Friday, May 8, 2009

10 wk old boxer pup losing hair.?

I have a 10 week old Boxer puppy losing her hair. We brought her home about 2 weeks ago and she seems to be doing well. We have one other dog, that is small, and they play all the time. Our puppy seems to be fine except the patched of hair she is losing. They are dime sized patches all over that she is losing. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Best bet is bring the animal to the vet for there are many reasons why a dog loses hair.
1. 99% of dogs are allergic to beef, try changing its brand of dog food to lamb and rice. No beef products
2. 50$ of dogs are allergic to grass and dirt. In this case the dog would nees injections of either benedryl or cortizone.
3. It could be ringworm, very contagious to humans and other animals. This needs to be treated professionally with medications. They are round bald patches that have no hair what so ever. Even the slightest bit of hair does not symbolize ringworm.
4. Since it is a puppy it could have demadex mange. Not contagious to other animals. Normally it is the hormones within the puppy and clears of with proper medication. Even altering an animal can fix this problem because you are removing these hormones.
Like I said, dogs get many skin conditions and needs to be seen by the vet, so a proper diagnosis can be given
demodectic mange
She needs a skin scraping.
There is a possibility that it is ringworm, but since it is a puppy, I would assume it is demodectic mange. The preferred treatment is large doses of ivermectin. It is not contagious to dogs with healthy immune systems. Good luck.
The best place to start would be with a vet...
Ya, most likely mange. But, there are other possibilities.
It could be stress licking/scratching. A new home is very stressful to pups and they may over groom and get a few patches.
Or, it might be allergies. Ten percent (I'm told) of dogs have some sort of allergy (usually food) that can have a lot of different symptoms. Chronic ear infections (and general grubbiness of the ear), irregularity of bowel movements, hot spots, hair loss, etc. I'm not sure if a dog that young can have allergies though.
Whatever it may be, you should go to the vet. It's best to be sure, especially with puppies.
i can be fleas just take her to the vet

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