Last week I noticed my dog could'nt urinate, kept squating, I took her to the vet, she has a growth behind her uterus, I got the dog to the vet in time, they operated , she lived, she's 11 years old, some people said I was nuts for spending that $ on an 11 year old mutt.It was the "Easiest" decsion I ever made in my life, think it was worth it ?
of course it was worth it. i can tell u love your dog by spending that much money on her despite how old she is. People telling you you're crazy is just like saying what if they were 87 years old and they couldn't urinate, and they asked u to take them to the doctor because they didnt want to die and u said well you're an old bag and you're gonna die soon anywayz, it wouldn't be right. So i think u made the right decision.
if you really loved your dog than its worth it. if you hate your dog, i guess it was a waste of money.
Definitely worth it, for most people, a dog is another member of the family, not just a pet. I know I would have done it for my dog.
If it was my dog I would do the exact same thing. very well worth it.
YES ALL DAY LONG thats your friend anything you can do to help him/her is well worth it ...
Yes. I have done the same for my cat. There is no second thoughts when it is a matter of life and death.
hell yeah! once you get a pet you get attached to them like they are family.your giving your pet should be happy with your choice :] take care
Of course it is worth it, even if it wasn't your dog. Saving a life worths all the money in the world! Life is priceless. You'll see your reward later.
Tell them to mind thier own buisness. That's your money to spend. I would have done the same for my dog (if he was a girl lol). Pets are family too!
If you can say that you have no regrets, then of course it was worth it! How can you put a price on a life? Mutt or not, she is still a part of the family, and I bet she is a wonderful dog!
Think about it, some people spend two or three times that much buying purebred dogs from breeders. Who's to say that their life is worth more simply because they are purebred? And furthermore, as a pet owner, it is your responsibility to do whatever it takes to enusre that your pet has a happy and healthy life. If there is something that you can do to save a sick pet, then you should. Someone who wouldn't probably shouldn't be a pet owner in the first place.
If it was my dog, and I had to pay 3000 dollars to save his life- I would do it in a heartbeat. I wouldn't give it a second thought. I know that my dog would put his life on the line for me any day. I would find a way to cough up an extra paycheck or two if necessary to save his. It's the least I can do. I think you made a good, responsible decision, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. : )
Some people do not understand the bond between an animal and its human. Just like some people love kids and some people can't stand them. It's the same with animals. If it was worth it to YOU, then it was worth it. Who cares what anyone else thinks. It's not their dog and they do not understand how much she means to you.
yeah personal i think it was a great decision i had a friend, her dog slipted a disc and the vet bill was $6000 they could not afford it... i guess it depends on your financial network and all the money in the world could not replace the bond u get with ur pet!!
hope thats helped
Of course!
I've had my share of vet visits as well. My parents often come to visit my house, and it seems like if they see my dogs even sneeze funny they should be rushed to the vet. xD
I'm "country folk," so my dogs are always getting into something. Most of the time they feel as if they should find and attack every rattlesnake they see. They've always gotten rattlesnake vaccine, so by now they're very immune and don't even swell, but I still take them in to the vet's for a shot or two to keep them comfortable.
I swear, every time the vets see my car drive up, all they see is $$$! lol. I think they need to build a new wing to their facility and name it after me...that's how much I contribute. xDD
i spent $200 on getting my guinea pig fixed so he could have a friend.. no your not crazy! lol.. just an animal lover (for at least your dog) she is lucky to have an owner willing to pay that much for her to live life to the fullest!
People said the same to me when I spent $2000.00 on my dog Rudy. They don't think twice about spending large sums of money on new computers, large screen tvs or whatever the latest, newest, and fastest inanimate object that comes out. What does that say about your acquaintances? They don't have a heart. You have had 11 good years and hopefully you will have many more.
I would have done it for my dog and if he had to he would do it for me... ;-)
Yes, it was worth it *BUT* after the age of 7 years, people should spay their female dogs to avoid health issues associated with the entire aging reproductive system. I am sure you must have heard that most all pets should be sterilized to control the pet overpopulation, especially a mixed breed.
So what held you back on this responsibilty for the past 10.5 years? In that respect, you need to ask yourself 'Was the hesitation to spay worth the 3K you spent now to save her life?' I would guess you would answer that a 'No, postponing spaying was Not worth the risk I took!' And learn from this experience for your next dog's health.
People have different opinions, and they're just that: opinions!
Nothing more, so never mind what they say, life is priceless!
Thanks for caring! Wished there were more people like you!
Worth it if you love your dog which I'm sure you do!
Its just sad that some people wouldn't be able to afford this amount and would have to have their dog put to sleep. I've bene in that situation and its heartbreaking.
Yes,and my parents took out a loan years ago for one of our dogs,who had idiopathic hemolytic anemia,and had to have blood transfusions every 4-6 weeks for over a year,and had to take steroids and eat liver everyday,and finally,her bone marrow started producing red cells again,and she lived for 4 more years,and we would do it again.It cost about 3000.00,too.They are members of the family,and they deserve to be treated as such.
Course it was! You saved your beloved dog's life, who gives a rat's *** about the money?!
(but for your next pet, insurance would be a good idea. Oh, and get your dogs neutered - prevents these sorts of cancers :-) )
yes i think you did the right thing !! i spend a lot of $$ on vet bills,for my dog.he is worth more than the money to me.
I know exactly what you mean.
We had some really ugly dwarf mutts, of course I thought they were handsome and I would tell them that all the time too. Anyway, it was a father and a son. The son was about 7 when he did an endo trying to get on the couch.(short legs).
We had to take him to an orthopedic surgeon. He broke his back. It cost $2700 to be able to bring him home again. And then his dad that was around 11 too, had gallstones. It was $1700 the first time and then we had to $1700 for the last of them. No problem.
Dogs will never lie to you...unless they are playing, and then they are real bad at it. hahaha
They are always happy to see you no matter what.
They will never steal from you, unless it's a piece of meat that hits the floor. If you could call that stealing. hahha
I would take my dogs over a human any day!
Good for you for being as good as a loved one for your dog as your dog is for you.
You know she really does appreciate it and knows what you did for her. Heck, she still has another 5 or so yrs left in her. And all because of you.
We need more people like you in the world.
Enjoy each others company!
You made the right decision, it was very much worth it, as dogs are members of the family. I commend you, for being a responsible owner, for caring enough and loving your dog enough, to do everything you can to help your dog. Don't pay any attention to those people that say, you were nuts, because it's just a dog. Dogs are our loyal companions and give us such unconditional love. They can't help themselves, so we have to do everything we can, to make sure they stay healthy and happy! Thank You for caring!
Of course it's worth it, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise :o) She's part of your family, so it's natural that you're going want to do as much as you can for her. If she's recovering well, and she's comfortable and happy, that should be all the justification you need. It's hard when you have people who just haven't got the money for a vet bill like that, but if you can find it then I agree that it's an 'easy' decision.
I'm in a similar position at the moment- I have a 7 month old lab, who I rescued at 8 weeks old. She came originally from a puppy farm, who rejected her because of what has turned out to be a non-existent heart condition (personally, I think it's just because she's a runt with wonky eyes and they didn't want her). She has turned out to have the worst hip dysplasia both I, and my vet have ever seen (bad enough that she would need to be put down without surgery)...I get "cheap" surgery because of being a veterinary student but even so it's going to cost me a good $'s going to stretch my pocket pretty badly, and people are telling me that I'm mad, but I don't see any other option...she's my mate and I don't want her to live in pain.
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