Sunday, August 2, 2009

Alaskan Malamutes & cats?

If a Malamute is raised from a "puppy" in a house with cats, think it'll be okay?
If so, at what age would you start thinking it's NOT a good idea to introduce one into a house with cats? 10 weeks? 20 weeks? 30 weeks?
And not to be a dick, but I'm really only interested in first hand accounts, whether you or someone you know. No "Well, I heard from a friend that one of his friend's cousins..." or "I read on the internet..." type of stuff.
We had a malamute, and we had her first and then we got our cat, and we just sort of let them do their own thing. The dog at this point was almost 2 I think and she did fine. She had her moments where she would snap at him or the other way around, but they were buddies and when we would take her for a walk and come home he would be sitting by the door waiting for her. I think if you let them hang out on their own terms, it should be fine, don't force them together.
Hope this helps.
It should be alright just introduce your dog to the cats slowly and see how they get on it may need a few sessions of this but eventually they should be ok with each other, and if at one point they completely ignore each other then you have cracked it but when they are together don't fuss over both of them just walk away out of there sight once they are calm enough and keep checking on them every couple of minutes because if they were to be in the same house together you wouldn't be hovering over them.I'm not saying for definite that they will get on because it depends on both the cats and the dogs personality and if they have any patience for each other or one of them may be naturally vicious with other animals you never know unless you try.
It depends on the dog, and the cats. One of my friends got a kitten when her dog was about 3 (reverse, I know, but it's a similar thing), and she was always fine with the cat, but when she had puppies, the one that they kept never tolerated it even though the cat had been present for all of his life. I suppose it could depend on the gender of the animals, but I doubt it. De-sexed animals are normally more accepting than (er, sexed?) ones.
My dog's breeder was a lady of great experience and she used to put her two siamese cats into the puppies run every day. It had a brilliant effect. If you are going to get a pup perhaps you could ask the breeder to do the same if she has cats? Long shot but worth asking.

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