Friday, May 8, 2009

16 Week female puppy who wont stop urinating in the house?

We have a 16 wk. old puppy we've had since birth and she wont stop urinating in the house. She can be outside for an hour, come in and within 10 min. she's urinating again. We clean up after her with bleach and she's not returning to the same spot each time.
She's crated at night and has freedom of the house and yard during the day, but she's just not getting the hang of it. We've never had this problem with any of our other dogs.
At 16 weeks, you can't expect your dog to be reliably housetrained. DO NOT rub your dog's nose in urine or makes them think you want them to eat it, and it does not help to punish a puppy after the fact.
The crate and umbilical method mentioned before is the way to go. IF you catch your dog in the act, say NO, pick her up and take her outdoors, and ask her to finish outside. Each trip outside should be 15 minutes to give her a chance to go. (It's OK to bring her in sooner if she goes outside). If she doesn't potty when you take her out, then put her back in her kennel, or keep her leashed, and try again in 15-30 minutes. She'll learn better this way than any other.
If you find a spot where she went, don't make a big deal of it, just clean it up with an ENZYMATIC cleaner (Simple Solution or Nature's Miracle are a few). Bleach may remove the staining, but it will not remove the proteins that cause the odors.
This is really simplified, do an Internet search on crate training for more information.
House break her. Every time you catch her peeing, pick her up and bring her outside. EVERY TIME SHE PEES. Eventually she will learn that when she has to pee she will go to wherever she gets let out.
You made the mistake of letting her run free in the house. Pups should be crated until they are completely house broken. If you are not going to keep them in their crate, which is understandable, then you should try the umbilical cord method. This is when you tether the dog and keep them with you at all times, then you'll know when they have to go.
Also, pups usually need to go out every hour until their about 16 weeks, but you might have to be patient, because your dog thinks it's ok to go potty in the house.
some puppies are different than others. some puppies do that and some puppies dont . i heard that dogs in general urinate when they dont feel safe enough so they try to fill the place with their own scent so make her feel safe as much as u could ,but dont take my words for it ,i just read this once
good luck
As cruel as it might sound, there is a way to stop this from happening. To train a dog to urinate outside many recommend rubbing the dog's nose in it's own urine after it happens. Immediately take the dog to your front door. Take one of its paws in your hand and scratch it on the door frame. Then, immediately, take the dog outside and rub it's nose in the area you want it to urinate (in the dirt or grass). This lets the dog know it needs to urinate in this spot. Repeat this process until the dog picks up the habit on its own. The dog will realize that if it urinates in the house it will be taken outside. It will start scratching at the door frame as a signal that it need to go to the bathroom. When you let the dog out it will go to the bathroom outside. It takes a little time for the dog to catch on, but the dog will learn.
not all pups same..go out with her tell her go wee..if she does reward her ..i use walmart Old Roy treats for this..n cuz she has roam during day ..she is confusing herself..if byself confine her to smaller area in house..n i prefer vinegar to bleach..but some pups just take longer n more u remember the simpson's n their dog ..everything is still blah blah to her lol..if she wees inside take out n then reward if she finishes wee..treats best teacher lol gl
Well, unfortunately, Once they pee once,It's there you can't get it out unless you buy some exspenseive prduct on T.V. That claims to remove urine smells for good.God's favor to you my neighbor.
First off, a 16 week old puppy should not have freedom of the house. They either need to be crated, penned or watched almost every minute if they are allowed to be free in the house.
They need to be taken out first thing in the morning, after they eat breakfast, before you go to work. If you are home they need to be taken out after napping, playing and eating. At night, don't feed them anything or give them any water after 7:00 at night and take them out right after eating and right before you go to bed.
I have a website that has a page about house training your dog. Check it out, it might help.

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