1) which poodle mix breed(s) is/are most desirable to you?
2) Which is/are most teddy-bear-like to you?
3) What color(s) is/are best for your most desirable poodle mix breed?
4) Male or female?
And please, if you have anything else that is related to this question, then do share.
You can see the list of "Popular Poodle Mix Breeds" on this website: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/poodlemix.ht...
Why am I asking you this? Well, I want to gather information so I can choose my perfect dog companion. I can't choose from all the adorable faces of poodle mix breeds, lol. So help me, please! I know I am being bias about choosing a pet dog; however, just to let you all know, I am also looking forward to own other breeds as well.
1. NO poodle mix breeds are desireable to me. You never know how they will turn out, although most end up being uncontrollable, excitable dogs with health issues and which shed hair like nothing else on earth.
2. A nice fluffy little mini poodle.
3. Any colour is good for a poodle although all colours have their own temperaments. Apricot is intelligent and nice and gentle, although a little nervous, black is more boisterous but trainable, white is loving and trainable...etc etc.
4.If I was going to have a pet it would be a neutered male.
Please don't get a poodle cross - there are so many issues with these dogs. They are not hypo-allergenic, 90% shed and have dander, their temperaments are unpredictable and they often have health issues. You will regret the purchase, believe me.
1. Whatever one is for adoption in a shelter- I don't want to support backyard breeders and no real breeders purposefully breed mixed dogs.
2. What ever one's life I can save
3. Which ever colour is there.
4. Gender does not change the personality at all.
you should pick an adorable face of a homeless pet in a shelter that may be put to sleep if someone doesn't give them a home. Try petfinder.org and find your cute face there...it may even be a poodle mix.
I have 2 miniature labradoodles - a male %26 a female. They are half brother and sister (same mother) - they are only about 10 kilos so, for me, the perfect size. Fabulous temperments, love other dogs and people and are great with kids. Smart and easy to train. Male is black and female is cream - male has the more Labrador coat and the female has the more poodle coat. They are both fanulous - I lookded at Schnoodles and Spoodles as well...my 2 are the tops!
I have a beautiful male Cocka poma poo(Cockerspaniel, Pomeranian and Poodle Mixed). He is tan and white and very loveable and protective of his masters. Loves to play with other dogs and not nervous when going to get groomed or to the vet. Did I mention how cute and loveable he is? Everybody that see's him thinks he's either a Bichon Frise or a Cockapoo. Before I got him I asked God to give me a pet that brings a lot of love into my household and God answered my prayers. I couldn't have asked for a better companion.
1) I am not at all interested in poodle mixes..
2) None of them are teddy bear like IMO.
3) I have no colour preference
4) Neither..
As a member of the Canadian Kennel Club.. I promise to uphold the Code of Ethics and the Bylaws of the club.. One of which is
That they shall not engage in the breeding, buying
or selling of dogs that are not purebred,
unless such activity is consistent with the
Objects of the Club and has received the prior
approval of the Board;
I myself believe the breeding of a mixed breed dog on purpose is wrong. I believe pets, and mixed breed dogs should be spayed/neutered to prevent them from being bred... I believe that dogs should only be bred within their own breed.. I don't believe that mixed breed dogs should be bred for profit.. I believe that people who breed mixed breed dogs are contributing to the already over populated animal shelters..
I have owned a chihuahua/poodle mix and a Lhaso Apso/poodle mix years ago. The chihuahua mix was mostly chihuahua with chihuahua features. That is when I fell in love with chihuahuas. She was a wonderful little dog, a wonderful loving pet. She was fawn. Later I owned a Lhaso/poodle mix, a male, msotly haso features, black and white. Another great little dog. My sister got the chihuahua mix for me for $25 to help cover the cost of the c-section for the mother. I paid $25 for the Lhaso/poodle mix, to help cover cost of shots, wormings, vet costs. I have owned many purebred chihuahuas and one toy purebred poodle. If I am going to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for a dog, I am going to get a purebred chihuahua. I loved the mixed dogs and the poodle but the chihuahuas have stolen my heart. I have also owned many other purebred dogs and many other mutts as well which is what the poodle mixes are. I currently own 2 mixed breed, both heeler/lan muxes, one more heeler, one more lab. I love them both. Still I will not support any irresponsible so called breeder of these mutts and will not rake out my hard earned money to pay for them. Both the mutts I have now were rescues and didn't cost me anything. If you want a poodle mix, please visit your shelter. People buy them when they are cute little puppies and abandon them when they grow up. The shelters are full of them.
as someone who used to do this for a living...it is more about finding out about than it is about finding out about the pup...do you travel; alot? have small kids? have other pets? aggressive household? quiet? the maltipoo is a great balance as they pretty much adapt to you.
I have a Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle), which I do to an extent feel that I saved him from an unhappy environment. Just about my whole family has Schnoodles. I've seen them in tons of different colors.ranging from plain black to Schnauzer coloring. My little guy is a beige color. He's about 12 pounds and looks like a mini Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier or a small Golden Doodle. He's the best behaved out of my little pack, though I think he thinks he's part Boxer since we have 3 Boxers too. He doesn't shed, but does need to be groomed every few months. He is very affectionate. He's not especially curly and his coat is very soft. Our family has been very happy with Schnoodles. They don't shed, they don't get very big, they're "hypo allergetic" and have great temperaments.
1. Pure toy poodle.
2. Teddy Bear like when face fur is grown out.
Someone actually asked me today if my toy poodle was "real" because he looks so much like a cute stuffed animal.
3. Favorite poodle color is red.
4. Both male and female are good. Males are less expensive though.
i would get a weechon (westie-bichon frise) or a yorkie-poo. they are cute and nice.
1) None
2) All puppies are lovable Teddy Bears
3) That is a personal preference, really.
4) Female
Sorry for the negativity, but I am not in favor of all the Poodle mixes that are so popular. I have been involved in dogs for over 50 years and I am appalled by the way the breeders of these dogs fleece their clients with promises they cannot likely keep!
There is no shame in a female dog getting bred by a "travelling man" , but, there is greed, etc. involved in deliberately breeding to produce "Mutts".
I admire your dedication to getting educated on the subject as ...to be "forewarned is to be forearmed"
I , at one time, kept only male dogs! I did discover that , when I switched to females, that I preferred the females when it came to so many aspects of communal living. Males are driven by their hormones even when neutered, they are strong ( physically and mentally) , frequently stubborn, more likely to roam, and so on.
Not that the female dogs cannot show similar characteristics, I just find that the females are easier to handle.
If you prefer a mixed breed dog, have you checked out the Humane Society, Shelters, Veterinary clinics, the newspaper , etc for puppies. There are so many wonderful dogs in these places that are dying for homes.
I don't expect this will sway you as you seem to be quite focused, but, you did ask!
Good luck in your search for the perfect dog!
I rescue dogs, and I have found that my "perfect dog" is the one I can put my arms around right now!
why breed a mix. you get into a lot of problems there. but if you are set on a poodle mix, check out the shelters and humane societies. there are to many mix and pure breeds dying every day in the shelters. please spay and neuter your pets. stop the killing.
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