Sunday, August 2, 2009

Akita is a japan fighting dog?! YES OR NO?

I just what a Yes or no answer please?!

Is an AKITA japanese Fighting DOG?!
It was originally bred for hunting large game in Japan. Very nobel breed which demanded great respect in ancient Japan.
There was actually a special language for the breed called "dog words."
No current dog breed has ever been originally bred for fighting. That is a myth.
Yes...wait ...No can if you want it to be
An Akita is more of a guard dog than a fighting dog, although it will not hesitate to fight. They're a very protective family dog %26 will attack if they feel that you are being threatened. Akitas need structure/training/guidance from a very early age. If they are well balanced they are actually a very docile, pleasant dog to have around. Try checking out - this site is great!
Yes and NO
Akitas were used to hunt bears. They also guard children and property. An Akita with a good temperament is worth its weight in gold. Many Akitas are agressive with other dogs because they are not socialized.
Japanese Akita
Akita Inu
Akita Prefecture
Shishi Inu
There are four kinds of Akita's, but all started from the same place.
Courageous, strong, and spirited, the Akita is the most beautiful of the Japanese dogs. An excellent hunter of deer and wild boar, the Akita in times past would readily attack the black bear of Hokkaido Islands. Used in dogfights for nearly three centuries in feudal times, the breed almost disappeared because few dogs survived these spectacles. Today, dogfights are prohibited and the Akita, considered Japan's national dog, is most often used as a police and guard dog. Despite its strength, this is a docile and affectionate animal that makes a fine, highly prized house-pet.
ORIGINS: The Akita is one of three spitiz-types dogs native to Japan. At one time, only the Japanese aristocracy was permitted to own the formidable hunter. The breed has changed little since the seventeenth century.
NO the Tosa Inu is the more renowned fighting dog of Japan.
The Akita was originaly bred for big game hunting, and guard dog and companion of the house hold.
Western soldiers in Japan saw the Akita and its ability to hunt and hold at bay big game, and thought that they could make good fighting dogs, but their time in the pit was short lived as they could not keep up with the more agile dogs, so they started cross breeding the Akita with other dogs that are better fighters but still could not create the ultimate fighting dog, so they then focused their attention on the Tosa Inu instead.
Yes, but it was long time ago.
No, for nowadays.
Famous fighting Japanese dog in modern days is Tosa.

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