My 7 wk. old pupper is a little demon, but mostly because I'm not used to puppy play biting. I've tryed a few different methods to get him to stop "nipping" but I need to know the proper way to do it, because he knows how to bite, hard. Any websites or references would be great.. : ) thankz
First and foremost.NEVER HIT YOUR DOG. It accomplishes absolutely nothing except making the dog afraid of you and learning that people can't be trusted. All puppies MUST bite. They are teething. Make sure you have plenty of chew toys for him. As for stopping him from biting you.the following method worked for all the dogs I had/have. When he bites, gently grasp his muzzle closed.tilt his face so he is looking you in the eye..with your other hand point at him.give him a stern look and with a firm voice say: NO BITE. Then refuse to play with him.or just walk away. Do this EVERY time. Eventually they get it. But you must be 100% consistent.and patient. Do not do this technique in anger. Good luck!
Everytime he nips at you, yell NO very loud and low sounding in his face like a growl. Be the Mum and be firm.
try hitting his nose when he does it, he needs to know mean behavior is bad, he will probably grow out of it in a little, but he still needs to learn now.
Don't hit him.. or flick his nose or anything like that.. it won't teach him not to bite, but will actually encourage him to bite more..
You hold his little muzzle in your hand, and you look into his eyes and you tell him in a deep voice.. NO.. Then you get up and walk away.. Teach him that if he bites, you will not play with him.
When he bites, Grab him hard, don't hurt him just VERY STERNLY.
Haul his face up in front of yours and YELL NO !! Very loudly.
Dogs hate this. after about 10 of these He will stop.
His mother would bite him usually on the Butt.
You can do this too, Go ahead, or use my method.
If you use the biting method the question is how hard to bite.
Try 3. Soft.3...Hard.Damage.
It's a joke, just yell, it works.
Do it immediately, swift, sure.( like gravity, always, consistant, immediately).
your puppy is probably just teething. if it hurts when he is biting you, say "OW!" really loud so it'll scare him a little. then he would learn not to bite people. it would help to get him more chew toys. don't worry, he'll eventually grow out of it. i hope that i helped.
The biggest thing is to give him another avenue for his teething. when he chews on you, tell him no and then immediately give him a toy to chew instead. Praise him for chewing on the correct toy. Hopefully he'll "get it" after a while. Another "tough love" approach is when he bites you "bite" him back. curl his lip under around his teeth and gently squeeze (enough to where he whimpers) so that he's biting himself and can feel that it hurts. I have done this w/ numerous puppies and they seem to understand.
However you chose to control the problem. get a handle on it before he's a huge Am Staff. male and hard to handle. You're in the best time frame to curb unwanted behaviors. Also, puppy classes are a must to socialize him and get him well trained. Good luck w/ the baby!
All dogs teeth but when they are with there mother she will put them on there back like as if to say enough this also establishes dominance which is something you want to get out of the way while he is a little pup. When he gets out of control with the biting gently put him on his back and gently hold him there at first he wont like it but once he knows your the dominate dog he will just lay there till you let him up.
most others gave good advice..but I want to adjust one thing they all said...
do NOT yell loudly. Instead, use a low, VERY stern voice. I call it my "bad dog voice".
DP has agood answer, but I don't like the word No. It gets so overused with our dogs that they do become (just like kids) completely desensitized to it. Your pup is a little young. If he were still with his brothers and sisters and they are rolling around, wrestling, when one of them got too rambunctious, it would yelp. When my dogs were pups I attempted to mimic the yelping noise. Then I took my hand away, got up and walked away. I don't know if NO or yelp is better, or really if it matters. But the important thing is, whether you say no or yelp, you STOP playing. You don't say no or softer or gentle and keep playing. You say whatever word you are going to, get up, and walk away or simply turn away - but do not play with the pup. This teaches the pup that he was too high a level/rambunctious. And this is exactly what his littermates would do. They play, they wrestle, they yelp, the stop. They sit there breathing, then they play again and it's at a lower level. That is what you need to achieve - and this will be on-going.
Also - this is something that any and everyone that has access to your pup needs to do. You have a powerful breed - a breed that many people are already thinking is going to be a terrible biter (I don't, others do). So you must make sure that everyone acts the same way as you are about the biting. He needs to learn that biting is not ok. If everyone does the same thing - OW - and turns away, he will learn that biting is not ok. If one person allows it - the inconsitencies can make training impossible at worst, or very difficult at best.
Good luck !
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