Friday, May 8, 2009

11 Month Old Male Jack Russell - Before I get him done .?

Hey, i have an eleven month old Jack called Billy. Before I have him 'done' I wanted him to be a father somewhere, or atleast give it his best shot (so to speak..) . any bitches in the lakeside ish area looking .
Why do you want him to be a Dad? Rescue kennels are overflowing with unwanted JRs. Be a responsible owner and get him neutered.
It is Sunday, go to church and repent.
%26lt;%26lt;Before I have him 'done' I wanted him to be a father somewhere>>
Just curious: why?
I have a 2 yr old Jack named Jake they can be gay together if you want
Best thing to do is forget the idea of him being a father..get him neutered like you have planned...your dog will be a lot better pet.
Leave breeding to people who know what they are doing. Your dog should have been "done" months ago
what kind of points has he earned at shows?? no dog should be bred without going to shows to prove they are an excellent example of the breed WORTHY of breeding..
what checks has the vet done on him to prove soundness?? eyes? hips? etc - again no dog should be bred without certain checks done first...
did you know that every breeding risks him for doggie VD??
unless he is a quality dog and has proven his worth as a breeding animal - do the right thing and neuter him... he is a pet after all.. not a commodity for you to "breed" at your discression...
does he know you are going to have his balls cut off

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