Friday, May 8, 2009

"How many syllables does a dog understand?

Syllables do not matter. They will understand words, as they learn that they are attached to some sort of action, or result. If you repeat the same phrase, with the same outcome they will learn it, (like a child does) for example, if you say "let's go for a walk" and repeat it three or four times, they take her for a walk and you do that everyday for a week, she will know what that sentence means. Dogs really are very smart.
gggrrr rowlf rowlf rrrrr rowlf
i have 2 dogs and they are smart, but i honestly dont think they understand syllables, i think they mostly react to the tone of things you are saying. for instance my 6month old girls name is Shatzie and there is a way i say it, i tried saying a whole other word with the same tone as her name and she reacts to it. they dont understand what you are saying, they understand your tone.
One to two is the most I have ever seen a dog understand.
WTF? Ihave 1dog who understands at about a 3rd grade level
I have had others who understand at about a 3 year old level
those comparisons are relative to humans
they really don't understand any sylables. They don't understand words at all. They hear sounds and respond to them as behavioral cues, but it's really no different for them than a dog whistle.
I was told its 2, they tell you at puppy school you shouldn't name your puppy anything longer than two syllables! Anything longer than two syllables they ignore...which is why they tell you to to teach them word pharases like, walk, lay down, sit, out, come, down etc...

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