Friday, May 8, 2009

14 week old puppy diarreah?

my puppy since 3 days ago everytime she has a bowel movement its yellow mucosy im worried but for the moment she seems fine playing normal i have been giving her rice and gastro lyte food what can it be something she ate?
please advice what to do ?
Diarrhea for three days? The pup needs to be seen by a vet. Take a sample of the stool and the pup to a vet. Puppies dehydrate very easily and you need a vet to find the cause so it can be effectively treated...
You may want to take her to a vet. There is a dog virus that is quite nasty it's called Parvo. There is a distinct odor to the diarrhea.. Even if there is not a distinct odor I'd get her to the vet. The diarrhea will dehydrate her. The vet can administer IV fluids to correct the fluid depletion caused by the diarrhea.
Take her to the vet A.S.A.P its been 3 days, it could be nothing but it could also be something dangerous.Take her to the Vet, have a good nights sleep. I Hope she feels better.My puppy is on and off with Diarreah since i got him it takes a while to get 100% better.
GoodLuck :)
Take her to the vet with a *fresh* steaming sample. Maybe worms, may be giardia (sp) which is a single cell organism common, but some dogs have severe reactions. My dog had if for almost a year before we were able to completely treat it. (My other 3 dogs are fine, just the one had a problem)
Could also be a natural thing if there was a quick change in kind of food or if some kid slipped the pup some table food.
Good luck.
Even though puppies are dewormed, sometimes it doesn't work or the worms come back. The dog could have re-infected itself by being near it's own feces. As another person stated, it could also be parvo. Parvo is VERY serious and is life-threatening to a dog.
The best thing to do would be to collect a sample of your dog's feces and have the vet check it. Call the vet and tell them what is going on. Whatever it is, if you catch it early, the better chance that your pup will be ok.
my dog got really bad diarrhea and i took it to the vet and they said it had wip worms, they gave him med he is better now.
Please see a vet! A little puppy like that could die quickly with a condition like diarrhea. It causes dehydration and possibly electrolyte imbalances, both of which can kill quickly.
Yes, it's possible that your puppy could get better by itself but why bet your puppy's life on it?
If money is an issue please try to find a way and save up money for future vet visits -- either regular checkups or unexpected emergencies. Good luck.
For one thing,rice goes right through most animals.But just to be sure I would have it checked out for Parvo Virus.Sounds like a couple of the symptoms that are signs of this terrible sickness.
It completely dehydrates a dog.It will break your heart watching a dog suffer from Parvo.IT's VERY DEADLY!
Have you changed his diet maybe his not use to his new food because my dog got diarreah when i changed her diet or maybe you should get a vet check.
straight to the vet. Can dehydrate really quickly...t

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