Friday, May 8, 2009

! URgENT !?

my two and a half year old weimaraner has several small what appear to be growths on his neck. It's on the back of his neck, under the collar. They're about the size of the pit of a cherry. I just noticed them, and immediately took off the collar. What could it be? We already lost our weimaraner of 8 years due to crushed and colapsed vertibre, and I'm desperate to find out and cure whatevers wrong with him. If it helps, he is slightly overweight, only by about five pounds, since he is a very large weimaraner, his bone structure is much larger than a normal weimaraners. He eats Purina Pro Plan in Lamb and Rice, and has always been up to date on all shots, checkups, etc. He is also fixed. He appears to be normal, he eats, drinks and plays like he always normally has. Please Please help, any answers, sugestions, comments, anything will be greatly greatly appreciated!
My very large dog (Bluetick Coonhound - 5 years old - 110 pounds) suddenly developed these, too. RIght under his neck and down on his chest. I took him to the vet. He said this was fairly common in large dogs. He took a sample from one of them, then froze the two of them off. They were simply fatty tumors. He has another one now that I will be taking him in to have removed. I would go in and have them checked, but don't worry for nothing. While certainly it could be cancerous, it sounds like these fatty tumors are pretty common in large breed dogs, so I would stress about it until you find out for sure.
Also, your dog may sense your stress and not be a very good patient!! So stay calm until you find out.
Sorry for the loss of your other dog.
could be a tumor or just a growth u should get him checked
You may get some good advice on here but I think the best thing to do is to contact your vet and have him checked out asap.
take him to the vet tomorrow.
Cherry pit size? Are they loose and floppy, or tight to the flesh? Without actually being there, no one can be certain, but if they just suddenly appeared, and they are kind of loose and floppy, I suspect they are ticks. Can you send a photo?
it could either be fat deposits , swollen bug bits or tumors
I would not fool around and take him to the vet ASAP! Call tomorrow and make an appt. They could be something serious or it could be nothing, but take him to the vet just to be sure!
My 10 year old Black lab died from tumors that were around the belly and neck. But she didn't eat much at all during that time so we took her to the vet ASAP. And they told me all that i needed to know..i agree you should get him checked by a vet.
Check with your vet. It could be a tumor or it could be just a benign cyst (just a lump of fat or something which is harmless). Your vet may just drain it with a syringe (if it is somewhat soft and mushy) or may have to excise it (cut it out with a scalpel).
Either way, it's best to find out from your vet what it is and what kind of treatment (if any) will be necessary rather than waiting and wondering (or letting it get worse when it can be cured now).

Good luck!
Your dog might have been bitten or stung by an insect. Check to see if the growths areas cause your dog discomfort. Then call your vet or a veterinary hospital and describe the growth and your dog's reaction. Of course they can't diagnose it over the phone, but they can tell you if you need to take your dog into a vet immediately or not.
I hope he is ok.
Because your scared over the fate of your last dog does'nt mean that this dog needs to be checked out. I don't think that you collar has anything to do with it but being 5 pounds overweight affects your dogs surviavl rate if there is something wrong. Take him for more walks keep him on his diet and get the fastest appointment you can with your vet.
Hope it all works out for you and your dog!
call you vet they will know
Could they possibly be ticks? If you can move them around like a big mole, then they probably are. Don't panic, dogs get ticks all the time, and they love to find hiding spots like under the collar, ears, face, armpits, etc. If you need advice on removing them, don't hesitate to ask.
My Weim had a bunch of bumps on his back a while back and they spread all over his body within a day or so... I took him to the vet, who wasn't too sure what it was either... We ended up giving him a steroid shot and benadrill for a few days... the bumps went away and never came back...
So, I would call your vet - ask if they think it would be o.k. to just give him Benadrill for a couple days... see what happens - that's what I would do if they ever appeard again.

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