inside and the dog has to work the food out of the hole keeps them busy for hours!
Good Luck!
Never give attention when the pup is whining. Lay on the attention when she is not whining. Google NILF training for dogs for further suggestions!
Try putting a ticking clock in her crate , this will sound like a heart beat this should calm her
I put my dog in his crate every night and at first he wouldn't stop whining all night for about 3 or 4 days. I just ignored him. He very soon learned that even with all the noise he's making, i still wouldn't let him out because it's bed time.
You need to be strong and ignore all the whining, don't pay any attention on him at all! But of course you cant just leave her in the crate all day long, give her enough time to play outside and exercise. I leave mine out of his crate all day and only put him in after 10PM and let him out around 7AM.
If she want to go up on bed, tell him "NO!" and push her off the edges of your bed. She will eventually learn that she's not allowed to do that. If it doesn't work, roll a piece of newspaper and smack it hard on the floor and say "NO!". If she stop, praise her! The sound that the newspaper makes will scare her.
I guess the point is, be the boss to your dog. You dont need to feel sorry for her everytime she whines.. Just make sure you give her enough attention and love! ;o) Good luck!
Make sure that she has daily routines of playtime and training when she has your undivided attention. This often stops the dog from whining the rest of the day. If that doesn't work, completely ignore her whenever she whines. Only give her attention when she is quiet.
If the whining continues, tell her gently 'Stop whining'. If she continues to whine, repeat 'Stop whining' firmly and squirt her with a water gun. Not very nice... but effective.

Any tips for quieting a noisy playtime?

My dogs love to play together. They are a 1-year-old Miniature Schnauzer and a 13-year-old Brittany. It's great because they both get playtime and exercise. The Brittany's arthritis has significantly improved since the puppy got him playing again.
My problem is that they both tend to bark at each other when they play. Both loud and obnoxious.
This has been going on for several months and we've tried various things to get them to play quietly. The problem is that most methods quiet them but also stop them playing, which isn't the goal.
The Brittany's somewhat deaf and his bark isn't near as annoying as the puppy's, so I'm focusing on the one who can hear me. What I'm currently doing is yelling at him (yell as in needs to be loud so he can hear my over the racket--not angry yell) "Quiet." Then I praise as he plays quietly. (He know this command and when he's not in the middle of a game he's very good at it.)
Works some, but I'd appreciate any other tips anyone has.
I'm going through the same thing at the moment with two puppies I kept from my last litter, brother %26 sister. They are so noisy, especially in the evening, when they have a crazy half hour. Nothing sems to stop them. I have tried rattling cans with pebbles in them, squirting them with a water spray, yelling at them but they just carry on being manic until they just drop. All puppies do it. It's just them having fun.
I know they will grow out of it in time. All my dogs have been the same in puppyhood but once they mature this type of behaviour does stop.
I have found it's no use getting uptight about it. They are just using up their excess energy. Once they get a bit older and you can take them out for a walk things will start to calm down.
Rolled paper works like a charm. Hell, I take rolled paper when we go for a ride, go in the boat, everywhere. If I forget, we stop and buy an Enquirer, perfect size, does not hurt them.
I usually smack my leg with the paper, the sound get them to settle, I also give the command "settle" when I pop the paper.
My dogs did the same thing, but when they started to bark my mom use to have us go play with them telling them "Shhhh" or she would go and play with them. as soon as they stopped barking then we would leave them alone and they where pretty good. I don't think that they are ever going to stop barking though. Sorry. Also just like kids when they get into a game they seem to get louder and you just have to remind them to quite down.
I have a mini schnauzer, and her and her otehr doggie friend that comes over, they play alotttttttttttt but they only growl, wich is nice, but when the doorbell rings, its another story lol.
Well to get them to hush, try a muzzle. at first they will try to take it off, but keep putting it back on and they will get the hang of it. When they play and dont bark give them a treat and say "good doggies" or whatever you say.
My mini schnauzers bark is very low, which is funny, it sounds like we have a huge dog in our backyard, when she is out there, when she plays.
her firend doggie is a mini too and her bark is loud!!! and high pitched just like schnauzers are!! What they did to trian her was saying a really obnoxious sound like a buxxer noise that goes "EEEiiNNTT" or something like that lol. and it worked tremedusly!! also you have to use your finger and point it at them while saying it! and holding their muzzle down helps too.
I just put mine outside when the playing starts. They kinda figured it out and will usually go out on their own.
It sounds like I have Grizzly Bears when they play. Furniture goes flying too. Outside is my only option.

Any tips for letting a pup know he is not the boss of the household?

Hi. My 10 week old Shiba Inu Pup is beginning to think he is boss. Generally it is just a mouthing problem which i am currently dealing with but during his 'mad half hours' he is barking at growling at family members and the more he is told of the more he barks. i have had advice frrom the breeder and i had researched the breed before i decided on him but unfortunately i have yet to find a method which has proved to be effective. if anyone has any ideas then please do let me know! Thanks!
Rush out now and buy the Jan Fennell books or DVD. Basically you have to not shout as to the pup that is communication. The pup can't tell the difference between being shouted at and you being nice to it. Do not, at any time, give eye to eye contact as that is communication as well. Ignore the bad behaviour and praise the good. Stick and carrot metaphorically.
Jan Fennell's method is based on the fact that inside every dog from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane, is a wolf. She watched the behaviour of wolf packs and came up with her system. The Alpha Wolf ignores his pack until it suits him, he eats first (let him see you have a biscuit or something before he is fed), go through doorways first, ignore him for the first 5 minutes when you come in. Eventually the penny will drop. I highly recommend Jan Fennell's methods though.
pick him up briefly by the back of the neck and say NO! this is what his mother would do.
when you play a game of ,never let it win-then it will know whos boss. also theres a chance the dog is a bit frightened of something
When he acts up, ignore him completely. He thinks you are barking back when you tell him off and thats a lot of fun for him.
Ignore him until he calms down and then give him attention when he is being better behaved.
10 weeks is very young. He is more interested in playing at this age than in being boss of the house. You need to shape his behaviour so that he knows that quiet nice behaviour gets him attention and boistrous barking gets nowhere.
He will be a bundle of hyper energy until he is a year old but if you persevere you will end up with a lovely dog.
Treat him as you would a rowdy child, tell him no firmly and if he persists remove him from the area that the person he is barking at is in and say no again a bit more firmly.
Don't get people to move from him because that will give him the sense that he is in control.
Shibas are generally independent and intelligent dogs and some owners struggle with obedience training, but like many dogs, socialisation at a young age can greatly affect temperament.
Get in touch with your vet or breeder and see if they do or can recommend a puppy socialising class, they are great for settling the pups down and helping them realise they are dogs!!
My puppy went through this, as i think most do, and I was told to put some small stones in a plastic bottle and shake it at him once each time he does it. It worked!
Our puppy was a barker and we finally had to stop talking to him like he was a human. Now we get his attention by holding him firmly by the back of his collar and giving him a loud, "Shhhh"sound. It takes a while but they get the message as to who is boss. Good Luck
Try using a can of compressed air (Used to clean computer key pads) every time he starts to get aggressive or dominant set of a blast in his general direction. The noise is unpleasant and he will quickly learn no to continue with his behaviour.
Feed him after you have eaten yourself.
When he does it, put yourself between him and the person or thing he's barking at and 'walk' him away from it into his bed. Do it calmly and do not shout back at him. An ideal thing to use is a tennis racket, put it between your feet and walk towards him, look at him firmly and just keep walking with it, putting it in front of his face so that he needs to pull back to try to get around it. But the main thing is to confront him quietly and calmly and get him to back down.
I'm not saying you would, but never ever hit your dog
(EDIT) I agree with Ladyfromdrum above, you have to let him know he isn't the boss by doing things first, thats very good.
dogs love attention... they would do anything to get one...
read this tips ...not related to the question. but very helpful to train dogs
shibas in general have a dominance issue and they like to be in control. i would suggest enrolling it into obedience classes. when he becomes aggressive show him the behavior is unwanted and give him a time out-this can be alone in a room or make him roll over on his back for a few seconds. a dog forced to submit on his back must accept that he is not the dominant dog
the trouble with large breeds is they dont know thier own strength, if he is getting too rough let him know, cry out in pain, pretend to cry, that should stop him in his tracks, he is barking more when you reprimand him cos he thinks it is a game, you need to seperate him from the situation, do you cage him? if not just take a firm hold of him, dont shout, speak firmly but calmly 'no naughty' and either put him in another room or outside for a few mins for him to calm down, once he realizes you are not going to put up with it and he gets seperated from you when he is naughty he should begin to calm down, if you are not going to breed you should look into having him nuetered as that may help to calm him too,
Start to impose the basic rules. 1. When you are preparing his food. Pretend to eat first. even have a biscuit while you make him wait. The principle of this is I get the Best...You get the rest.
2 Always go through doors first but don't let him herd you. Make him wait until you tell him to come through.
3 There should be no place in your own home that you cannot go so occasionally move him out of his bed with your foot and stand in his bed for a few minutes.
4 Keep him off the furniture!
5 Keep him downstairs. With a gate if necessary.
6 Only play competitive games like tug o' war if you are prepared to win them
7 Don't let the dog demand attention. It gets fuss and attention on your terms only so that it earns it's privileges.
8 If the dog is in your way HE moves! No 'excuse me' or anything like that. If he is laying in front of a cupboard that you want to get to...Then OPEN the cupboard. By imposing these rules he will get to know the pecking order of the household. It should be you at the top. Then each member of the family. The dog should even be below the family cat if there is one.
nobody has mentioned a puppy kindergarden or basic obedience class. When he's sitting or downing at your command, he will have trouble maintaing his self image as master of the universe and many of those behaviors will decrease. Ans he %26 you will have learned to comunicate so you have a "handle" to let him know this is not acceptable.
Always feed him AFTER you have had your food. The pack leader (you) eats first, when there are scraps left, then the underdog (your dog) can have something.
Never let your dog get onto your bed. The pack leader always sleeps in the most elevated area, the underdog sleeps further down and away from the leader.
When he does something that you do not like, take your hand and "nip" him in the neck and say no. The pack leader will also bite in the neck as a warning. When the underdog does not obey the pack leader, the next time he would be killed. So you have to let your dog understand, that, when you say no, you mean no.
Every day the dog will test you to see if he can be the pack leader. Every day you will have to remind him that YOU are the pack leader. Its a war of wills, and the human must win each time. Dogs understand this kind of language,and accept it. It is the humans that think they are being cruel to their dogs, but it is just plain dog language.

Any thing i should do with my yorkie puppy right away?

other than medical things like taking it to the vet is there any thing else you would do after buying a 12 week old yorkie??
Make sure you are using the right housebreaking techniques. Play with his/her feet every day and at four months after the final rabies and distemper vaccines, set up a grooming appointment for your puppy.
Yorkies need proper grooming and should be maintained every 6 - 8 weeks. The earlier you start with the grooming process, the less afraid and stressed your baby will be. Interview groomers in your area and find a groomer you can trust..ask you vet if he recommends anyone specifically.
I mentioned playing with the feet because sometimes Yorkies do not like their nails being cut. Also even though he/she might not have a lot of hair, invest in a good slicker brush and comb to keep you dog mat free.
Buy good food.
Sign it up for an obedience class.
Buy books on the breed.
Buy it toys, a crate, and begin crate training/housebreaking.
Well, you aren't really describing the problem. If you think she is sick, you should take it to the vet for at least a check up. My 4 month Shihtzu got a checkup yesterday. So just do that.
DO NOT TREAT IT LIKE A HUMAN!! TREAT HIM LIKE A DOG. This is the biggest mistake people make when getting toy or small breeds. Then they are sorry later when their dog acts like a complete jackass and bites people when they try coming near you or the couch.
Provided you have done everything you need to BEFORE buying your puppy there shouldnt be anything else you need to do.
Your parents didnt bring you home and then wonder if they should buy diapers.
You need to discover now as much as you can about what she is as a dog and what her needs are.
Is your home puppy proof? Are you aware of how to potty train her? Are you aware of the needs of a small dog especially one as small and delicate as a yorkie?
Do you know where to go if she has a serious problem in the middle of the night or the weekend?
Please dont take any of this lightly as it is the dog who will suffer most if you are unprepared to do what it needed to train and socialize the puppy properly.
Do some research now. Please.
fed it
Vet, microchip shots etc.
Get a tag, dogbed, water and food containers, crate if you're going to crate train the pup, get it a leash and collar, tick and flea products (remember to check when the pup os boig enough to use them), dewormers, remember to doggy-proof your house, also get loads of toys.

Any sympathy for Michael Vick?

I don't have 1 bit of sympathy for this stupid black person. I am not being racist BUT I HATE HIM! I hate animal abusers! How could anyone still care about him he should be shot! As of all animal abusers, now do you have sympathy FOR THIS STUPID AzzzzHOLE?! Please don't put in what he did to the dogs I can't bare it. And if you do I will report you no joke.
I think he is a terrible person! I even thought he was my favorite player in the NFL, and I looked up to him! He makes me sick, the dogs have nerves and can feel pain, and making them fight to the death is inhumane. They are living breathing creatures, and people cannot say that they would fight if they were out in the wild! People train them to do it, and it isn't fair! You people may think I'm crazy, but I'm not! Dogs are probably the only living things that I have ever cared about, and if you read my questions I have asked, you might figure out why.
Nope, no sympathy whatsoever.
But I have to ask - if you hate HIM, then why did you feel the need to mention the fact that he was black?
Black has nothing to do with it at all. He is a sick kcuf who should never be allowed in his life to go near an animal again, unless it is meat he bought in the supermarket.
I just pray that he gets a taste of what his dogs went through when he gets caged up in prison. Please if there is a God let there be many dog lovers in there with him. I hate him also.yes, I do think dogs are better than him. Those poor dogs had no choices, but sick Vick did.
no sympathy here
he dug his grave now he can lie in it with all the dead dogs he killed.seems appropriate
I saw a news report of people carrying signs and saying the NFL should let him play. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Anyone who thinks he should even be walking free right now, let alone allowed to carry on his normal life and play football, is ignorant and should receive the same punishment Vick receives. If they have pets of their own, they should be taken away. I don't care who you are or what you do, NOBODY has the right to live a normal life after causing so much pain and suffering to a living thing. Vick is an arrogant SOB and I hope he gets the maximum jail time allowed for his crimes, and that he never be allowed to touch a football again. He took away these dogs entire lives, their right to live and be happy, their everything. His life and happiness should be taken away too.
Only as much as he had on the animals he tortured, abused, and slaughtered. Anyone who can purpsely harm a living creature for entertainment is despicable and deserves no sympathy whatsoever.
Gee. It's all chicks answering.
I agree 100 percent. Id like to see him and Mike Tyson fight to the death.There both trash! Lets see that, see how they like it.Who would find enjoyment watching dog fights?SICK!!I dont even like seeing puppies bite when their playing.I dont want them to get hurt.
There really isn't any reason to bring race into it-but I have NO sympathy for ANYONE that would abuse, kill, mistreat, hurt, injure an animal.
Check out
you didn't have to mention him being black. not part of it. and no sympathy...even after all those questions about him
Yes I do have sympathy. Being a football lover Michael Vick is one of the most exciting players to watch. I love animals more than anyone I know and I intend to make animals part of my career but this is just from the point of a NFL fan. However I will stand up for him with the fact no one ever gave him a chance. He was considered guilty before his plea bargain and i think that is a bunch of crap. Innocent until proven guilty is one thing I stand for.
Michael Vick is probably the most cold hearted thing to walk the face of the earth.
none!! I hope the son of a beotch rots in jail and they kick him out of football!

Any suggestions?

me my brother and his friend are thinking of starting a dog walking buisness. i am 13 and the other 2 are 10 and 9. we are having it 3-5 dollars, because we dont want to be too expensive. actully the cost is dependent on the size of the dog. i think its a good idea because the 3 of us are saving up for something... but now i am a little worried because what if something happenes? like what if something happenes to the dog? we are going through with it, but are there any good suggestions out there that couold help us? please share, and no smart alec remarks! thanks alot! :)
Have your parents help u with a contract made up!
Or be extremely careful when walking the dog!
good luck!
maybe get a contract made up. Get your parents to help you and get all your clients to sign it.
Also you're going to want to make sure that the dogs are good to be alone with you or whoever it may be.
Make sure you're able to handle larger breeds. IE: my boxer pulls and must wear a hulti...if he ever got out of his hulti u have to be strong to be able to pull him back.
i think it's a great idea exspeshally for ppl who are busy.
That's great that you know you need to work in order to get something you want instead of 'running to mommy and daddy' to have them buy it for you. You are off to a very good start! There are people much older than you that STILL expect mommy and daddy to give them things. You sound very mature for your age, so good for you for wanting to earn that money!!
I'd make sure you 'interview' the dog and owner as they'll probably be doing to you at the same time! :-) You'll want to make sure it's nice, gets along with other dogs/people if you plan to take more than one at a time. You'll want to make sure he knows how to walk on a leash so you're not drug all over earth by a 100lb dog!! It would even be good to see if you could take him/her for a 'test walk' to make sure that all seems to be fine with them!!
Just remember to be polite (I'm sure you'lll not have a problem with that), look people in the eyes, if they shake your hand, use a nice grip to shake back. Greet them with a great big smile and enthusiastic 'HI!' when you meet them for the first time. Ask what the dog's name is and start interacting with him/her as soon as possible! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
Find find a first aid book for dogs this way you are ready for any emergency. keep a the first aid kit with the person who walking the dog. this will make you ready for anything. your parent will be proud of you. if your parent help you out they should also learn from the book
i think thats a great job!! just make sure your clients trust you... and make sure you're ready for the commitment!!
good luck
I think it is a good idea but you have to make sure that nothing happens to the dogs...losing the dog could get you in tons of trouble and even ending up in court along with your parents...I would draw up a professional contract as I do with any business transaction. Good luck and make sure you hang on tight! :)

Any suggestions?

I know I keep asking this, but does anybody have any name suggestion's for a male Weimaraner puppy? I will be getting him on either September 8th, 9th, 15th, or 16th. I am leaning towards Shadow or Rusty, or something that describes the way they look. I will judge based on personality, but I want to have some backup names just in case nothing about its personality just JUMPS out at me. And please don't give me sites with 1000's of dog names. They take too long to go through and I will just look right past them.
How about thunder because of the gray hair that they have. Like the gray clouds of a thunder storm. Just a though.
I think Blitz is cute : )
(though it sounds a lot like "sit")
i like sugar pie, or how about champ!
How about your name and shadow after it?example...Tarri's shadow(as a pup will be lol!) u can call it Shadow for short.GL THumper
i like rusty or something diffrent besides shadow.
How bout stain?
As far as i know, Weimaraners are known as "Grey Ghost" because of their coat.My suggestion would be the name "Casper".
Not original but the name is the most popular among the ghost i know.

Any suggestions on what to name my dog!? plz help!!?

what should i name my new dog she is a siberian husky she is brownish red and white. and she has pretty blue eyes and has soft fur
hi there! i have some ideas: muffin, mittens, gipsy, brownie or coral. hmmm.maybe blueberry?
arfie>suzzy>jollie.good luck and enjoy your new pet
AZUL (it means blue in Spanish)
brownie ~ spots idk hope u find the right name

Any suggestions on my golden's skin issues?

I have a golden retriever and he gets these awful "hot spots" in the summer. I have done EVERYTHING!! Spent about 1500 dollars at the vet after tons of medications.(which I don't believe in, but I was deperate) ..NOTHING!! I even had him shaved. That helped a little, but he still gets them I changed his food. I cook for him now, and THAT helped, but not completely. They say this is common in Goldens, but it is SO frustrating! Any advice?
I'm surprised nobody has hit on the correct answer. As you state, this condition ONLY HAPPENS IN THE SUMMER.
That means its a SEASONAL ALLERGY - changing the dogs' diet won't help whatsoever.
Seasonal allergies can be treated with low-dose prednisone and sometimes Benadryl to reduce the itchiness.
Bathing is only a temporary fix as it doesn't get to the root of the problem.
Our Golden is 14 yrs old and every August, he reacts to ragweed. He breaks out in hotspots and scratches until he bleeds.
We decided with our vet, to low-dose him 1 week prior to the onset of symptoms. Every year since he was a youngster, this method has warded off most allergy symptoms.
Please speak with your vet and do some research on SEASONAL ALLERGIES in dogs.
Best wishes
It's the food you feed him. It's common in many breeds.
My dog had terrible issues till I started feeding her BARF, which has taken care of all problems.
Raw meat, veggies and fruit + supplements.
Works magic.
I'd say you'll have to try a few things:
1. Keep him clipped all summer until you can figure out how to get rid of the hot spots for good
2. Change his diet to a food that is good for allergies. The vet that I work for really likes Merrick, the wilderness flavor.
3. Keep him clean and dry all the time.
4. Keep him from licking at the hot spots--use a cone or pro-collar if necessary.
As SOON as you notice a hot spot, have the area clipped and cleaned and apply an appropriate medication. Sometimes oral antibiotics are necessary.
It's probably all allergy related, so make sure you always use a flea prevention to rule out flea allergy. You can also consider giving him benadryl once or twice per day. You'd have to call your vet for the appropriate dose.
If you get really desperate, there is a medication available for dogs with severe allergies called Atopica. It is very safe and works great, but it is very very expensive... up to a few hundred dollars per month depending on the size of dog. It is also usually used for dogs with year-round allergies, but again, it's something you can at least discuss with your vet and get a price to find out if it would be worth trying.
You may also consider going to a Veterinary Dermatologist. They have vast experience with allergic skin issues and have probably seen a case like yours before and will know what to do. It will be an expensive visit initially, but in the longrun will save you lots of money.
Change his food to a Lamb and Rice meal. Also, bathe him about once every two weeks with a Tar/Aloe. shampoo.
I have bred Golden's for over 20 years and in each case of this kind of problem is has always been allergies to the food the dog has been eating. Your golden is allergic to something your feeding him. I have changed my Goldens food over from on with Corn, wheat and soy to one with none of these 3 things in the food. I have had no skin issues since.
You need to get to a vet who will do allergy testing on your Godlen to determine what he's allergice too and then omit it from his diet.
Until then give him oatmeal baths and then rinse him off very, very well. Towel dry your boy and if necessary blow him dry with the dryer on a cool setting. Damp wet skin is not good for a dog with issues with hot spots.
Good luck with your Golden boy!
ADD: clipping him will not help with this problem at all. I think in many was it adds to the problem. It allows too much sun to get onto the skin and dry it out terribly.
In my opinion a Golden should never be clipped at all.
Kim, what are you cooking? Many people inadvertantly use the very things that their dog cannot tolerate. I would switch to a really natural dog diet of raw meaty bones. See the link for more information on how to feed your pets based on a prey model. No need for pre-bought patties, cooking, a bone grinder or supplements - just make friends with your local butcher.
Start with chicken (backs, frames, quarters etc) and only introduce a new food after a few weeks. This elimination diet may help you work out what is going on.
Sometimes hot spots have a behavioural factor - is the dog obsessively licking which may increase the irritation? See how the diet goes and then maybe look into getting help from a dog behaviour expert.
Good luck to you both
My dog has seasonal allergies (pollen and fresh cut grass seem to set him off the worst) and he used to get SOOOOO itchy. Our vet started him on an Omega 3 fatty acid supplement. This has boosted his allergy tolerance. We also bath him in a natural Oatmeal %26 Aloe Shampoo, then with an Oatmeal %26 Aloe condition. We do not rinse out the conditioner. If he gets a particularily bad spot, well spray a little bitter apple spray on the spot - this does the trick - he hates the taste way more than he is itchy.
Good Luck!!

Any suggestions for a name for a female Ruby cavalier, other than Scarlett, Amber or Ruby?

We are getting 2 cavalier puppies in a month. The black and tan will be called Portia. I wanted to call the ruby Scarlett but our neighbours granddaughter is called Scarlett and mum does not want to offend her. I also like Ruby but mum again says no because she says it's an old ladies name (she used to have several Aunty Rubies) She would like Amber but I think that's just not very original. Any ideas?
Tinka (like Tinkerbell)
Miss Chevious
Mona Lisa
'sassy' would be a good name.
How about rosie
Well how about
Red Rose
Call her Goldie - gold often has a beautiful reddish tint and the name would be appropriate. After all, she is a treasure, isn't she?
Rossa - it's italian for red
rhow- sah - so it's not like 'rosa' the old lady's name
It may not be a bad idea to have the puppies for a few days before you settle on a name. You may find that the dog's personality will give you a clear selection!
Think of your favourite red wine; Merlot, Beaujolais (jolais for short). or Rouge
kara or betsy
Bella, I'd definately go for Bella.
rouge gets the thumbs up from me !! ;^)
Belle. =)
your puppy sound very cute, and i think that the name Scarlett would be perfect. if your mom doesn't want to offend anybody, then tell her that it would be a pleasure for a young girl (the neighbors granddaughter), to be named after a puppy! plus it is your dog, and you can name it whatever you want to name it.
Mum's eh? Ha ha ha. try mucking about with the names you've already thought of? How about Ruscar ( pronounced rue - scar ), or Rula ( Rula Lenska the actress ) or Rossi, to go with Portia? No? Ok then, i'll just go then shall i? Bye! Ha ha ha ha.
What about Saffron? It's that colour red before liquid is added.
Or Cerise or Coral both shades of red? All of them could be shortened as well which is usually what happens. lol
Amber is nice but I tend to think of that as a rich orange rather than a red!
Perhaps you should wait till you get your puppies or if they have registered names use something derived from that.
How about Gem because ruby's are and i think anber is along the preciouse stone line too. It could also be short for something like gemma (silly but never mind) or amade up name like gemina or gemevra. It could also gemini. I dunno, its whatever you like that counts.
Cheri [Sher-ee] Razel = raspberry
How about Poppy as this is another red. and its what we called our cavalier king Charles,she was a really lovely dog and has a great personalty