Friday, May 8, 2009

2 sickly dogs w/bad breath...100% not a mouth problem...anyone familiar with what I describe? a virus maybe?

About 3 weeks ago, my miniature schnauzer started tucking his ears back (signaling he didn't feel well) and having extremely bad breath. Now, this is not just bad dog is not normal bad dog breath. It smells like something rotten and I can smell it standing 6 feet away from him. However, he eats normally, he goes to the bathroom normally, his stools are normal, and when he plays with me he acts completely normal and doesn't hold his ears tucked back. It has since been about 3 weeks and the bad breath is gone but he still holds his ears back sometimes though not often. Now I have come to visit my family (where another one of my minature schnauzers lives). Yesterday he started acting not quite right. Now today he has the pungent, rotten breath smell that I can smell from six feet away and is keeping his ears tucked back. The first dog that was sick was taken to the vet for a comprehensive exam a few days ago (the breath had past already) and all tests were normal. Virus?
Did the vet take a blood sample?Bad breath can be a sign of liver failure, I would have both of them checked out again to make sure they are ok.
Do you feed the same dog foods?
Have you had their teeth checked? I am guessing the Vet would have done that though.
ok i'm going out on a guessing limb here. schnauzers are prone to diabetes. and when dogs have diabetes, sometimes they excrete a smell in their breath and urine from ketones. only a certain amount of the population can actually smell this smell. i am not one of them so i cannot tell you what it smells like exactly. but from other veterinary workers i work with that do have the ability to smell ketones i understand it's a digusting, supposedly sickingly sweet smell. which could be taken for rotten i would suppose. if they're sugar is off and ketones are being smelled, it can come and go if the dog is in the early stages and it righting itself for now. when you say comprehensive vet exam what do you mean? was bloodwork done? if not i would take the dog's in for a bloodwork check. if it is definatly not a mouth odor, my only and it's just a guess would be ketones. you can smell these from several feet away. but usually the dog is exhibiting other signs such as drinking excessively or not eating normal. but being a schnauzer sometimes they will eat no matter what's going on. again, only a guess, but something worth checking out.
if second dog was isolated from first and did not have bad breath before exposure, take BOTH dogs to the vet and get some blood work. it may be viral or bacterial, but it is contagious and needs to be checked out

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